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Newbies in need day 9

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    Newbies in need day 9

    Good morning everyone from not so sunny France. Starting to feel a lot more positive now. Today will be day six AF and I am feeling much better. Even though I have just written that I didnt realise it was day 6 because this time I have decided not to count and just to take one day at a time.

    Hope everyone has a reallly good day and keep smiling!:H

    Newbies in need day 9

    Hi aduggan and all to come.

    Great to hear you so upbeat and that this is your 6th AF day.........good going!!

    Am hoping to be AF `til weekend again. Have found mself slipping a wee still only having 2 or 3 wee wines when I drink...........just been a bit too frequent over past wk. or so. I find going all wk. without a drink until the weekend comes around can be very trying, but am starting decorating today, so here`s hoping I`ll be too shattered to think much about if !!! lol

    Wishing you all a happy and peaceful day.

    Much love,

    Starlight Impress


      Newbies in need day 9

      Hi Guys, had the best weekend for a long time. Just one btl wine and a "few" !! beers over the last few days. Got some of the Kudzu stuff and it seems to work plus posting with you lot on this site really helps. Just got to keep going now.




        Newbies in need day 9

        Hi purple so pleased that you didn`t `paint the town purple` over weekend then. You`re doing fab..........well done!!!!

        Much love,

        Starlight Impress


          Newbies in need day 9

          Thanks Starlight, But as you know its early days so gotta keep focused.



            Newbies in need day 9

            Hi Guys,

            Glad you are feeling better Amanda, you do sound much more positive.

            I had a really great w/end with my mom. The weather was lovely and we took her to the beach, she loves the sea and she really needed a break.

            And I made it through without a drink!! Yipee. I was a bit self concious just having soft drinks but no one commented. My mom doesn't drink much so I was fine with dinner on Sat and my stepdad had to drive home so we didn't have wine with Sunday lunch.

            So glad to be on day 21 instead of back to square one again. Next social event is this coming Saturday so I can relax a bit for a few days.

            Have a good day all,

            Our greatest glory is not in never falling but in rising every time we fall.


              Newbies in need day 9

              GREAT STUFF KITTY!!!!!!..............we knew you could do it!!!!!

              Am so pleased for you.

              Much love,

              Starlight Impress


                Newbies in need day 9

                Purple neck............I got a surge in my resolve, with it being Monday morning!!! lol

                Starlight Impress


                  Newbies in need day 9

                  Lol Starlight, Ps this decorating you are doing, does purple feature anywhere????


                    Newbies in need day 9

                    LOL..............only if I hit the red instead of my beloved white, purple!!!! ha ha ha

                    Starlight Impress


                      Newbies in need day 9

                      I'm going to join in here as I feel I need a bit of support to get this thing started - I definitly need to post more instead of just reading.
                      You all seem to be so positive & I hope some of that rubs off !!

                      It's a lovely day here in the UK & even though there were dramas in my household at the weekend I need to take a stand & throw myself into this.

                      Wihing you all a lovely day



                        Newbies in need day 9

                        Hi Everyone: I've missed you all, but I've been busy w/family stuff. I had 2 drinking days but don't feel too bad about that. There was a lot going on, & I felt I just needed to cope. I didn't go too overboard. I feel back on track today. Mary
                        Wisdom, Courage, Strength
                        October 3, 2012


                          Newbies in need day 9

                          Good Morning Everyone!!

                          I can't seem to go more than one AF day at a time but at least I am doing that!

                          Have had several AF days in the last few weeks, which for a 1 1/2 bottler every night, that is good. Unfortunately, my dear daughter came over Sat nite and we both drank way too much and she got on this site and read Rachel's posts. Really hit her hard because she related so much to her, close to same age and all.

                          Hopefully -- fingers really crossed here guys -- she will start considering trying to quit/mod. I am not doing this for her but do know it would be awesome if I can quit as an example to her.

                          What is sad is that she was a heavy drinker before I was!! How did I get to this place?? Such a great mom am I.

                          Anyhow, I am still upbeat today because of the days AF. I was AF yesterday and have to travel today and won't get in until late so perhaps I can make it AF today and make it 2 in a row for sure, then who knows?? (No more goals, though, I keep falling flat on my face!!) The topa does seem to be helping me now, though, I don't drink as fast or as much, often stopping at 2 or 3. At this point, I just count every little accomplishment as a win, knowing my final goal is abs.

                          Sorry for rambling.

                          Hope all have a wonderful day all!!

                          AF April 9, 2016


                            Newbies in need day 9

                            Cindi: The one day at a time approach has been working for me in July. When I start counting, I get very discouraged when I slip. Also, do what you are saying in your post: count all the little successes. Stopping at 2 or 3 is huge. I'm someone that cannot stop once I start. If i could stop at 2 or 3, I'd think about mod, but I don't think that's in the cards for me. Keep up the good work. I so identify w/you. Mary
                            PS: I have a daughter yours age who drinks mod, but my son is the one who goes overboard. In the past, it was pot.
                            Wisdom, Courage, Strength
                            October 3, 2012


                              Newbies in need day 9


                              Sounds like everyone is doing well today. In particular, I am really glad Kitty did not succumb this weekend as it sounds like an excursion full of temptation.

                              I keep sticking with this three drink limit and it is working. I think within three drinks, the cravings are the same, probably out of control after more than that. I had a mellow weekend and don't expect to drink during the week this week. Sometimes I take Kudzu but I am far from convinced that it works.

                              i don't have many plans this weekend and want to give my body a break. I would love to get to the point where I was within govt limits for drinking. I am very wary of the health dangers of alcohol.

