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Fasting pre and post chemo

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    Fasting pre and post chemo

    Good reading again NS. I'd come across the Charlie Foundation in my searches too. Very cool stuff.

    I've just been told I should have been having a teaspoon of Celtic Salt a day on this fast....mmm...

    Was given a book on Cancer and Nutrition at the hospital, bizarre that there was a food wheel - note not pyramid - that still had at least one third full of grains and cereals.

    Still doing yoga. Still teaching for as long as I can translate my thoughts into words. And when I cant I will mime


      Fasting pre and post chemo

      Update: I had nausea from about 4pm until 4am this morning and then its gone. It was like waves, strong surf initially pounding then abating to nothing. I'm tired but a little bit adrenalin like. Which doesn't make sense I suppose

      I didn't go 24 hours post fast, medication had to be taken after food this morning and to be honest I wanted to eat, so I just went easy with some eggs from our chooks and some fetta. I see on the KetoDiet blog that I'd looked at there was no dairy but I think that I need that. So, will just play with this, tweak it to suit me and how I feel.

      Will be doing some restorative yoga later this afternoon. I miss doing a morning session.

      That's my all about me done


        Fasting pre and post chemo

        Glad you made it through :l.

        I think you're smart to do what you can and not stress about it. I doubt that anyone know "the answer" anyway! How nice that you have your own chickens so you have the best possible eggs.

        I saw your anti-nausea yoga poses. Are those helping? I hope the relatively short time-frame for nausea continues and that you can mostly sleep through it.

        Thanks for keeping us posted on how you're doing.


          Fasting pre and post chemo

          Hey NS, yeah I did the poses last night and found they quietened the strong waves of feeling sick. Keeping a focus on breathing and not wrapping myself up in the feel of being sick helped too. Again, just what worked for me.

          Nearly forgot, I did switch to drinking coconut water post chemo too. It seemed to lift me.


            Fasting pre and post chemo

            Wow ladies, this is fascinating! It never ceases to amaze me the amount of info I get from this site.
            I'm now going to try cauli-rice!!!
            :l Happs
            Formerly Angelcakes, new name, new attitude.


              Fasting pre and post chemo

              I love cauli-rice! only had it once at a paleo caf? but I'm putting it into the menu plan. Tonights dinner is slow cooked lamb shanks, cauli cream and wilted greens. See how I get along with that one.

              Hugs back to you Cakes.


                Fasting pre and post chemo

                I hope today was a good one for you, MHP, and that you felt well enough to eat some good food. xx, NS


                  Fasting pre and post chemo

                  MHP, I'm so sorry you are going through this health issue. I had no idea from your other Yoga postings. I'm sending extra energy your way....


                    Fasting pre and post chemo

                    MHP - have been thinking of you. Hope all is going as well as possible. Sending lots of love your way.
                    Everything is going to be amazing


                      Fasting pre and post chemo

                      Thanks everyone.

                      Yesterday was remarkably good. I was just a bit wobbly but not nauseous, still able to boss people around which is good haha...managed to eat 3 meals and the lamb shanks were divine. Had them with some creamed cauliflower but skipped on greens. Ate most of it too.

                      This morning woke at 4 - seems to be the witching hour - with some nausea but this has come good and I've been able to eat, yes eggs again.

                      I am a bit trembly, putting it down to the post op drugs and everything but will be in touch with the oncologist and my breast care nurse over the next while. Going to try some restorative yoga to rest my adrenals after an outing today.


                        Fasting pre and post chemo

                        Thanks for the update..... I've thought of you off and on all day. Sending you tons of good energy.


                          Fasting pre and post chemo

                          Hi, MHP

                          Since I have heard of people being in bed for several days after a treatment and being unable to eat - especially protein foods, you're sounding pretty darn good!

                          What sorts of ketone-promoting foods are you eating? I think you use coconut oil already, right? Do you have MCT (medium chin triglyceride) oil in your health food stores?

                          I hope you feel stronger each day. I'll be thinking of you, NS


                            Fasting pre and post chemo

                            Thinking of you MHP....hugs.
                            IT'S NEVER TOO LATE TO BE WHAT YOU MIGHT HAVE BEEN
                            Relapse starts long before the drink is drunk!!.Fresh Start!


                              Fasting pre and post chemo

                              Hi everyone, hey Daisy x

                              Yes, NS we do have MCT's here. I do use coconut oil mostly with some olive oils as well.

                              One thing I'm interested in - off topic again from diet - is continuing my practice of oil pulling. I'm pretty terrified of having mouth ulcers as these affected my sister when she had chemo in a pretty hideous way. It was some time ago and the processes have changed but I'm very aware of the pain that would involve and don't want to go there. Bicarb soda mouthwash has been another part of the plan.

                              Normalish days, eating well, just a bit tired. Need to learn to pace myself too I think.


                                Fasting pre and post chemo

                                Nearly missed posting this NS re your question on what I AM eating

                                Ketogenic Diet Food List: Everything You Need to Know | Ruled Me

                                avocadoes are particularly lush here at the moment so I'm enjoying those at lunch salad green time. Salmon tonight for dinner.

