I'd like to also join as I'm just starting out. For me today is my first official day of the program. I've read the book, got the cds and topa. Waiting on the supps so I'm not sure how it will go without them as I believe they are an important part of the program. I'm going to re-read the part about the hypnosis because I found myself at a loss of what to think to myself during that part of the cd. What are some of the rest of your affirmations?
I'm also in my late 40's with no children and have decided to take control because I've become someone I don't know anymore. I can be a complete bitch and not nice to be around. My health is a mess high blood pressure, horrible liver profile numbers and overweight. I have made some progress since starting the journey with the profile numbers but not to the point where I'm healthy. I feel this will take me to the next step or as one of the threads said to the water to my waist and eventually to the deep end!
It helps to hear such posititive feedback from all of you and your successes.