I?m just after picking your brains & getting a bit of advice.
My drinking has been causing problems between me & my boyfriend for some while now. He doesn?t enjoy social events any more as invariably I drink too much and make a show of myself. I feel badly about this that we can?t go out for a meal etc without him feeling he has to watch me all night.
Things came to a head Saturday just gone when yet again I had secretly drunk before we went out & lied to him about it. There has been no talking between us at all since Sunday ? he was rather nasty & threw a lot of previous things I had done whilst drunk in my face. He searched on the internet for flats to rent as in his own words he had wasted 7 years of his life trying to help me & didn?t want to waste anymore. He has threatened to move out before but not carried it through.
This week has been incredibly tiring for me as I have had the horses to manage all on my own when he usually helps me (they are my horses so I can?t complain about that really)
I asked last night what he had decided as more than anything the atmosphere hanging over my head is driving me insane & I am trying seriously to be AF and this really isn?t helping. I tried to explain to him that I do not intentionally set out to get drunk & on occasions (like Saturday) it is almost like I can?t stop myself?..well that?s how it feels to me.
His reaction to this is that no-one in my family suffers from a drink or depression problem so he does not believe I do either. I have a definite low alcohol tolerance & he just thinks I drink to try & prove I can drink as much as everyone else.
I would dearly love to save my relationship if I can ? he sees these episodes as me trying to break the relationship ? but any ideas on how I can get him to understand I do have a problem. He seems intent on blaming me for what is happening as if I am setting out to do it deliberately. I?m not trying to shrug off any responsibility here. I?ve tried counselling etc but nothing seems to help ? I think in boyfriends mind there needs to be an underlying problem for the way I am & he takes it personally when he feels he is doing lots to make our life comfy yet I am still no better.
Thanks for listening