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Crap, I'm eating too much

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    Crap, I'm eating too much

    binge eating

    Hi there Arnold

    I think there are benefits forbinge eating. I have not looked into topa enough to know.

    You can find out from others.

    May I suggest you not use your email address as your user name?

    You can ask the administrator to change it!


      Crap, I'm eating too much

      for me alcohol, sugar, carbs, food, eating disorder, etc. are all interchangeable. when i was younger i was hospitalized with binge eating, bulimis, and depression...did not drink at the time, but ate like i soon later soon as i licked that habit after the 28 day 12 step hopital stay, i slowly started drinking every day but was staying on my diet which to me was great! was in denial about the sugar in alchohol and managed to stay trim for a while...then as i got older ... i guess i started getting the 'WINE' gut...this is all leading me somewhere...i keep forgetting because the topa is still making me feel a little dopey, but point is...i am learning now finally that i am using a substance...sugar, food, alchohol to cover or disguise what is really bothering me...and yes, the topamax IS helping me stay are the vitamins supplements, cd's and most of all all of the lovely caring people on this site.

      cap:thanks: :new:


        Crap, I'm eating too much

        sugar craving

        I think if you have a sugar or carb craving, best to at least avoid the refined sugars.

        I think it is ok to have 100% whole grains, maybe with a TBSP of Pbutter? This was recommended in a book I read. Have this type of whole grain snack (complex carbs) in the late afternoon so you don't get big sugar or carb binges.


          Crap, I'm eating too much

          That explains why I have been eating so much junk. I am on day six and have been eating candy, chips and ice cream as my main diet. Although I have always been a sweets addict it is REALLY out of hand right now. I think I'll try the L-Glutamine too.


            Crap, I'm eating too much

            What I'm Eatin and Sippin and How I'm Feelin Grateful

            Just returned from the store where I stocked up on bubbly water and lemon. I find that I need to do something with my mouth (oral fixation, anyone?)-- and this is the least damaging.

            BOY, my grocery bill changes without alcohol in the cart!!!

            Other than the fancy water-- tea and salads and fruit seem to be doing the trick so far when I take 'the high road'.

            Around the middle of the night, during my primo drinking hours, a little hard candy here and there has managed to soothe my wandering bored palate..:H

            That and these boards here!

            Thanks everyone for being so durn supportive and helpful. It's made all the difference for me!

            I'm coming up on 1 week AF. Can't believe it.
            Nothing in this world can take the place of persistence.
            Talent will not-- nothing is more common than
            unsuccessful people with talent.
            Genius will not; unrewarded genius is almost a proverb.
            Education will not; the world is full of educated derelicts.
            Persistence and determination alone are omnipotent.
            The slogan "press on" has solved and always will solve
            the problems of the human race.
            -- Calvin Coolidge

