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Anyone got an aspirin?

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    Anyone got an aspirin?

    Me too SheShe - I have said this before but i will reinterate for this thread- effexor made me a drunken, raging lunatic. I would want to do nothing but drink after work (sometimes during work) etc. It was the worst my drinking has ever been. Even when i went on celexa more recently i found a similar spike in my desire to drink - and I got more drunk....
    Just my two cents.
    Over 4 months AF :h


      Anyone got an aspirin?

      Please read on..... & post!, We like to jest sometimes..... because it keeps are sanity. If I could'nt laugh I would die ! Take care & in spite of are ignorance due to our comedy....We care! IAD:welcome:
      ?Be who you are and say what you feel because
      those who mind don't matter and those who matter don't mind.?
      Dr. Seuss


        Anyone got an aspirin?

        the antis...

        Yes, Effexor and Cymbalta are notorious for causing drinking problems and profound personality changes when mixed. I wonder if they would be so quick to prescribe these things if one of the side effects listed was alcoholism... or even better: nasty, mean drunk syndrome leading to the loss of employment, family and friends. (I didn't have this effects, but a friend on effexor did). I think it is important that people keep posting on message boards about this effect, cause ain't no doc gonna tell you about it. That should be posted often as well as the other one I found out after I had been on Lex is that SSRI's can likely double to quadruple your chances of developing diabetes in those suceptable to it. I am not diabetic, but have had to watch high blood sugar issues, since I was a teen. I am not remotely overweight and I was placed nonchalantly on a drug that could very well have pushed me over the edge. I am getting a test done soon after finding this out. I would like as many people as possible to know about that one, as we have a diabetes epidemic in this country and guess what SSRI's have been and continue to be prescribed like crazy...coincidence?

        Lexapro, being newer doesn't seem to effect a lot of people the way it effected me, everyone is different with these things; however I did find others on line who experienced severe blackouts on this stuff while drinking and some who have had them without drinking! It must have some effect on the part of the brain responsible for the formation of new memories. It's one of the reasons I'm afraid of Topa and other meds, I seem to get the freaky weird rare side efffects.

        Anyway, if you can accept that some of these drugs alter your brain chemistry and neural pathways in ways that you had/have no control over, you can forgive yourself for whatever you may have done. If they gave the most centered buddist monk a shot of adrenaline, all the meditating and vegetable eating in the world will not keep her/him from a racing heart and racing thoughts. Maybe they could be a little calmer than we would, but no amount of discipline or willpower can override a drug that is more powerful. I think more often these powerful drugs are manufacted by the body and our use of drugs is an attempt to get back into balance. So as much as we may tell ourselves that we don't want to drink excessively or drink so much coffee, or smoke or whatever it is we do, our bodies associate these behaviors with its survival! I am going about trying to correct my chemistry with as many safe options that I can and I hope that the desire to get wrecked will diminish as that happens.

        Good luck to all of us.


          Anyone got an aspirin?

          Out, I just want to say hi and also thank you for posting about some of your brain chemistry concerns / ideas / experiences. I never gave it much thought until I managed to quit smoking just over 4 months ago. That has led to some interesting reading, and being more "aware" of what's going on (or what I think is going on, or am afraid is going on...) in my own mind/body.

          As one example, I was a 2 pack a day smoker for a bit over 30 years. I was a minimum 1 POT a day coffee drinker for most of that time. And I've been a problem drinker under varrying degrees of "control" (ha ha) for much of this time as well - since my 20's anyway. When I quit smoking, my interest in morning coffee dropped like a rock. Today I made a pot, and didn't even POUR a cup much less drink it. desire for the first drink of the day skyrocketed. I'm sure there are both psychological and physical components to that - both of which I would like to understand better.

          I would love to talk about this more - the brain chemistry thing. That's really what led me to MWO in a round about sort of way.

          May I ask what is SSRI?? Blood sugar is a big concern of mine as well - sounds from your post like whatever SSRI is, is related to the blood sugar topic. I guess it's all interconnected at some point!

          Sobriety Date = 5/22/08
          Nicotine Free Date = 2/27/07

          One day at a time.


            Anyone got an aspirin?

            i think it is so fantastic that we can be honest here and we all understand if we overdo things noone slags us off we have all been and some of us will again be where you were out, god bless us all tiny tim and all !!!


              Anyone got an aspirin?

              yes hereatlast, this is a way supportive place

              SSRI stands for selective serotonin reuptake inhibitor, it is the class of antidepressents most often prescribed today, prozac, paxil, zoloft, lexapro etc.

              I have been reading a lot about neuroplasticity (that the structure and chemistry of the brain is actually much more adaptive than was ever thought)

              Brain Chemistry is the main thing targeted by topamax and many of the suppliments in this MWO program. I just don't understand why the medical science folks can readily say that a drug can cause weightloss or even curb alcohol consumption after a few trials and observation of people's experiences with the drug, but that it took forever for pharma companies to finally admit to the obesity side effect of many antidressants. I guess because insatnt obesity pills are harder to sell!


                Anyone got an aspirin?

                This is too deep for me.......but carry on someone will get it ! IAD:thanks:
                ?Be who you are and say what you feel because
                those who mind don't matter and those who matter don't mind.?
                Dr. Seuss


                  Anyone got an aspirin?

                  forgive the rant...

                  I was in a ranting mood, pharma companies while doing some really good things in the name of a buck, also readily hide info from the public to protect profits, that really pisses me off.

                  But the neuroplasticity stuff is really interesting, look it up some time.Thanks for reading IAD.


                    Anyone got an aspirin?

                    Out, thank you for saying what SSRI is. I understand your passion about what does/doesn't get reported about stuff based (IMO) on what is most profitable to report.

                    Sobriety Date = 5/22/08
                    Nicotine Free Date = 2/27/07

                    One day at a time.

