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On Day 6 AF

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    On Day 6 AF

    I decided to quit for 30 days 6 days ago. I have been drinking more and more since I got married 10 years ago to a man who drinks almost eveyday. I don't think I am an acoholic. At least not yet. But I think that I am heading in that direction. So I quit. I really feel so much better already. I never used to want alcohol, but I was finding myself expecting it every night and soemtimes drinking enough to wake up with a headache. That can't be healthy. I worry about my husband's health too. I hope my quitting will help him decrease his drinking.

    On Day 6 AF

    :goodjob: on day 6 AF. I am an alcoholic, or at least I have an addictive personality that LATCHES on to numbing agents. I worry about my husband too. While I am drinking less, he is drinking more, missing work, and getting depressed duh:upset: Of course he is depressed drinking so much. I am moderating now but am seriously thinking of going back to AF again. Went 33 days so I know I can do it.

    Anyway, just wanted to say I understand where u r coming from.:l


      On Day 6 AF

      Hi Vic and welcome!!

      If you think your drinking is taking you in a direction you aren't happy with, then GOOD for you addressing it sooner rather than later. Congratulations on 6 days AF!! That is awesome. I wish you well on your journey and hope to get to know you better.

      ***waving to hart*** Hope you are having a good day and that hubby is being good....

      Day 5 AF
      Sobriety Date = 5/22/08
      Nicotine Free Date = 2/27/07

      One day at a time.


        On Day 6 AF

        Thanks for the support. I am still AF and on day 10!


          On Day 6 AF

          Congratulations Vic!!!!! :yougo: :yougo: :yougo: 10 AF days is awesome. Here are 10 gold stars for you **********. (yes, I am in touch with my inner child, and jazzed by the simplest of rewards!)

          You must feel really good knowing that you are in charge of the BoozeBeast and not the other way around.

          Are you you taking any supplements, hypno, meds, etc.? Or just cold turkey? Whatever the method, good for you getting your arms around this thing before it's out of control.

          Keep us posted! Congratulations! (I can't wait for 2-digits!)

          Day 8 AF********(gold stars)
          Sobriety Date = 5/22/08
          Nicotine Free Date = 2/27/07

          One day at a time.


            On Day 6 AF

            Vic: It's awesome that you are going AF for a month. Alcoholism is a progressive disease. It took me 5 - 7 years to realize that my drinking was far, far from normal. Of course, your husband will be effected by your change. When one person in a relationship changes, the other person has no choice but to change in some way. That doesn't mean that he will give up alcohol. But something will shift. Good luck. I'm right behind you. Mary
            Wisdom, Courage, Strength
            October 3, 2012

