My favorite quote from the article...
"This latter observation may help provide a neurological explanation for another phenomenon of drug addiction -- that users seem to ignore or forget the negative consequences of their drug taking while they compulsively seek to satisfy their craving."
and issue addressed...why do we forget how bad a hangover is etc.. there is probably a physical reason, not a moral one or a charactor deficit etc as to why we repeat certain behaviors.
In a different book, but same issue...cats who have particular parts of their brain damaged will repeatedly go back to a water bowl that give them an electric shock, normal cats learn to stop going to that bowl. both groups of cats respond appropriately to the pain in the moment, but the first group can't "learn" about the pain. ( by the way I absolutely don't condone doing this to animals, but this was done a long time ago and the resaerch is still with us).
We might actually have some physical issues that prevents us from really learning "not to do that again"
what does it all mean...well for me it helps me to stop some of the self blame/shame game
take care all