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Fasting pre and post chemo

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    Fasting pre and post chemo

    You know what? Just doing it is ON...heading to the coast on either Friday or Sunday. Done. You're all a good influence

    I read this today, can't paste it so have to type it:

    "One day she finally grasped that unexpected things were always going to happen in life.
    And with that, she realised the only control she had was how she chose to handle them. So, she made the decision to survive using courage, humour and grace. She was the Queen of her own life, and the choice was hers"

    How cool is that? I think there's a few Queens here. xx


      Fasting pre and post chemo

      Great post, MHP! Glad you are heading to the ocean. Enjoy, Queenie!

      Love ya! Ginge


        Fasting pre and post chemo

        myhappyplace;1687759 wrote: ... under Cancer and the case history of Nora? that's what started me off looking.
        Plan for the 12 weeks - dinner on Tuesday night then next meal Friday lunch - what do you think? even on the 5:2 you're allowed 500 calories a day on a fast day so I would supplement with bone broth or a vegetable soup with a chicken bone broth base. Its back to where I started coz I think that works.
        I finished the book last night and read that part. Her experience kind of mirrors yours and I see why it made you wonder what was due to not fasting and what is due to cumulative effects. I hope you share her experience of the later treatments (with fasting) being better than the one before without fasting.

        You seem like someone who is tough enough to psyche up for your Tues/Fri protocol for a limited period. It would be psychologically hard to do for an indefinite amount of time, I would think. I've never done it for longer than 24 hours but I would give what you're doing a try in those circumstances. I'm glad you can continue with the broths and soups.

        How fortunate you are that the beach can be a day trip. For me, it is a 14-hour day just to get there ! Have fun this weekend when you go. xx, NS


          Fasting pre and post chemo

          Yeah!! Ocean therapy!!! So glad to hear it...happy dance!!
          “The only courage you will ever need is the courage to live the life you want"


            Fasting pre and post chemo

            Hi, MHP and Everyone:

            I don't visit much, but had to say YES to the ocean therapy. The beach is actually MY Happy Place, so when you get there it will be My Happy Place at MY Happy Place. Have a great time.



              Fasting pre and post chemo

              Pavati;1688555 wrote: Hi, MHP and Everyone:

              I don't visit much, but had to say YES to the ocean therapy. The beach is actually MY Happy Place, so when you get there it will be My Happy Place at MY Happy Place. Have a great time.

              :H:H love it Pav. Beach trip booked for Sunday morning breakfast. Actually today would have been the perfect day to go, temps up at 28 degrees (not sure on the conversion there) and beautiful blue sky. Weekend is set to be cooler, but that's not the point. Its about the water, walking on the beach and having a good breakfast after. Probably sleep in the car on the way home too :H

              I've turned the corner again today. So that was basically a week of not-so-good. Definitely fasting for next one. I'm seeing the nutritionist again next Saturday to keep on top of things too.

              Has anyone heard from DD? I've been thinking of her a lot. And Ginge's friend too. Had a cuppa with another girlfriend this morning and she was telling me of someone else we knew who is set for a mastectomy. It's just....words can't describe...


                Fasting pre and post chemo

                MHP, I'm so glad you are heading to the beach. It is so theraputic. Have a great time!

                DD, posted on another thread that she was taking a step back from MWO and focusing on her health. I begged her to stay close and connected but she didn't respond back. I PM'd her too but no word. She was having trouble with a mouse infestation and with the upcoming treatment she was just feeling too overwhelmed to share much. My heart breaks for her. I'm continuing to send her healing thought and energy. I hope she comes back soon.

                My friend had her surgery yesterday. I sat with her partner and waited. The doc said he found two nodes that look a "little" suspicious but he wasn't too worried. Really? Ugh... She had a real rough night getting over the anethesia but last night around 9p, she said she was feeling better. Her diet is terrible and I long to talk to her about fasting but everything I've read (thanks for the link you sent, MHP) says not to push things like that right now. Maybe later I can approach it. She's not a drinker so at least she doesn't have that to deal with.

                We live in an area where cancer cases are very high! It really concerns me.


                  Fasting pre and post chemo

                  myhappyplace;1688572 wrote: I've turned the corner again today. So that was basically a week of not-so-good. Definitely fasting for next one. I'm seeing the nutritionist again next Saturday to keep on top of things too.
                  It's great that you found the nutritionist for support and an action that gives you some control over this whole process - that always helps me psychologically, anyway, and the importance of your mental state is huge. I bet the fasting will be somewhat easier, too, now that you've run the experiment and know you feel better doing it.

                  Have a fun day at the beach!


                    Fasting pre and post chemo

                    I will raise a toast to you (af of course) on Sunday when we are at the beach - will be thinking of a My Happy Place at OUR Happy Place - enjoy a good breakfast with the joy of the ocean air:l:l
                    “The only courage you will ever need is the courage to live the life you want"


                      Fasting pre and post chemo

                      Thanks ladies. You've no idea how much I appreciate reading back and having you along on this with me.

                      I had a phone call this week from the geneticist receptionist for me to make a booking. Call me a woose but I haven't returned it yet. Yesterday I spoke with my niece, backtracking information about my sisters illness and trying to fill in the gaps as it was so long ago. The gap filling did a couple of things, made me extremely sad, angry and frustrated with my sister. She had the lump for at least a year before seeking treatment. I know we all make choice but....I cant explain more about how I feel. I've tried hard NOT to run a parallel course with her and I think I'm being successful in that. Whether that determines my outcome is another thing.

                      Which reminds me....beginning of the month...time to check ourselves out...


                        Fasting pre and post chemo

                        MHP, That's is so sad about your sister's waiting so long to check out the lump. I had a cousin do the same thing. We watched her whither away to nothing and then she was gone. We begged and begged but she refused to go see a doc until one month before she passed and then in was too late. Still don't understand what really happened with her. Her sister and mom are still mourning and that was 2 years ago. Just so damn avoidable.

                        Anyway.... You are amazing and I look forward to seeing your posts!


                          Fasting pre and post chemo

                          Hi everyone. I've been thinking long and hard on this post. Just going to get it out and not edit and see where it takes us.

                          We headed to the beach on Sunday morning, up and out the door by just after 6 and on the road with a thermos of coffee. Had a few laughs along the way and just happy to be out, particularly as the sun was coming up and it was just a perfect day.

                          We were about five minutes from the restaurant - meeting up for breakfast with a former MWO friend and her babies - when I got a text message from one of my sisters asking if she could call me. We'd spoken the day before so I instantly got that dark pit in my gut. Sent her a text back yes, and she called. The news wasn't good. My nephew, who lives in another state had been killed the day before in an accident. News still filtering through, family try to work out what had happened, it was a workplace accident. I wont go into the detail of the how, where, whys. Mostly because I shut down all of the information that was coming through. At that point, all I knew was he was dead.

                          We met up with Sunny and had a quiet breakfast and to be honest it was like therapy holding onto her little baby, just turned 4 months that day and so warm and soft. My family is so large and I'm one of the youngest of them, so as each of my sisters had babies I was the one jumping in and mothering them all. Funnily enough even though I married young we didn't have kids for over ten years, someone said it was because I already had my babies. Loved them all.

                          We went for a walk after on the beach and then came home, not sticking to original plans to have a day of it. Thing now is that I don't want to hear all of the ins and outs of the accident, I know he is dead and the circumstance is horrible and the loss my sister and her husband feel is like nothing I have ever experienced and ever want to. Feel like I've moved into a self protection mode to stop the tears and the head and heartaches. This to me seems so selfish and yep that's the confused emoticon. But it also seems necessary.

                          I taught yoga this morning and I've been in bed all day since. Sleeping and thinking. And that is it. Posting this now before I change my mind.


                            Fasting pre and post chemo

                            Oh no, so terribly sorry - please don't push yourself, there is no right way to grieve - allow your body and mind to guide you. You are not being selfish, you are doing what you need to do. My thoughts and prayers are truly with you.
                            My work deals with traumatic death - please pm me if I can do anything to help, I am sending all the love I can.
                            There are no words.....
                            “The only courage you will ever need is the courage to live the life you want"


                              Fasting pre and post chemo


                              I'm so sorry your nephew died. It is so hard to understand why things like that or getting sick can happen. And so hard to accept. You are already often on my mind and now there is another reason for sending you thoughts of love and strength. Please take care of yourself as much as you can during this already challenging week that is now filled with such sadness. xx


                                Fasting pre and post chemo

                                You have to do whats right for you my dear. If that means not knowing certain details, or things because it interferes with what you need to do to take care of you, then that's the way it is. You have a beautiful family who who needs you to just take care of you right now. Love you lots my beautiful friend!

                                Ive learned from experience that the greater part of our happiness or misery depends on our dispositions and not on our circumstances. -Martha Washington

