I've been on here for a month and find it useful when I am down (usually after drinking and feeling like shit the next day)
I have cut my drinking in half since being here
But have to say, I have stopped logging on everyday as I find it a real downer reading and posting with lots of other alcoholics and hearing their problems and how messed up their lives are...
I am of course, included in this group but I don't need it in my face everyday and need to get on with real life....
Also, I have learned that most people on here (or at least lots) have an underlying mental illness causing them to drink...Depression/anxiety (That's me) Loneliness or Bipolar, panic attacks etc...
So would encourage people to go to a Doctor if they are want to sort out their drinking...
Seems like we drink for a reason....
Just my view...
I would never tell you what to do... Just running my ideas by you....
What do you all think?
David xxx