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in need of support!

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    in need of support!

    Hello all!

    This is my first posting but I have been reading and following some of your journeys for a couple of months. I started the supps and CD's last week and tonight I am actually going to try for af. Wow I wasnt scared until I typed that!

    I really dont know why I drink like I do, as none of us seem to. I was always the party girl but it didnt seem to be a problem until 5 years ago when I had gastric bypass surgery. I started drinking more and more often. Then 4 years ago my son (age 15 at the time) was diagnosed with Juvenile Diabetes. Since that night there hasnt been one night that goes by without a drink in my hand..and I thought he was the one having trouble dealing with it!

    Anyway, I have found MYO and am hoping that it will be the one thing that gets me back to being happy, healthy and free of guilt!

    Being new I am looking for any and all support possible so please send some strength my way!

    in need of support!

    Hi pinkie,
    Best wishes on your journey.
    Thanks for posting.


      in need of support!

      Hi Pinkie,

      I just wanted to welcome you. I do recall some other people on MWO who were having problems with alcohol after gastic bypass surgery. You might even want to start a post about that.

      I'm right there with you, as a mom and former party girl (still a party girl, but it's not much fun anymore) fighting for AF days. It's not easy, but you'll find a lot of support here.



        in need of support!

        Welcome Pinkie,
        I am so glad that you are here. You will find a lot of people here that will support and encourage you along the way. Also parents that have children that are dealing with medical or developmental disablilities like my own. This is such a turning point in our lives.

        I do hope that you stay here and keep posting and keep talking. All the best to you.
        "Keep your eyes and heart focused on the end goal at all times, and never settle for less."


          in need of support!

          Welcome Pinkie! Glad you are posting, keep on posting, girl! I can really relate to the party girl thing, I am a former party girl too, like psychmommy, and also it is not fun anymore. It will get less scarey, the thought to go AF, the more you stay here and post. I hope to go 30 days in August. If I slip then I will do 10 days or 10 and 10, not going to feel like a failure if I slip because I am trying and will continue to try. :welcome: Suz
          The more we appreciate life, the more life appreciates and bestows us with more goodness.


            in need of support!

            Greetings and salutations Pinkie! Everyone here is really nice and incredibly suportive...I"ve tried the program a couple of times before, but never really used the boards to their full potential so it didn't stick. This time, even just the last 2 days of really posting has helped immensely - I highly recommend it! AF can be scary (there with you) - if you need someone to talk to, PM me!



              in need of support!

              Thank you every one for your support! It has gotten me past my "witching hour" which starts at 7pm. I am waiting for 9 to listen to a CD and hopefully have a decent night sleep.

              There is no alcohol in the house and Im not freaking out about it! Let me tell you how good that feels. I will take your advice and keep posting as it really does seem to help. My friends and family are supportive and try to understand but they dont get it, like we all get it! My sincere appreciation goes out to all, just for being there!



                in need of support!

                I did it! I made it thru my first 24 hours AF!!! Between the support here, the CD's and the supp's I feel great! I remember everything about last night, dont feel guilty and I am not shaking!

                Since it is friday and I am concerned about the weekend but I will continue to push along. Who knows, I might even get something accomplished this weekend!

                Thanks again to all for your support, you postings and your private messages...keep em coming they really do help!


                  in need of support!

                  Hi Pinkie :welcome: &:goodjob: on a days af,

                  I wish you continued success, there is lots of support here. Don't worry too much about the weekend just do what you can.

                  See you around,

                  Our greatest glory is not in never falling but in rising every time we fall.


                    in need of support!

                    24 hours AF. Great news Pinkie. And you feel good. Well done!!!!!!!!!!


                      in need of support!

                      Congratulations again Pinkie!! You deserve this in your OWN thread! :yougo:

                      Rock on with DAY 2!!!!!

                      Sobriety Date = 5/22/08
                      Nicotine Free Date = 2/27/07

                      One day at a time.


                        in need of support!

                        Thank you! thank you! thank you!!! it is now the end of day 2 and I am still doing great! Couple of different friends called tonight to go out and I told them I just wanted to stay in...I think they are still in shock but I feel great!

                        I know that 2 days AF isnt all that but it is better than no days! Heres to day 3 and to all of my new friends....we can do this!


                          in need of support!

                          Well done Pinkie

                          2 days AF is brilliant. Keep it up, but don't berate yourself if you do have a drink over the weekend.

                          Best wishes to you.

                          K-M x


                            in need of support!

                            welcome. we are here to support each other. glad you found this wonderful place

                            You can't turn a pickle into a cucumber


                              in need of support!

                              Pinkie, good job and welcome to you. It sounds as if you have really taken the bull by the horns.

                              This is a great community, so stay with us.:l
                              Enlightened by MWO

