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New to group

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    New to group

    I found this group last night and decided to join because I need the support to stop drinking. I have been at it for about 30 years now. I think I've had enough. I've stopped a few times but always started back up and "as you all know". It's so damn hard to stop again. Usually it was because I had company for a few days and had to. I pretend.... you know, like they don't know.

    Anyway I just quit my job of many years so I have plenty of time to dry out. Before I used the excuse of waiting for a long weekend so I could get rest. Sometimes I feel like such a loser. But I am much happier that I am not working. I really hated my job and had a long commute to boot. For now I am enjoying my time off but I am spoiling it by drinking every night.

    So, here I am. I'm pretty much a loner and don't do group (real life) meetings too well. AA never helped. I think it made it worse. I would come home totally depressed. I went through a outpatient treatment once. That was a nice humiliating experience! I started drinking after two weeks into the program. Luckily they didn't test me. LOL!

    I know I have the will, but sometimes I wonder. God I hate this monkey on my back. It just sucks the life out of you.

    OK I'll shut up now. I guess I needed to get that all out.



    New to group

    Hi and :welcome: Iam

    You have found a great site also a loner.....but only because the drink makes me that way.......tut

    I hope you enjoy meeting new people here and get some useful hints and tips etc...their a lovely hope to see more of your posts.....

    Luv Keepon:h


      New to group


      Welcome aboard! I found this site in May bought the book ASAP and then ordered the CD's and supps. I finally started the program last week but just went AF on Thrusday so I am in day 3..yippe! Anyway, I am glad you are here, everyone here knows what you are feeling and wants to help in any way possible!

      I too tried AA, not for me!!! Havent been to treatment and hope not to have to go since finding this site! Hang in there, so far the program is working for me!



        New to group


        Thanks Keepon and Pinkie.

        I ordered the Kudzu but not the book yet. I read a book a few years ago called "Seven Weeks to Sobriety" and had some good results with their suppliment program. Have you guys tried the Topamax?

        I would be a lot more social if I didn't have that bottle of wine waiting to sink me into oblivion under the guise of being my "best friend in the world". Black hearted bastard!

        It's nice to be able to be myself in a safe place such as this w/o having to show my physical self and feel the burn of shame.

        I art therefore I am


          New to group

          Welcome Iam!

          AA didn't work for me either, but this place has certainly helped. There's some great posts in the Long Term Abstainers Forum which will give you some hope and some advice if you want to take it.

          If you need help, just post and someone will respond - just remember time differences sometimes means it takes 24 hours or so before people really get a chance to read it.

          (nearly 8 months sober)
          It always seems impossible until it's done....


            New to group

            Welcome IAM

            I, too, am often a loner. Not always by choice but because I travel.

            This forum has been a Godsend to me!! :welcome:

            There are many success stories on this site and many just starting out like you.

            Some of us, like me, are still "finding our way" and going down the path. (It does seem others seem to be able to jump in and do it better than me, though!!)

            Weekends are tough, both for all of us alcoholics and on this site. Don't be discouraged if responses seem slow or spotty. It is the nature of the beast out here. Lots of people go away for the weekend or get busy with families and don't have time to post during the weekend.

            So, with that said. Welcome and jump on in!!

            Best of luck,
            AF April 9, 2016


              New to group

              Welcome Iam! there is a place on the forum for the prescriptions meds (topa etc) with lots of feedback from those with firsthand experience. I'm on Campral which is helping me along with the rest of the MWO program. Download RJ's MWO book from this website when you can...highly recommended.
              congrads to you for being here...
              nosce te ipsum
              (Know Thyself)


                New to group

                Hi Iam,

                I am a bit of a loner too, in the sense that i live on my own and have no real social support outside of this forum. In fact, my friends even try to encourage me to drink - which both disappoints me and angers me.

                But anyway, moving right along.

                It is good that you have time out to dry out, because you will probably need some rest. It also sounds like you have some underlying issues as to why you are drinking, eg, loneliness. Loneliness is not a dirty word, as you will see here. There is actually a thread on it somewhere here where we all talked about it.

                So, anyway, i have a feeling that this site may well be for you. It will allow you a private place where you can deal with your issues, in your own home and at your own pace.

                Good luck and keep posting!

                Btw, i posted every time i felt like a drink at the start and still do now.
                One day at a time.. Sometimes it's one minute or one second at a time.. Most important thing is to look ahead and don't look back!


                  New to group

                  Welcome Iam please stick around. i have found this site to be very encouraging without judgement. It is overwhelming enough to learn that you need to take control of the monkey on your back. So be gentle with yourself, and do post everytime you feel like you might fall down.
                  Kudzu and l-glutamine have helped me a lot. So has positive thinking and determination.
                  at first it seems impossible, but slowly things get easier .
                  good luck
                  You can't turn a pickle into a cucumber


                    New to group

                    Thanks everyone for the encouragement! It is very much appreciated.

                    I guess I am a little lonely. My best friend (only close friend who doesn't know, I don't think anyway, about my drinking). I'm pretty good at hiding it from new friends. Aren't we clever!!! Anyway she is out of town for the weekend and I miss not having her available. But I have relatives in the area so I'm going to meet them at the Sunday market. I was hoping my brother would stay here a couple day which would force me to not drink, but they decided to stay at a hotel. So of course I ran to the store to pick up some special companionship.

                    Oh and I left my wallet in the grocery cart out in the parking lot. I realized what I'd done when I got home. It's a half hour drive as I live way out in the country. Thank GOD it was still there when I called the store. I just replaced a lost drivers license and there was $900 cash plus a $500 money order in it. The other day I found my credit card on the ground outside my car when I was "shopping". HELLO!!! Is the universe trying to tell me something or what?

                    So today I am chosing to go AF (as you guys call it) before my luck runs out.

                    I am so glad I don't have to go to work tomorrow! YAY! And I am so GLAD I still have my wallet intact.

                    I am thankful for today and my good fortune. I am thankful I found this place you all of you.

                    I am that I am!


                      New to group

                      Hi Iam and welcome!!!

                      I am a newbie here too. But already this site + the MWO program has been a major help for me, and for the first time in a long time I feel so positive about the future!!!!

                      I am on Day 5 of AF and I can't remember the last time I had TWO days in a row without drinking much less 5. And it really hasn't felt that bad. Yes I have urges to drink - of course I do. But they have been passing pretty easily for now anyway. Of course this is a one day at a time game!!

                      I downloaded the book and read it front to back - and noted several sections for reading again. I am taking all of the recommended supplements - and they were all purchased here at MWO. I really believe that there is little regulation in the natural supplements market, hence quite a range of quality out there. I am quite serious about ending my long (like you - 30+ years) relationship with booze and want to give myself the very best shot at success.

                      I also purchased the hypnosis CD's. I've never done any hypnosis before. Now that I am starting to get into it, I find I really look forward to the sessions and find them positive and relaxing. I end up feeling good about my decision to stop drinking, and feel strong about my ability to do it.

                      I ordered the Topa on-line (will not go to doctor for insurance reasons). I received it, but have not started taking it. I feel really good with the supplements and CD's and this discussion forum support, so I will not add Topa unless something changes with how I'm feeling somewhere down the road.

                      Of course these are just my decisions and what is working for me so far. The cool thing about the MWO program is the acknowledgement that each person can and should and will tailor the program to their individual goals and needs.

                      Best wishes to you and I hope to get to know you better!!!

                      Day 5 AF * * * * * (gold stars!)
                      Sobriety Date = 5/22/08
                      Nicotine Free Date = 2/27/07

                      One day at a time.


                        New to group

                        Like everyone else, I'm a newbie. I've downloaded the book and received the CD's. Discussed the whole program with my doc who has been very supportive. Am currently waiting for the supplements. Have my perscription for topa. I've read the book and started the CD's today. will also start the topa tonight but will have to wait on the supps. I'm going out of town this week for business and think I will make a lot of progress in the program. I can focus 100% on helping me once my days are finished around 3:00 pm. I'm very optimistic and feel that this will be the program that changes the way I feel about drinking.

