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in need of support!

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    in need of support!

    GO PINKIE!!! Congrats on day 2AF and Rock on for Day3. WE CAN DO THIS!!!

    Hey have you started doing the drink tracker? I forgot to update it yesterday and need to also update today. BUT...I LURVE me a gold star every day, so I'm going to go off now and claim the two I haven't claimed yet!!

    Geez I'm posting here like a friggin' maniac - I'm nervous about dog training day and temptations. It will start soon but I wish it was starting NOW so I can just get through it and have it over with.

    Day 4 AF
    Sobriety Date = 5/22/08
    Nicotine Free Date = 2/27/07

    One day at a time.


      in need of support!

      Hi again Pinkie....
      I'm really pleased for you....and you too DG.


        in need of support!

        Hello Popeye! Thanks to you, Doggygirl and all my other supporters, I am now into day 4 and loving it!! I can actually remember what I did last night, my head doesnt hurt, I am not embassed to look anyone in the eye and I have no guilt! For me, that is pretty incredible considering I have spent every morning for the last 4 years feeling that way!

        Hope everyone is doing equally as well, or better for that matter! I did have a little problem last night, not cravings but more like a feeling of emptiness. I guess my hand felt empty from not having a beer in it for several hours but I improvised and gave it a glass (ok, several glasses) of water and we were both satisfied!

        A very wise women PM'ed me last night and said "time will pass at the same speed whether we drink of not" for me that was profound as time is one of the many things that I get away from! However after 3 nights AF, she is right! Drinking only makes me forget the current time but the next day I am forced to relive it and not usually happily. So my new found quest is to find something other than alcohol to pass the time and to embrace that time more than beer, vodka, wine etc etc!

        Hope everyone is having a great weekend...hang in there everyone!



          in need of support!

          WHEE PINKIE!!! Congratulations. You sound terrific and I am very happy for you. Did you go to the drink tracker and claim another gold star????

          Popeye, thank you for your words of congratulations.

          Onward and forward for another day. Like you Pinkie, I am amazed at how good I feel overall. Even the restless sleep issues and the Nopa Dopa brain fart stuff of the last couple days is such a minor negative compared the the wonderful feeling of being alcohol free. GUILT free.

          WE CAN DO THIS!!!!!

          Day 5AF
          Sobriety Date = 5/22/08
          Nicotine Free Date = 2/27/07

          One day at a time.


            in need of support!

            Day 5 is here and I am so excited! I bought the L-glutamine yesterday at Wal-mart and wow, does that stuff work!! It’s to help not only with the cravings but also to fight off the desire for sugar/carbs, which it did really well.

            I was very nervous about the weekend but I held strong, kept checking in here and found other things to do besides drink. Did you know that laundry can be very therapeutic? NOT!! Lol But it needed to be done!

            I do have one question/problem that I am hoping someone can help with: I have the CD’s and I listen to them as prescribed but every time I do Clearing of Hypnotic, I fall asleep. I am not sure if I am getting out of them what I need. I have tried to listen to them at various times of the day but I always end up napping….any suggestions?

            I hope all is well with everyone else and a have a great Monday!


              in need of support!

              Congratulations on another AF day, and also making it through the weekend! Now that you are caught up on your laundry, would you like to come help me out with mine?????

              I haven't fallen asleep every time, but probably 1/2 the time I have in Clearing and Hypno. Feel asleep on Hypno again yesterday evening as a matter of fact - before I got to the part where I make my own wish list, dang it!! I don't have good advice that I know works. I'm going to make a valiant effort to work the clearing and hypno stuff into the schedule earlier in the day. But it sounds like you've already tried that. Hopefully someone else will have ideas we can both use!!

              Onward and forward to get another day!!

              Day 6 AF******
              Sobriety Date = 5/22/08
              Nicotine Free Date = 2/27/07

              One day at a time.


                in need of support!

                You could try the CDs just after you wake up and before your first lot of Calms Forte!

                OK -Just a suggestion...

                Keep at it Pinkie and DG. I aspire to do some AF days!

                K-M :goodjob:


                  in need of support!

                  Hi K-M. First thing in the morning is a great suggestion. That would be tough just due to the schedule around here...BUT - I hadn't thought about the Calmes Forte as a factor and that is one heck of an excellent point. So I think I need to not only target "earlier in the day" in general, but "before noon" specifically (when I take that first one of the day). LOL - and that would be "noon CST" and not "noon somewhere" as a phrase from life before AF.

                  I'm on day 7 AF now baby!!!!!! WHEE!!!
                  Sobriety Date = 5/22/08
                  Nicotine Free Date = 2/27/07

                  One day at a time.


                    in need of support!

                    Thanks for the suggestions, I will have to try it first thing in the morning.

           7, YOU ROCK!!!! watch your heels girl, Im catching up!!! Hey if we save all the money that we spent drinking what do you say we go on a cruise?? An alcohol free one, if there is such a thing!


                      in need of support!

                      Day 6 is here and I AM LOVING IT!!! I feel so amazing, so grateful, and so free! I am still unsure of how to fill some of my time but I am finding more and more things to do, things that I should have been doing before but always put off.

                      My hypnotic suggestion of craving water instead of alcohol has worked, only I pee more than when I was drinking a 12 pack a night!

                      I have a retirement party that I must attend coming up in a few weeks that I am afraid to attend because it will be a big drinking party. I am not yet sure how to handle that situation. Not going is not an option and I know everyone will expect me to drink along with them. The party will be on my day 17 of AF, and yes, I do plan on making it to day 17, but I don’t want to blow it. I am worried but I will try to hold strong. If anyone has any suggestions, please pass them along.


                        in need of support!

                        First off, BIG congratulations on Day 6 AF, and also your wonderful, contagious P.M.A.!!! I'm lurvin' me that Rock Star thingamabob today so here is one for you too! :band2:

                        I'm sure you will get tons of great suggestions. Here's my two cents plus a Big Mac.

                        Since not going is not an option, can you carefully consider the most important time for you to be there - a segment of the event that will mean the most to the guest of honor? Can you limit your time there to that window? I think that's what I would do if there was a drinkfest coming up that I felt I absolutely HAD to attend.

                        Right now, I HAVE to put both of my quits first. (smoking + drinking) If I worry about what other people think, etc. etc. in a way that jeapardizes either of these, then I'm being very unfair not only to myself, but to my closest loved ones who need me to be healthy, and want me to be happy.

                        Do whatcha gotta do for you first, I say. We are no good to anyone if we are drunken fools. (resisting urge to say Mad Drunks which I did not say, but if I HAD said that, it would be in jest! )

                        2 cents and a Big Mac,
                        Sobriety Date = 5/22/08
                        Nicotine Free Date = 2/27/07

                        One day at a time.

