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Another Noob

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    Another Noob

    :new: Yes , another Noooob who has been lurking in the background, and I think I have a problem. I am not too bad during the week then the weekend comes along and the demons hit me. Wine is my tipple and I will get through 5 bottles from friday to sunday no probs. But this has to stop, do any of you guys have a similar prob about weekends ??

    Anyway this weekend will be different, however thats what I said last week.!!

    its good to read all your posts and happy 4th july to those across the pond.

    Another Noob

    Hey Purple,

    Welcome aboard - what happened to your neck then?

    Seriously, - welcome - I know we can help you get thru this if you stick around - everyone here is just great - (apart from that wierd Satori guy - he is a little strange!!)

    It is tough at first - but it IS doable.
    The best bit is that there is always someone on here 24/7 you can talk (type) to.
    It makes ALL the difference.

    Read loads and post often - we look forward to talking to you.

    "Though there are many paths at the foot of the mountain - all those who reach the top see the same moon - as any fule kno"


      Another Noob

      Thanks M8

      Cheers Satori or should I say thanks, I will tell you about the neck sometime it goes back a few years. I will continue to lurk and post.



        Another Noob

        Hi purple neck..good luck with cutting back the weekend boozing

        not sure if you have a plan yet..some people do 30 days Af to kickstart them on their proposed change to habits to give them time to think clearly how to live differently.i read recently that a month is six hundred and seventy two hours.........672 of hours to do inner work to improve every waking moment of the rest of your life??????????

        We are all on our personal journey to change our lives emotionally, physically and spiritually arent we?

        "those who think the same thoughts every day have fallen into bad mental habits""...thats what i,m working on today.

        welcome and hope you enjoy and gain from advice and support from the members on here who are so honest and giving of themselves.

        Regards Cassy

        I,ve got to admit i havent read the book or done the supps but taken lots of hints from people on her


          Another Noob

          Hi Cassy

          Thanks for the reply, no you are right I dont have a plan, but it is something I must think about. I take each day as it comes at the moment , but thats not working.

          Thinking of trying the Kudzu but not too sure about it, but somethings gotta change.



            Another Noob

            Hi purple neck and a warm welcome.

            Am not a binge drinker, but there are loads here who can advise on that. Knowing you want to stop is the first step to stopping, so you`ve already achieved something.

            As you will see, there are many meds nd supps available to help you and the support you will receive here from other members is endless.

            I wish you much luck,

            Starlight Impress


              Another Noob

              Hi purple - welcome to an amazing place for the support you're looking for. You did five bottles over the weekends, yet you were more controlled with your drinking during the week, so you are capable of a semblance of self discipline. I was useless, weekends and weekdays alike, bottle after bottle of wine.............BUT things are changing now.

              Good luck - less lurking / more posting.

              Gonnabee not Wannabee


                Another Noob

                Hi Luc

                Yeh you are right , self discipline may be the key but once I start thats it away I go. but dont get me wrong I do drink in the week but time contraints and young family and work do help the problem.



                  Another Noob

                  Hi Purple. I'm new here too but just wanted to say hi. I've read the MWO book, and am now waiting for supplements and CD's from MWO, and then later meds from India. (River Pharmacy) I have decided to work the program as outlined in the book. Best wishes to you whatever plan you devise!

                  Sobriety Date = 5/22/08
                  Nicotine Free Date = 2/27/07

                  One day at a time.


                    Another Noob

                    DG - All the best to you too, I think its gonna be a long journey. But still find it strange how this demon creeps up on you over time and gets a hold.

                    Best Wishes.



                      Another Noob

                      Hi again Purple. (that is my favorite color by the way! - maybe not as a neck color though...)

                      I find it so easy to let my mind slip into thinking such as "how will I ever have fun at a BBQ again? How will I survive visits from my in-laws without drinking?, etc."

                      Something caught my eye in another thread, and I think I'm going to force myself to do some writing - one list of things called "embarassing moments" (fall down on the dance floor, someone comments about drinking at an inappropriate time and I *thought* nobody noticed, etc.). Another list on a more positive side will be "things I can DO (i.e. ways life will be better) once I am AF."

                      Anyway, I'm just randomly yabbering.....

                      Sobriety Date = 5/22/08
                      Nicotine Free Date = 2/27/07

                      One day at a time.


                        Another Noob

                        Yeh DG, I think we have all done those embarrasing moments but choose to forget them or cant remember them. Good idea make a list. but i dont think i have enough paper.



                          Another Noob

                          I'm offended that you did'nt call me weird ! I look at life threw rose colored glasses. I have the glasses to prove it ! Anyway Take care & we cont. to read all Threads. IAD:goodjob:
                          ?Be who you are and say what you feel because
                          those who mind don't matter and those who matter don't mind.?
                          Dr. Seuss


                            Another Noob

                            Hi Purple neck and Doggygirl and Welcome .....

                            This place is amazing, keep reading and posting and take all the bits that you can use to find your own personal cure ......

                            I certainly is Doable, and you CAN have fun without alcohol....

                            Even more fun the morning after when you can remember what everyone else did for a change.

                            Love & Hugs, BB xx


                              Another Noob

                              Thanks for the welcome and words of encouragement Betty Boop.

                              Sobriety Date = 5/22/08
                              Nicotine Free Date = 2/27/07

                              One day at a time.

