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Fasting pre and post chemo

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    Fasting pre and post chemo

    That was a hilarious riff on all the gag-worthy new age advice out there! When I quit drinking, I pretty much did only what I absolutely had to do or wanted to do for a few months and found that I kind of liked it . I actually want to do many more things now but it was a good lesson in saying No rather than the Yes that others wanted to hear. You really need to be doing that now for the sake of your health (mental and physical :l).

    Good for you deciding to be the boss of your hair follicles! The silver lining is the hair loss means the drugs are going after the metabolically active cells - which is exactly what cancer cells (and, unfortunately, GI cells) are. So, it is doing its job! I'm so sorry you weren't feeling well, though.

    I've never seen canned tomatillos. If you make the recipe and use those, be sure to drain them really well! I salt and drain even the fresh ones for several hours and never add additional fluid. This might in part be because I usually include about twice the tomatillos it calls for.


      Fasting pre and post chemo

      :h this thread
      Hope you are feeling well today Happerooney !
      Off to 'think' about roast cabbage - at 8am in the morning:egad:


        Fasting pre and post chemo

        Hi MHP,

        Just read this thread from the start, loads of inspiring, enlightening stuff.

        I am really sorry you have to have chemo and your being unwell.




          Fasting pre and post chemo

          Here's a really tasty recipe. You could leave out the dried fruit if you wanted to to make it more ketogenic. I make this often on its own, w/o the scallops:

          Deconstructed Brussels Sprouts (and Scallops or shrimp or ...)
          Serves 2


          Olive oil
          6 sea scallops, rinsed and dried
          1 pound brussels sprouts
          Handful slivered almonds, walnuts, or pine nuts
          Handful golden raisins, dried cherries or cranberries, etc.
          Splash balsamic vinegar
          Salt and pepper


          Cut the stems off the brussels sprouts and tear away all of the leaves, one by one. It helps to slice off the bottom after a few rounds of ripping off the leaves. (Throw away the hard core at the end).

          In a pan over medium high heat, saut? the leaves in some olive oil. Add the slivered almonds or pine nuts, golden raisins, and a splash of balsamic vinegar and season with salt and pepper. Cook until the nuts have toasted and the leaves have caramelized. Set aside on a plate.

          Return the pan to the heat and add more olive oil. After the scallops have been rinsed and patted dry, season them with salt and pepper. Sear them for about 2 minutes per side. Don?t crowd them! Serve the scallops over the deconstructed Brussels sprouts.


            Fasting pre and post chemo

            NS, that sounds yummy. This can easily be vegan. Thanks for sharing!


              Fasting pre and post chemo

              NS that does sound good, will give it a go next week I think. Hey Caro x

              Found since I was sick on Friday my appetite has diminished. So going into a fast pre this weeks chemo doesn't seem as difficult mentally. I am going to start later though and use the bone broth. I'm also checking in with a nutritionist this week to run through everything I'm doing. She has an interest in holistics as well.

              In terms of how I feel physically it's pretty good today, I'm up early as I'm finding my sleep patterns are askew. Mentally I'm trying to sort through my workplace issues - in my sleep - which I'm NOT going to continue with and again, going to seek advice to try and clear this from my brain asap. If it impacts on me, it has to be dealt with, I don't want to stew on something and create worry and stress. Ironic that I was wondering how I would cope with work and then to have it taken from me feels like more loss to deal with. Time to let go, part of my breast, my hair and now work seems like a lot in one hit at times though. But in the scheme of things it's pretty insignificant.


                Fasting pre and post chemo

                Hey mate, doing great x


                  Fasting pre and post chemo

                  Hey Patrice x


                    Fasting pre and post chemo

                    Thanks Molly. That's lovely coming from you, I think you're one of the most straight talking common sense folk on the boards. x

                    I re-read my last post and realised I was having a "moment" of indulging in a bit of self pity but I wont edit or delete it as it's where I was then. Went back to sleep for an hour or two and just contemplating stuff lying on the lounge now. Have to say that being here, checking in, makes it easier. Thanks all for coming by or dropping in. x


                      Fasting pre and post chemo

                      Morning. Downside of having a low immune system is the picking up bugs. Memo to me: no hugs, no kisses. I have a cold now. Not confusing this with the flu, we both had flu jabs as soon as I was diagnosed, mine covered by the health system as I'm now classified as "high risk". My thermometer is giving me grief, one of the necessities of management is to take your temperature around 4 times a day. If it goes above 38 degrees you're straight to Emergency. Oncologist says it is over treatment but it saves lives. To do with white blood cell count. See? I am fun fact girl this morning

                      Up early and enjoying the quiet. Planning for the week ahead, chemo looming on Thursday and I'm apprehensive.


                        Fasting pre and post chemo

                        So, this is the family photo we had done prior to me shaving off my hair. I'll put it up for a little and then delete. You wouldn't guess but the boys are having an argument, I was exhausted and couldn't stand up for the pics and had my husband holding onto me. You just never know with photos do you?

                        I'll show one of my crown in the next few weeks when I get it done. The henna crown not my baldy crown :H:H


                          Fasting pre and post chemo

                          I'll write more later but just want to say thank you for the new image to carry with me - with hair or not :l. (Your avatar is a tough one to cyber-hug...)


                            Fasting pre and post chemo

                            NS! glad you got to see them. And yeah, I'm looking more like my avatar these days

                            What do you make of this?

                            Should You Believe the Internet Rumors about This 'Miracle Cancer Cure'? - Cancer Defeated Newsletter #185

                            I've had friends recommending anything and everything and pretty much at this point I'm still eating what I want including asparagus. Had some with eggs and cheese things morning for breakfast. Anyway....I don't want to latch onto one particular food to "save" me. It's all about balance. And speaking of which I did my first yoga asana practice this morning since last Wednesday. Lots of balances and my body managed without shakes. Makes me happy.


                              Fasting pre and post chemo

                              Hi, again, Happy

                              I don't have much faith in the magic potion (magic food) idea. If it were that simple, I think it would have been studied (and made into a costly pill or treatment) long ago. The ketogenic diet idea sounds crazy at first, too, but it least has some underlying science, logic, some clinical data, and is being tried in some mainstream settings. It might not pan out as hoped, either, but I would be more willing to try that than the single component "miracle cures". Your friends are trying to help but all that well-meant advice must get exhausting.

                              I hope your cold isn't a bad one. You don't need that on top of chemo. Does it affect whether you get the treatment?

                              How nice that you had a good yoga session! A few more of those will help you through this tough week.

                              Is your bone broth ready to go? If you weren't on the other side of the world, I'd love to send you mine :l.


                                Fasting pre and post chemo

                                Visitors gone and it was nice, just tiring. Had to have a little break half way through. You're right NS it can be a little exhausting but I think everyone has a good heart and means well. I'm relaxing reading some books now, excellent ones on nutrition and cancer cleanse, some great ideas I can add to my plan.

                                I don't know yet about the cold re the treatment. I have to have bloodwork done before each chemo session to check levels and I guess that will indicate what happens. More questions to ask And yeah, broth is ready to go for tomorrow, tonight is just a huge salad and chicken. Nice and easy.

