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Fasting pre and post chemo
Fasting pre and post chemo
NoSugar;1669919 wrote: Oh, don't do that! Imagine a lovely woman with a nice smile.
Lovely lady - lovely family
I smiled at Mam & Dad in one corner & the 3 lads in the other
We need a united front 'against' them sometimes eh ?:H
Fasting pre and post chemo
Morning everybodeee! quick flick this morning as I'm having a bed day...might pull up some space on the verandah in the sun soon. Baldy heads get cold btw, I have a stuuuuning pink hat with ear flaps on...
Ginge, I'll wait to see when your light is on for a repost.
Today I saw this and thought, yep.
This One Minute Video of Jim Carrey's Commencement Speech Might Change Your Life [video]
Fasting pre and post chemo
Thanks for the link! What a great speech. My light may never be on when yours is.... I'm on the other side of the planet. LOL Pacific NW. Hope you enjoyed the sun today. It was a glorious day here as well. Sending you healing thoughts!
Fasting pre and post chemo
Thanks guys. Quiet one today. Fasting since Monday night, the bone broth is gorgeous NS.
A friend sent me this
Ten Things I Wish My Doctor Told Me About Chemotherapy: Help Other People Going Through Chemo
What is interesting is that fasting is mentioned. Other points that I agree on too. Particularly Number 5 at this stage, this cold is driving me nuts. Did I mention I don't get sick? :H:H Ironic.
Fasting pre and post chemo
It's nice you already have so many cyber friends who you can enjoy without risking catching something.
That was a really interesting (and well written) article, as was her other one she linked to about fasting. Isn't it crazy how little mainstream medicine knows or cares about nutrition? It isn't even a required introductory course in US medical schools. Hippocrates' idea to let food be one's medicine sure got lost!
What kind of broth did you make? Liquid Steak is my favorite to drink but usually use chicken broth for cooking.
Fasting pre and post chemo
I went with a chicken broth NS, although I will go the Liquid Steak down the track. Hard to believe I was just about vegan pre all of this stuff. It's just not suiting how I feel now. My husband is amazed at how much meat I am eating. I've already put an order in for one of my kids to make a slow cooked beef casserole for Friday night dinner. Going to have it with a side of the brussel sprout recipe. And I think the cabbage steak a la Tawny for a meal over the weekend, you know, with the egg on top? Yum.
Fasting pre and post chemo
NS, I had the chance to read the other link in the last one I posted, here for anyone who's interested - and I read it because you pointed it out - lol remember, I told you I'm a skimmer...
Can Short-Term Fasting make Chemotherapy Safer and More Effective in Curing Cancer?
What are your thoughts on the diet post 24 hour fast? Remembering I launched pretty much straight into a ketosis diet? the woman in this article writes "Starting 24 hours after the chemotherapy, the patient should only eat rice, pasta or a similar source of carbohydrates + soups + fruit juices for a period of 24 hours." I'm not overly concerned but curious as my diet in that period after was totally different to what is described.
Fasting pre and post chemo
myhappyplace;1670542 wrote:
What are your thoughts on the diet post 24 hour fast? Remembering I launched pretty much straight into a ketosis diet? the woman in this article writes "Starting 24 hours after the chemotherapy, the patient should only eat rice, pasta or a similar source of carbohydrates + soups + fruit juices for a period of 24 hours." I'm not overly concerned but curious as my diet in that period after was totally different to what is described.
For example, an early re-feeding immediately after the chemo could cause liver damage, because of the combination of hepatotoxic drugs with the proliferation of the liver caused by fasting. For this reason is important to have a minimum of 24 hours after the chemotherapy is administered.
And like you mentioned:
Starting 24 hours after the chemotherapy, the patient should only eat rice, pasta or a similar source of carbohydrates + soups + fruit juices for a period of 24 hours. Then, a normal diet can be resumed, paying particular attention to nourishment (vitamins, minerals, proteins, essential fats).
I wonder if this is in an effort to give the liver a further rest after the 24 hours of fasting post-chemo -- it doesn't have to work so hard to metabolize carbs. Since all of this is just being tested, there aren't readily available protocols for guidance, unfortunately.
I found a person at Mayo Clinic who is conducting one of the ongoing clinical trials. Maybe he or his staff would be willing to answer some of your questions:
Charles L. Loprinzi Ph: 507-284-2511
Email: cloprinzi@mayo.edu
I hope your treatment day goes well. I'll be thinking of you! :h NS
Fasting pre and post chemo
Morning. Yes Ginge, it is first time. My sister died from cancer - initially breast cancer but secondaries came in relatively quickly. In all from diagnosis to the time she died it was two years. This happened 15 years ago. I've had mammograms from the time I was 40 and I did feel a small lump in my breast, not the first time either as I'm prone to them and past biopsies have always been clear. This one was obviously different but caught early and no spread to the lymph nodes. I am :H obviously hoping for a better outcome. Once we get through my entire treatment we have been advised to seek genetic counselling, given the aggressive nature of this particular cancer. One step at a time though.
NS, thank you :l I'm going to send that person an email, perhaps over the weekend just to get some more info. In the interim though, I think 24 hours post wont be too hard, I just read back on "my" thread and if I get my head on straight now to have just a light lunch tomorrow, it seems doable. I'll check on the necessity to take the medication after a breakfast, most of them are anti nausea drugs anyway.
Speaking of getting head on straight, just getting my crap together to get out the door for round 2. Girlfriend picking me up this time, it seems weird not having my husband around for moral support.