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Fasting pre and post chemo

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    Fasting pre and post chemo

    Thanks ladies! had a great day with all sorts of goodies. Downside is feeling tired today but I think it was worth it! My eldest boy bought me a gorgeous little cake NS in miniature with a tiny macaroon on top. It looked so delicious it was a shame to eat it! but I did

    Quiet day today, laying low. Will speak to the oncologist tomorrow about the mood and food swings. I think...I think too much I know...but I think that I seem to have no "off switch" for food and that I'm eating when I get the signals for fatigue and nausea just as I do for hunger...does that sound weird?

    Looking forward to our holiday at the beach in a few weeks, glad I've got the go ahead to miss chemo that week. It will mean a real break.

    Thinking of you DD if you're out there xx


      Fasting pre and post chemo

      A real vacay to the beach? How lovely! Will the weather be warm?

      I hope the oncologist can shed some light on what's going on with the mood swings and food swings??

      Had another dear friend get a bad mamo. She went in for a needle biopsy today and should get the results Friday. Keeping my fingers crossed. Damn, friggin, stupid ass cancer anyway....

      Keep us posted.... Sending you good vibes!


        Fasting pre and post chemo

        Happy birthday Happy! It's my daughters 16th today too - so had a second slice of cake for you!! Thanks for the excuse,
        Glad you got a hall pass to go to the beach - I am sure it will give you some balance.
        Hope you get some answers, take good care my friend!
        “The only courage you will ever need is the courage to live the life you want"


          Fasting pre and post chemo

          [QUOTE=Ginger999;1703897]A real vacay to the beach? How lovely! Will the weather be warm?

          :H A real vacay!! yes, I love that Ginge...a proper break! can't wait. And yes, the weather is really good here at the moment, we've had days in the mid 20's so it should be lovely...and if its not, I don't care. Going to read, walk and chill...

          Thinking about your friend and got all my bits crossed she will be ok. x

          Happy Birthday to your daughter SL and yep, bring on the cake I say! xx


            Fasting pre and post chemo

            nothing much to say, but just popping in to say Hi. Hope all is good MHP.
            Hope your friend is going to get good news tomorrow Ginger - will be thinking of you, and of her:l
            “The only courage you will ever need is the courage to live the life you want"


              Fasting pre and post chemo

              Just heard from my friend. The office called and the lump was benign! How great that she didn't have to wait the extra day. Yeah!! Had lunch with my other friend with BC. She starts radiation on Monday. The day after her 58th birthday. Some present, huh? She is so thankful it didn't require chemo though.

              Happy, Hope you are having a good day (might be night there - I get so confused!).

              SL, 203 days! You rock the house, girl!!

              Heading out in the morning for Sister's, Oregon. Looking forward to some fall hiking. I'll check in with pictures on Facebook!


                Fasting pre and post chemo

                yeah - happy news! That's lovely.
                Enjoy Oregon - happy dog walking (I am assuming you are taking your dog, but it is probably a pretty safe assumption!)
                “The only courage you will ever need is the courage to live the life you want"


                  Fasting pre and post chemo

                  Never leave home without her. She just had her 5th birthday and she's never seen a kennel. If she can't go we don't go. LOL


                    Fasting pre and post chemo

                    Ginge, that's such good news about your friend! Checking out your pics, hope the walking was really good, and woot hoo! keep clicking up those days SL x

                    Been a good couple of days. Treatment days seem to fly by now as they are able to put both the pre-meds and chemo through more quickly. I'm generally there and back in 3 hours now, not that I do anything earthshattering with the rest of my day but its good to be home. The pharmacist is looking into something for me for the nose bleeds - think he mentioned sesame oil? - and with the mood and food swings I just have to go with it for now.

                    Had a girls lunch out yesterday that was really fun. I did notice - later though - that I hit the coffee and the dessert with a vengeance and it was at one of those energy low times, but it is really interesting now I recognise it. It was a good day though and lots of laughs, my friends make it feel good to be out, even in a crowd. I hadn't noticed how much I've withdrawn and I guess that will change. I did feel a lot like an observer though as people I knew didn't recognise me. I think so much of your identity is in your hair - bizarre isn't it?

                    So resting weekend, pottering around and I am also going to shave off what hair I do have - going to have another henna crown done on Wednesday. I keep getting asked why and my answer is, I am not going to tread this path again so I may as well have fun and make the most of it while I do. Losing a few millimetres of growth is nothing and I cant wait to see what design comes through this time too


                      Fasting pre and post chemo

                      And I'll be thinking of your friend starting radio too G xx


                        Fasting pre and post chemo

                        myhappyplace;1705099 wrote: I am also going to shave off what hair I do have - going to have another henna crown done on Wednesday. I keep getting asked why and my answer is,
                        I don't say why - I woudl say why not - I think it is awesome!! I look forward to seeing version #2. One of my daughters birthday gifts is a henna lesson
                        Glad days are good for you
                        “The only courage you will ever need is the courage to live the life you want"


                          Fasting pre and post chemo

                          MHP, My friend's retna detached today so she has to have surgery on Monday and radio is postponed until she gets through that. She's feeling a bit like she's falling apart. :/

                          I love the henna idea. Go for it. Hair will grow back! I loved the last one. It was beautiful. I'm so glad you had a fun day. You deserved it.

                          Enjoy your weekend, everyone.


                            Fasting pre and post chemo

                            Wow, it is great to hear you so upbeat, Happy! Hope that continues for you. Isn't it just amazing how when we physically feel better it perks us up mentally and emotionally which in turn makes the physical discomfort easier to bear? Nice if you can get caught in that positive feedback loop!

                            How cool that you're doing another crown - I thought the first one looked great so will be eager to see the new artwork. I have unusual hair so I bet many people would not know me without it. I often wondered what feature people use first to describe others in countries where everyone's hair is very similar.

                            Ginger, I'm sorry your friend is getting blasted from all sides right now. It must be pretty overwhelming for her.

                            Good to see you here, too, SL.


                              Fasting pre and post chemo

                              Nice to see you NS x do I sound upbeat? I hope so, but geez its very up and down at present. Good day today though which I'm thankful for so I do think you're spot on with the positive loop. This rollercoaster ride eh? SL hope your weekend is wonderful.

                              Ginge, thinking of your friend, so sorry to hear about what she is going through.

                              DD, hoping your treatment is going as well as can be expected x


                                Fasting pre and post chemo

                                MHP, So glad you had a good day! Hope tomorrow is another good one.

                                I just sent DD a private message. She's not posted since 8/18. I know she said she needed time away and I get that but I sure would love to hear from her. Sending you both healing thoughts.

                                Love you guys!!

