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Looking for a buddy that is starting during the next week

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    Looking for a buddy that is starting during the next week

    Congrats to you for taking a brave new step! I'm just stepping out myself, and hope this great site will make all the difference. We can pat each other on the back when we do great, and pick each other up when we fall, and hopefully there won't be too many falls!
    The furture lies before you like newly fallen snow - be careful how you tread it, for every step will show.


      Looking for a buddy that is starting during the next week

      Hi Guys, i stuffed up last night fell like a real LOSER!

      Anyway you guys are great so if im not posting im lurking and wishing you all the best of luck!

      Regards Sigi.

      Back to square 1 eh


        Looking for a buddy that is starting during the next week

        Hi Sigi,
        Don't be too hard on yourself. You are back here and have our support, that's the important thing.
        Pick yourself up and be positive again.
        We all fall, but look for those helping hands and they will stretch out to you.
        Take care


          Looking for a buddy that is starting during the next week

          Hi guys

          Its a flying visit from me tonight,as usual i've been running around like a mad thing work,dinner kids homework .Then the taxi runs to cricket, school disco etc.Hopefully life will slow down a bit soon so i can spend more time reading and posting.Ihave caught up with some of the threads.Its hard to keep up as they move so fast!(Love them)
          It took a while for me to find this one as its a way down now.Just a suggestion maybe we could link up in the newbie day tracker?forgive me if thats wrong-still very new and finding my way around.I am on day 5 ...not sure how i feel a bit numb i guess too mussy headed to feel.Maybe thats a good thing.
          Hi Hannah.Pleasure to meet you.
          DG what a week you have had,in to 2 for you WELL DONE!!!
          Sig,sorry your struggling stay close don't give up xx
          Chaaka,Butterflybe,Chief,best wishes to you also.I hope Gracie and tex check in soon.If i don't see you here i will definatly see you there buddies.Thanks you have got me here with those cosy hands.


            Looking for a buddy that is starting during the next week

            Hi all!! Sigi, I am so sorry you are struggling. Nothing else you can do but dust off your britches and get right back to it. Wakeupmom, you sound awesome - even though busy! Congratulations on your success! Hi to Butterfly and Hannah too - you are both so right - this site is awesome for helping pick each other up and dust each other off. We will ALL need that along this path I'm quite sure.

            Wakeup, I love the suggestion of consolidating our various postings and goal threads etc. and using the daily Newbies in Need thread. Not that other threads aren't awesome too. But I tend to first go to Newbies in Need. If others tend to do that as well, it's probably a good thing so the most urgent daily stuff ends up there where it will be seen most quickly. 2 cents, anyway!!

            Here's to a positive finish to the day, no matter the ups and downs. And making a good plan for tomorrow.

            Hugs to all..

            DG ********
            Sobriety Date = 5/22/08
            Nicotine Free Date = 2/27/07

            One day at a time.


              Looking for a buddy that is starting during the next week

              Glad to meet you all.

              I found this site a couple of months back, and found a lot of support here.
              Unfortunatly I slid back into my old habits for a while but I am ready to try again.

              Day one for me.


                Looking for a buddy that is starting during the next week

                Hi guys!

                Count me in too. I am starting next week ---- just placed my order for the CD's and Supps today. I hope that the Priority Mail delivery will ensure that I get it soon.

                My husband has been on my back to call the doctor, so I finally did, and have an appt scheduled for Monday. I am not looking forward to confessing, but I know it has to be done. I am worried that I might have caused liver problems already. For awhile there, I just didn't want to know, but I am forcing myself to find out now... Maybe it will be less embarrassing since I can tell the doc all about this program and everything I have done so far to get ready to quit...

                Just some background on me: I am in my mid 40's, have 2 kids, and a husband that acts like I am worthless now because of my problem. (I loved hearing about being on level ground --- can't wait!)

                Next week will be a whole new beginning. I'm psyched!


                  Looking for a buddy that is starting during the next week

                  Hello Everyone and Welcome to the newcomers.

                  I have not been around for a few days and wanted to catch up with you all.

                  I have not been as good as I was at the start, but am still drinking less that 1/2 what I was before. This is the second weekend where I have been clearing stuff out of my father's house - very stressful.

                  Looking forward to the Topa arriving.

                  I hope that you are all doing well wherever you are in the process and look forward to your updates.

                  Whatever happened to Tex Mom (hope you are OK).

                  Hugs and best wishes to all.

                  K-M x


                    Looking for a buddy that is starting during the next week

                    Hi K-M aka Chaaku!! I've been wondering where you were. I'm sure the weekends spent cleaning out your Dad's house are NOT easy at all. How much longer do you anticipate the project to last? I'm sure it will be nice for you and probably peaceful for your family to get that behind you. Congratulations on keeping to 1/2 of what you used to drink. That is huge progress!

                    I too am wondering after Tex Mom and several others we haven't heard from in awhile. Hope everyone is OK - and if anyone is struggling I hope you come by to get some support and hugs and encouragement or a kick in the britches or whatever you need to help you.

                    Day 13 AF * * * * * * * * * * * * *
                    Sobriety Date = 5/22/08
                    Nicotine Free Date = 2/27/07

                    One day at a time.

