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I'm new too :)

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    I'm new too :)

    Good Morning/Afternoon:
    I'm wanting to say hello, as I just found this site today. I've been reading the posts and was very intrigued by the positive support I see here.

    I love online support groups. I've been on one for weight loss over the last year and have lost 55 lbs. I figured if that one works so well, this one may be just what i'm looking for.
    As for alcohol, i'm not certain I want to totally quit, but i'm certainly looking to moderate my intake and then go from there.

    Happy 4th

    I'm new too

    Hi Luv2live & Welcome to MWO ....

    First of all well done on your weight loss 55lb is amazing !!!!

    You certainly have found a friendly helpful place here, no one ever judges and we all understand how you feel ....

    All the best in your journey ...

    Love & Hugs, BB xx


      I'm new too

      Hi luv2live and a warm welcome.

      I`m with you, as I hope to successfully moderate long-term.

      This is a great place to be.

      I have about 30 lb of wine weight to shift.....ughhh!!!
      Your weight loss is fantastic.

      I wish you much luck.

      Starlight Impress


        I'm new too

        Luv2live, welcome - I'm new here too. For me I think abstaining is what I need - but if I can get THAT down for awhile, then we'll see for the longer run. Congratulations on your weight loss!! Do you mind if I ask what sort of eating and/or exercise strategy helped get you there? The booze cals are NOT helping my rear end....

        Sobriety Date = 5/22/08
        Nicotine Free Date = 2/27/07

        One day at a time.


          I'm new too

          Welcome Luv2live
          Glad you found us and that is amazing on your weight loss. I too would love to know what online site worked for you and I think a lot of us would!!
          Thee are many of us who moderate and many who abstain it's all a very personal choice. No one here judges, just supports.
          Keep posting and reading.
          Again, welcome
          "Keep your eyes and heart focused on the end goal at all times, and never settle for less."


            I'm new too

            Luv and Beaches, I SURE hope my post did not sound...I dunno..."preachy" or anything about AF v. Mod. Lord knows I'm not doing EITHER right now!! I think outloud about my own problems too much sometimes... (removing foot from mouth)

            Anyway, Luv that is an AWESOME weight management you've done there!

            Sobriety Date = 5/22/08
            Nicotine Free Date = 2/27/07

            One day at a time.


              I'm new too

              Doggygirl;159400 wrote: Luv2live, welcome - I'm new here too. For me I think abstaining is what I need - but if I can get THAT down for awhile, then we'll see for the longer run. Congratulations on your weight loss!! Do you mind if I ask what sort of eating and/or exercise strategy helped get you there? The booze cals are NOT helping my rear end....

              Get motoring is the only way to loose weight and eat properly. The booze doesn't help because it is extra calories in itself and it also gives us a healthy appetite following its

              Doing weight training won't help either. Start doing weight only when the excess weight
              is already off. The best most effecient way to loose weight is by maintaining an aerobic
              activity for a minimum of 30 minutes @ 60 % of your maximum heart rate . Maximum
              heart rate for an individual can be found by getting on a treadmill and running as hard as
              one possibly can while measuring the heart beats per minute. As a rule of thumb just take
              220 and subtract your age and take 65 % of this number as being your target. Exercising at this number is the most efficient way to burn fat . Too slow will not work and to fast will burn sugar (ATP) and not the fat.

              It doesn't matter what is the exercise as long as the heart rate is up . Rididng bike is easier on the joints, running I would not recomend especially if your already over weight.

              Any more questions ?


                I'm new too

                Welcome luv2live, You are already an awesome success story. I'll bet you have a lot you can share with all of us !! You will find lots of support here. Keep reading and posting. Glad you joined. Have a good day.


                  I'm new too

                  Great tip Robert however do you have any suggestions if you have bad ankles and can not run as fast as you can or if your fastest run at best is a gallop?

                  DG, not preachy at all!

                  Good luck again luv2live!!
                  "Keep your eyes and heart focused on the end goal at all times, and never settle for less."


                    I'm new too

                    :welcome: luv2! Glad you're here--and more congrats on the weight loss! I, too, would love to know the online site that helped you lose weight....I've got the wine belly (butt, thighs, arms, face)--although I have lost over 25 pounds since quitting drinking last year....and, boy, if I COULD moderate I surely WOULD...but there are lots of folks here moderating just fine....

                    Robert--thanks for the tips on getting the weight moving....I didn't know that about too fast burning sugar, etc. Okay--now if you could just give me a kick in my too large butt to get going I might make some progress....:H

                    posted for sujul by snaggle-tooth!
                    "I'm a sucker for a good resurrection story." Anne Lamott


                      I'm new too

                      Hi Luv2,

                      Glad you found us, you'll find lots of support here.

                      Well done on your amazing weight loss, I can see us all cropping up on that site too, lol.

                      See you around,

                      Our greatest glory is not in never falling but in rising every time we fall.


                        I'm new too

                        Beaches;159434 wrote: Great tip Robert however do you have any suggestions if you have bad ankles and can not run as fast as you can or if your fastest run at best is a gallop?

                        DG, not preachy at all!

                        Good luck again luv2live!!
                        Swimming maybe ?

                        Yes and good luck to U luv2live:welcome:


                          I'm new too

                          sujul;159440 wrote: :welcome: luv2! Glad you're here--and more congrats on the weight loss! I, too, would love to know the online site that helped you lose weight....I've got the wine belly (butt, thighs, arms, face)--although I have lost over 25 pounds since quitting drinking last year....and, boy, if I COULD moderate I surely WOULD...but there are lots of folks here moderating just fine....

                          Robert--thanks for the tips on getting the weight moving....I didn't know that about too fast burning sugar, etc. Okay--now if you could just give me a kick in my too large butt to get going I might make some progress....:H

                          posted for sujul by snaggle-tooth!
                          I can't kick you, butt ( Sorry) I can assure you that when you do start getting the regular
                          high from fitness, you will crave it like nothing else . My wife was a couch potato when
                          she met me, butt now she is one of the fitest women I know. At 45 she has a leaner
                          more toned figure than most women in their 20's .


                            I'm new too

                            Robert, just catching up here this AM. Thanks for the exercise tips!

                            Sobriety Date = 5/22/08
                            Nicotine Free Date = 2/27/07

                            One day at a time.


                              I'm new too

                              Luv2live. Welcome to MWO. Yes, I love this site and the people are fab. You will love it too. Keep posting. Bella xxxxx

