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Newbies in Need - Day 11

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    Newbies in Need - Day 11

    difficult evening

    Mary and D2B: all sounds good

    Doggygirl: I seem to remember reading that some were mixing their all one with crystal light. another idea someone brought up is to mix it with enough juice to fill a baby food jar, shake and drink in one go (less juice).

    I had a difficult day yesterday and drank too much to cope (6 lite beers). I don't feel very good about it because I have been doing well with moderating. Also, it's the old habit of drinking to soothe myself. I hope I can do better the next time I am upset.


      Newbies in Need - Day 11

      Hi Nancy. Thanks for the Crystal Lite tip - very good idea.

      I am sorry you had a rough go of it yesterday. I hope you will just chalk it up to one bad day and start fresh today. (((Nancy)))

      Sobriety Date = 5/22/08
      Nicotine Free Date = 2/27/07

      One day at a time.


        Newbies in Need - Day 11

        Hi Mary, Nancy, DG, Cindi, Kitty, Starlight, and anyone I might have missed-it's hard to get them all when we get to page 2 and beyond!:H

        Though I was aiming for AF I didn't do bad only three beers, so I'm pleased with myself. Nice to wake up without draaaggging myself out of bed.

        Joe got drunk last nite, so he feels icky this morning. Na Na Na Na Na Na:H


          Newbies in Need - Day 11

          Hi hart. Good for you on controling your intake and feeling good this morning. Who is Joe? (sorry - I'm new!)

          Again my apologies for probably driving everyone nuts today with so much posting. I just got done with my first pass at track 1 of the hypnosis CD. I've never had any experience with hypnosis other than those "shows" back in the high school gym (I graduated HS in 1976) that I'm 99.9%...well, OK 100% sure were faked. So I don't know if I did it right, or experienced what I was supposed to. I'll say this though. If I turn out like what I suggested to myself and imagined who I want to be, I will become one HOT almost 50 year old mamma who loves to drink water, and exercise, and looks great in her purple bikini!!!

          I'm feeling pretty good so far. I feel a great need to stay busy - reading, posting, doing business stuff (I work from home in our own business which is a part time thing), doing laundry, etc. Nervous energy? Dunno.

          I used to always do all errands requiring driving in the AM as early as possible so I could relax and start drinking whenever I felt like it. Today I saved my driving errands for this afternoon for obvious reason.'s not only past "noon somewhere" but now it's past "noon here." YAHOO I will take that as a baby step in the right direction.

          Thanks you guys for all your support.

          Sobriety Date = 5/22/08
          Nicotine Free Date = 2/27/07

          One day at a time.


            Newbies in Need - Day 11

            Joe is my husband, drinks as much as me, but not last nite. I didn't drink as much as he.


              Newbies in Need - Day 11

              This will probably be my last post for today. I need to keep myself occupied while Mr. Doggy prepares the dog's food and gets them settled, then we will cook dinner which I already prepped. After that, I am going to retreat early to my "safe space" where I have never smoked or drank in all my years of addiction - our bedroom! I've got some movies Tivo'd and I'm just gonna chill and relax - then put on the Sleep Learning tape when the time comes.

              I have been alcohol free at this point for over 24 hours, and I know it's a baby step in the grand scheme of things, but I consider it a VICTORIOUS day for me. I feel a little bit edgy - like I don't want to have any DEEP and serious discussions right now, or have to think too hard about anything. But I survived day 1.

              We shall see what tomorrow brings.

              Mean time, I hope everyone is doing well with your goals and your lives in whatever time zones you are all in!!!! Thank you so much for your support!

              Sobriety Date = 5/22/08
              Nicotine Free Date = 2/27/07

              One day at a time.


                Newbies in Need - Day 11

                Kitty: That's really good news about your psychology plans. It's nice to get career sorted out.

                And doggygirl: please don't worry about posting too much. I think it helps to get your thoughts out and written down... Your posts might help others who are in the same situation.


                  Newbies in Need - Day 11

                  Hi all,
                  I'm doing well ,just too tired to write.My feet are killing me from treadmill. Bird

