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Husband away next week, Kudzu ordered.. A coping question...

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    Husband away next week, Kudzu ordered.. A coping question...

    Hi Everyone,

    Welcome to the site Catt. Like everyone says it's a huge support network here with loads of help, experience and advice. I started taking Kudzu on Sunday and have had 2 af days this week so far. I just need to figure out when to take it for maximum effect - any advice from any Kudzu gurus?

    I too have to make myself busy to help with the craving, or I think more in my case it's pure habit. I make myself a cranberry & soda water and guzzle that down and go and play with the kids, dog, do the washing, tidy up or anything to take my mind off it. The craving does go away and you feel on top of the world for not giving in. It doesn't happen every day, but then I don't expect it to - one step at a time.

    I can understand you drinking on your own - setting a project is a great idea. Even logging on to this site is a major distraction; you get so hooked you've realised you've been on line for an hour and the moment has passed.

    Keep on posting with your progress.


      Husband away next week, Kudzu ordered.. A coping question...

      Thanks again to everyone who posted. Hope everyone's doing well. Mid-week here, husband away, and I wouldn't say I'm doing great, but I do have a sense of a little more control than normal... at least some of the time... Working full days (8-5) helps for sure.

      My Kudzu arrived today (had it sent here to my work). I wasn't expecting it until maybe the latter part of next week..... I'm so happy it came, but am scared to death at the same time! I didn't think I'd be scared, but I am. It's a strange feeling. I don't want to be dependent upon the bottle anymore... guess I'm afraid of what's going to become of me if and when I let it go.

      I'll take two when I get home, before my walk, and hope to have something to report about it tomorrow. Take care everyone ... hope all is going well ... thanks again for all of the support!

      AF for two years. Slight relapse. Working on it at the moment.


        Husband away next week, Kudzu ordered.. A coping question...

        Hi Catt. Glad you are hanging in there, and glad the Kudzu came earlier than you expected. You ordered it from here, right? When I first started taking it, I stayed in the "mid range" of the doseages recommended in the updated supplement document. (I will go figure out where it is on this site again, and come back with the link in case you haven't seen it). On the advice of someone further down the path than me (wish I recalled who to give proper credit!), I went for the maximum that RJ recommends in that updated document, which is 3 if memory serves me right with the dinnertime dose. As advice giver said, "I've never heard of a Kudzu Overdose."

        Are you also taking L-Glutamine?

        Anyway, I know you were uncomfortable about this week, and it sounds like you are doing just GREAT!!!! Good for you. WE CAN DO THIS!!!!!

        Sobriety Date = 5/22/08
        Nicotine Free Date = 2/27/07

        One day at a time.


          Husband away next week, Kudzu ordered.. A coping question...

          Hopefully this link with work on the off chance you haven't seen it.

          Sobriety Date = 5/22/08
          Nicotine Free Date = 2/27/07

          One day at a time.


            Husband away next week, Kudzu ordered.. A coping question...

            Doggy, thank you so much. I am so nervous/scared/anxious that I actually started a thread about being nervous/scared/anxious .. LOL. I'm losing it, I tell ya... still sober (at work), but losing it (in an excited way, I mean)!

            I did not know about that .pdf doc. I'm reading it now. I actually didn't order it from here because (silly me) I thought that particular photo-link (the big green Kudzu one) was tea. Jeez. It looked like a big tea bag - ha! I can't afford the whole program right now, but it's on my mind for the future. I ordered something called Kudzu Recovery from a realiable person on e-bay. I'm guessing it may not be as perfect a formula as the one offered here (which I will order when these are gone), but at least it's a starting point!

            Thanks again!

            AF for two years. Slight relapse. Working on it at the moment.


              Husband away next week, Kudzu ordered.. A coping question...

              I'm excited for you! Today is a step forward for you on your path. WHEE!!!! Life is good.

              Sobriety Date = 5/22/08
              Nicotine Free Date = 2/27/07

              One day at a time.

