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Seriously - WTF?!?

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    Seriously - WTF?!?

    Hi Hannah! Sorry I didn't say anything sooner... I've been deliberatedly keeping myself rediculously busy to just up the little voice in my head that wants me to drink . My sympathies for your brother... sending you hugs! yeah - its odd how things creep up on you... one day thinking "I would never do ___ to drink/while drinking" and the next going "how/why did I do ____" I"m glad you found MYO & I hope things are going well!

    Mary: I'm there with you... I'll fill in the drink tracker when I remember... whetehr it's daily or every few days. I must say though - I never knew that empty Yellow boxes coudl atually be a little scary! :H

    DG - yes - I actually went to the gym both Monday and Tuesday, and had planned to go yesterday but had a work deadline come up - I wound up having to work late, then a co-worker and I decided to go out for dinner (avoid cooking!) I am going today though, even if it's just for a little bit, then heading to the movies with a bunch of friends

    I_W: I swear I saw a post where you went through why you chose your name, but now i can't find it... which forum was it in?

    well, off to start another action packed day (I'm actually not kidding... I have things planned for the next 16 hours or so to keep my mind occupied!) :teeter:

    Hope all have a good day!



      Seriously - WTF?!?

      Noella you are so Rockin' it on the work out thing. Someone kick my ass pretty pretty please!! I know, I know...nobody wants to risk a broken foot kicking something that large.

      Congratulations on sticking to your plan there Noella! And here's 3 big cheers for cooking avoidance!! Actually I like to cook and now that I'm getting the boogy monster of my dirty house cleaned up by my hired Flylady...yes eat your hearts out girlfriends.....I'm looking forward to making dinner tonight!

      Hi GC and Trixie and Hannah too. Welcome Hannah. I'm so sorry about your brother. I can completely relate to those ponderings of ......"how in the world did I get here to this ICK place? When did drinking go from being fun with friends on Friday night to this lonely, solo sport?"...... At least that's one of the ponderings hi up on my long list of things to ponder about.

      Here's to another good day! Noella, what movie are you going to see?

      Day 9 AF * * * * * * * * *
      Sobriety Date = 5/22/08
      Nicotine Free Date = 2/27/07

      One day at a time.

