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Husband away next week, Kudzu ordered.. A coping question...

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    Husband away next week, Kudzu ordered.. A coping question...

    Hello everyone who has posted on this 42cat thread!

    Beatle congratulations on 3 days AF!!! Interesting you mention the 7 weeks to sobriety book. I have that book and have read part of it. It seems like the general ideas are very similar to this site. One of the reasons I set that book aside and read the MWO book was the outrageous cost of the supplements recommended in 7 weeks - at least if purchased through their web site. Interesting about the vitamin C. I've been taking extra C since I quit smoking as the accupuncture guy recommended it for helping heal the lungs. Makes sense that it would be a positive for this too.

    Cat, doesn't feel a little better just knowing we are not alone in our bad habits...and that we CAN make changes? I am going for day 1 of AF today. Like you, it will be the first one in a VERY long time. Probably since I last had the flu or something...which I can't recall the last time for that. So...I expect I will be around here a lot today!! Reading and posting and not drinking - "noon somewhere" comes pretty early sometimes.

    Sobriety Date = 5/22/08
    Nicotine Free Date = 2/27/07

    One day at a time.


      Husband away next week, Kudzu ordered.. A coping question...

      Best wishes and strong vibes to you for Day 1, Doggie! Yes, it helps so much knowing we're not alone. We can do this!

      AF for two years. Slight relapse. Working on it at the moment.


        Husband away next week, Kudzu ordered.. A coping question...

        Just FYI, some people haven't had much success with kudzu because they weren't taking enough. You can take up to 3,000 mg/day, in 3 divided doses. I think the MWO kudzu is the best, but you can also get pretty good quality kudzu from Viable Herbal Solutions online.

        Good luck to you 42cat and DoggieGirl, and of course, Beatle!

        AF as of August 5th, 2012


          Husband away next week, Kudzu ordered.. A coping question...

          Thanks, Young! Good to know re. the 3,000 mg/day. I can't wait to get started!

          AF for two years. Slight relapse. Working on it at the moment.


            Husband away next week, Kudzu ordered.. A coping question...

            thanks Kathy...

            I was trying to figure our the dose. The kudzu I have is a good brand, but it has 100mg or standardized extract and 450 mgs of the whole plant, so I'm nut sure about how much to take of it. I'll figure it out and I personally never heard of a kudzu overdose.


              Husband away next week, Kudzu ordered.. A coping question...

              Thanks Kathy and Cat for the good wishes. Feeling all the support here sure means a lot.

              Kathy, thank you for the dose tip. The MWO chart of course gives the range with about 3000 between the 3 doses being the max. I wasn't quite sure so this morning I went in the middle. I think I should probably go for the max right now (good point out - never heard of kudzu OD lol).

              Cat I hope the kudzu helps you (and me too )!!

              Sobriety Date = 5/22/08
              Nicotine Free Date = 2/27/07

              One day at a time.


                Husband away next week, Kudzu ordered.. A coping question...

                Hey Catt, I saw in another post from you about how you had thought about seeing a doctor, but just felt embarassed. Well, first, I want to wish you all the best for trying to cut back while your DH is gone. I agree that is a big trigger. I used to like to get extra extra drunk when my DH wasn't around. Nobody to judge me! I think it would be really tough to choose that as the time to try to cut back, but I do wish you the best w/it. I agree w/others who say that working on a project or keeping busy is a good strategy.

                But, I also want to encourage you to admit your problem to your family and see a doctor if you think you need that. I just hear a lot of me in you and want to tell you that its not gonna be as bad as you think. I faced the same thing just over six weeks ago and I'm so thankful now that I finally put an end to the charade, admitted my problem to my DH (like he didn't know already! LOL), and got the help of my doctor (who prescribed Naltrexone and that has helped me tremendously). It was sooo hard to get those words out of my mouth... 'I think I have a drinking problem.' I had worked so hard to hide it for so long. Now, I feel like I have the old me back and feels so great. I didn't realize it, but the alcohol was also causing me to be depressed. I definitely feel like a depression has lifted.

                Anyway, maybe you are not ready to do this yet. And, I don't mean to be pushy or presumptious as to tell you what to do. I just see myself in you and want you to know that there is a way out. Maybe you will be able to resist temptation while your DH is gone and maybe not. But, don't take it as failure if you just can't do this alone.


                  Husband away next week, Kudzu ordered.. A coping question...

                  Catt, this is a toughy! Being alone always triggered me to drink more. I, too, was a Vodka drinker in the end. I, too, would have a couple before work, and then stare at the clock until it was quitting time. Towards the end of my drinking career, I suffered from some pretty severe withdrawals when I went without it in my system - almost to the point of a possible seizure.

                  This scared me pretty bad, so I 'googled' for some sort of 'miracle' to help me get out of the hell of being a prisoner to alcohol. I came across this site in November. I lurked around and read like crazy. I spent a GOOD lot of my day on here - finding the strength, courage and understanding on why I drink and why I should quit. This place was a life savior for me. I am not exaggerating. I was drinking a good 26-er of vodka a day, and having some wine in between the vodka meals for snacks.

                  I have a two year old daughter who needs me. I have a family who would be sad if I drank myself to death. I made the decision to do what it takes to gain control back in my life. I became an MWO-a-holic for a few months. I became a member in December - started to go for some AF days here and there.......... made 21 until Christmas came along. By December 29th, I shut the Booze-Demon down. I decided it was time to make a real effort. I have had 5 drinks since then. I haven't had anything to drink since the beginning of May. My life has changed.... and it is still changing. I cannot express the beauty of this planet - of life - even it's struggles that has become. It was SOOOO damn hard to start, and I suffered some pretty bad mood swings.... and still do from time to time. But ultimately the feeling of this new founded confidence and self esteem not to mention self worth that has come along on this Abstainence Train. It is really worth the effort to get drinking under control.

                  My new motto is: I control the drink - it no longer controls me.

                  You can do this too! No matter what it takes, keep busy while your hubby is away. I managed to turn my life around without the hubby around. (we had a split for a few months). Take this week to really evaluate your self worth and what you forsee in the future. Start taking in the pleasure of dreaming again - life without being gagged and bound by the evil shit. Take this time for you.

                  During my desperate hours I would log on here. (I was always on here in the beginning LOL!) But reading and participating - asking for help/asking questions... this place is where it is at. So much support. Don't let the booze start to call you during the witching hour. Come here............... this is home for people like us.................. this will always be a source of strength if you want it.

                  Much luck to you.


                    Husband away next week, Kudzu ordered.. A coping question...

                    Wow, some inspirational posts here. Thanks. I too need to get my life back and control the drink not let it control me. I feel so positive having read these posts I intend to increase the Kudzu dosage and go for day 1 AF!


                      Husband away next week, Kudzu ordered.. A coping question...

                      Adagirl, thanks so much for that push .. I have told myself that if I don't make any good progress this time - with this new-found site, with the Kudzu when it arrives, and with my new knowledge and attitude - I will make that Dr. appt. (I'm due for a regular one anyway) and mention my concerns... scary as that's gonna be.

                      Accountable, your post was so encouraging - thank you! I'm really enjoying this site too.. still quite a newbie, but am on here all day this whole week, as I'm working 8-5 (usually 8-noon'ish). I like how you said, "this is home for people like us" ... really makes me feel I'm not alone in this. And that helps more than most "normal" people could ever understand.

                      Butterfly.. me too ... I logged in this morning at work (it's only 8:40 a.m. here in Nova Scotia right now).. read these posts and am already feeling so positive for the day!

                      Thanks again to everyone who answered my initial post. ((hugs)) to you all.

                      AF for two years. Slight relapse. Working on it at the moment.


                        Husband away next week, Kudzu ordered.. A coping question...

                        Adagirl, I've been identifying with all of your posts that I've read in the last 24 hours!! I really identify with your statement in this one about finally discussing the problem with DH - like he didn't know already. I have been so lucky and am so thankful for the support I'm geting here since opening up the dialog with him gradually over the last couple of weeks. Cat, I hope you will be able to get that same open minded and non-judgemental support at home. It sure does help a LOT with the stress of it all.

                        Accountable, thank you also for taking time to post your story. What an inspiration. With each passing day I WANT to take my life and my freedom back more and more and more. With each success story I read, I grow more confident that I can do this. I know it won't always be easy.

                        We can do this Catt. I know I'm gonna be on here A LOT for the forseeable future. I hope we can support each other and all that within this awesome community. Good for you on opening up to the idea of talking to your doctor. I wish I didn't have the insurance realities that I'm faced with...oh well. Can't let that stop me.

                        You guys are awesome!
                        Day 2 of AF
                        Sobriety Date = 5/22/08
                        Nicotine Free Date = 2/27/07

                        One day at a time.


                          Husband away next week, Kudzu ordered.. A coping question...

                          Accountable-you're an inspiration to us all.


                            Husband away next week, Kudzu ordered.. A coping question...

                            Hey, Catt - Big problem, I know. My husband is away so much it's almost strange when he is at home, and the evenings can get pretty long. If I "behave" myself, I will take my butt off to the gym. It seems to help, endorphins and all that.
                            The furture lies before you like newly fallen snow - be careful how you tread it, for every step will show.


                              Husband away next week, Kudzu ordered.. A coping question...

                              I also started on this site when my husband was away for 10 days. You can get some kudzu and L-glutamine at most good health food stores/vitamin places in US. The L-glut really helps when you are having a craving. RJ's book recommends that you at least get the hypno tape if you can't afford the whole set. I think it helps. I spent all of the time I would normally drink those 10 days on this site, exploring all of RJ's posts, all links on home page, etc. Drink tracker is also very helpful.


                                Husband away next week, Kudzu ordered.. A coping question...

                                YoungAtHeart;162115 wrote: Just FYI, some people haven't had much success with kudzu because they weren't taking enough. You can take up to 3,000 mg/day, in 3 divided doses. I think the MWO kudzu is the best, but you can also get pretty good quality kudzu from Viable Herbal Solutions online.

                                Good luck to you 42cat and DoggieGirl, and of course, Beatle!

                                I have just upped my dose of kudzu because 1250mg was still making me crave. I also think that I need to double my intake of supplements and l-glutamine.
                                determination is something that you really really also need to cut back or quit.
                                You can't turn a pickle into a cucumber

