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I Teach College Chemistry.....So?????

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    I Teach College Chemistry.....So?????

    So what does that have to do with being an alcoholic? Lots. I am not a newbie really, but not an oldbie either. I'm an inbetweenbie. Anyhow, I have been reading lots of posts here and am drawing some analogies.

    I have taught a bunch of stuff, but one course I love is analytical chemisty. That is basically problem solving. The one thing I find that my students can't do is to take a big problem and make it simple. They don't understand that the biggest problem in the world is only a matter of baby steps. Each step is tiny and is taken one at a time - one by one and at the end of the process you have the answer. The problem seemed huge, but it is just a whole bunch of little easy problems.

    To stop drinking (or to moderate) sounds like a huge problem to all of us. And it is. But think of it as only a series of small problems, each one of which is simple to solve. Example: You are in the store and pass by the beer or wine section. You have about 5 seconds to make a simple decision - yes or no. Remember that the most sophisticated computers on earth work on a binary system - basically saying yes or now thousands of times per second. But those are the only two answers they are capable of - yes or no. Those are the only two answers you can make also - yes or no. And you may have to make that decision quickly. Just learn to say no. It only takes an instant. And you just get used to saying no. No to a drink with friends - just have a tonic with lime. No big deal - not a big decision at the moment. No tiny decision is difficult at the moment - because it's tiny. You only have to be strong for an instant. But over time, it adds up to one huge decison to get your life back together.

    We are not playing a game, here. We are talking about our lives and the lives of our loved ones, and maybe even about the lives of innocent people we don't know (if we drive drunk). One step at a time. Keep your eyes on the prize, but stay strong and make those little decisons.

    Just a few thoughts. I hope I didn't bore you.
    Rest in Peace, Bear. We miss you.

    I Teach College Chemistry.....So?????

    Mags, I must say i have been struggling today and even contemplated taking up smoking (good eh) replacing one addiction with another?

    Anyway i just had to log on and what is the first post i read? yours and i have to say - THANK YOU SO MUCH, those words me so much we are not playing a game!

    And dont ever think a post like that could be boring more inspiring i would say!

    Regards Sigi.


      I Teach College Chemistry.....So?????

      Thank you Mags!

      Intellectually, I know what you're saying and it's good to hear it because I forget it. I really need to take baby steps now because I'm at the bottom of the baby step ladder and always, the first step is the most difficult! For me, getting out of bed is a challenge at the moment. Today I think I could manage that and more after reading your post.

      Thank you.

      p.s But I am sober and not hungover!
      Full is not nearly as heavy as empty, my love...
      Not nearly. -Fiona Apple-


        I Teach College Chemistry.....So?????

        One foot in front of the other. You will go forward if you just do that.

        Keep the faith in yourself.
        Rest in Peace, Bear. We miss you.


          I Teach College Chemistry.....So?????

          A Wise Woman

          Dear Mags,

          I think that they let you teach college chemistry because you are a very, very wise woman.

          What a wonderful message to everyone, new or old.

          Thank you for this.

          You make me smile with my heart.

          magic xx :schmokin:
          ~Are you looking for the Holy One?
          I am in the next seat.
          My shoulder is against yours. ~Kabir


            I Teach College Chemistry.....So?????

            Mags, I agree with the theory of what you are saying, but in reality; I was way past the point of ?just saying no?. Many times I would say never again only to find myself drunk. I sincerely wanted to quit drinking, but even at the point of knowing I was killing myself, I could not stop. I had an unbelievable, irresistible urge to drink. Even when I could stop for a few days or weeks, I always ended up ?convincing? myself I could drink ?a little?. When I wasn?t drinking, drinking or not drinking, was always on my mind. I believe at some point in our drinking we mentally develop an alcoholic mindset which is hard to get around. The body (mind) gets used to having that fix and we do unreasonable things as a result. Just the thought of not having another drink was enough to trigger me into a drunken wasteland. It took me drinking enough to kill a normal person to finally say ?enough?. I realized I needed help and it didn?t matter anymore what people thought or said. If I lost my job, my family, my everything; I had to quit drinking or die. At that point, I was able, with the help of the good people here and my wife, to get help and finally realize I was a person who could not drink. I can?t drink ever again if I want to continue to enjoy the life I have gotten back. Maybe I am a slow learner, but I think there are others here who are still immersed in the alcoholic shroud I was living in, and cannot just decide not to drink. Whenever having a drink crosses my mind now, I remember the last time I was drunk. It wasn?t a pretty sight, and it caused me to have a breakdown (clinical depression). It was a blessing from God. It enabled me to finally come out of the closet, admit the depth of my problem, and get some professional help. When I finally decided I was willing to give up everything, if necessary, to quit; I discovered it wasn?t the giving up of things which was necessary. It was the willingness to give up everything that finally released me.

            I wish you the best

            God Bless

            What St. Frances of Assisi said of himself is true for me.
            ?If God can work through me He can work through anybody.?


              I Teach College Chemistry.....So?????

              Hi Mags, I like what your'e saying.....and that might work for some. Train the mind to just say no. But, what about the ones who are on self-destruct? When I was drinking, I would go out and pass the bottle isle in the supermarket. I would think.....No, I'm not buying! Easy, desicion made. Then I would think, Oh what the hell, I don't care. I hate myself, I Don't care what happens to me! The desicion to say No is completly over-ridden by the complex 'self-destroy-mode' mind. But, Like you say.....maybe if we just train ourselves to say No. I could be easy then, in a way. Thanks for your post. Bella xxx


                I Teach College Chemistry.....So?????

                i just read mag s post an how wise, i wish she was my science teacher! it makes so much sense broken down like that, BUT i need to retrain my brain to listen to me, im a gemini an it does feel like i have a good twin an a bllody little devil as the other 1, i find my brain telling me all these positive thoughts an like u say the hand reaches 4 the bottle on the shelf an wham im drinking it, the good twin gets pushed aside by the bolshy evil twin, god i sound like i got split personality disorder now, but i hope u know what i mean,
                i guess it s gonna take a while an some dr s help to put things right , is that what cognative behaviour therapy is, (spelt incorrectly i imagine) . im so excited about seeing councillor, but worried i wont b able to make what im saying fit together, my past all comes out very randomly, as im trying to workit out as im talking, an there r so many parts i have forgotton about, drunk or just not wanting to remember the shit i think mostly, xxx
                if you always do what you have always done you will always get what you have always got!


                  I Teach College Chemistry.....So?????

                  Thank you so much for your post. A great reminder. Little steps add up to a great journey. Wise words. Btw, my aunt is a college prof. / Dr. of chem.... a really, really smart woman, and also has had alcohol issues.

                  AF for two years. Slight relapse. Working on it at the moment.


                    I Teach College Chemistry.....So?????

                    I like the idea of breaking the 'whole' issue down and achieving one small step at a time; however I seem to manage to achieve one small step in the right direction then take a detour and end up back at square one!! Guess that is better than taking one step forward and 2 steps back? Will try the straight route forward with one small step at a time.
                    I had better learn to say 'no' to the bottles in the supermarket and then say 'no' to stopping at the liquor store on the way home!
                    Good thread. Thanks


                      I Teach College Chemistry.....So?????

                      Mags: Thank you for the strategy. I've been trying the "one day at a time" approach & find it works for me. Every time I make the small decision to not drink or buy alcohol, the habit begins to be broken. I've read that if you go against your habit (do something different) 21 times, the habit can be broken & a new (better) habit takes its place. Of course, the willingness must be there.

                      Like many of you, I try to review in my mind all the negatives of drinking (hangover, shame, etc.) & try to remember the worst of my drunks (embarrassing myself in various ways). That seems to break the temptation somewhat. Sometimes I just need to grit my teeth & tough it out.

                      Thank you all for the sharings. I need to read them often, because I do not know when the cravings will strike me. Hopefully time will dull them.

                      Wisdom, Courage, Strength
                      October 3, 2012


                        I Teach College Chemistry.....So?????

                        Mags, thank you so much for this post!! Reminds me of the old saying "How do you eat an elephant? One bite at a time."

                        The only reason I am nicotine free for 141 days (I will claim those gold stars too!) is by doing exactly what Mags suggested - ONE thought of smoking at a time. The thought I had to plant in my brain, which I stole (I make up very little good stuff of my own LOL!) was, and still is: I cannot prevent thoughts of smoking from crossing my mind. I AM in charge of what I do about it. Each time a thought of smoking crosses my mind, I will not light up.

                        Of course I'm employing the same strategy for drinking, but I am so THANKFUL for MWO because I really believe that the supplements and hypno have made the thoughts/cravings less intense, and less frequent than they would otherwise be. (hence for many years the best of intentions at 7AM were all blown by "noon somewhere.")

                        I can also relate to the fact that while it's a "simple" yes or no decision, you have to want it bad enough to tough out some HARD cravings - one craving at a time - through a zillion cravings. That can be wearing.

                        Anyway, very interesting topic and very interesting ideas and food for thought from all.

                        Sobriety Date = 5/22/08
                        Nicotine Free Date = 2/27/07

                        One day at a time.


                          I Teach College Chemistry.....So?????

                          Mags, thanks for taking the time to post this. It is a great reminder. My biggest struggle is ALWAYS at the grocery. If I bring it home, I drink it, as does hubby. If it isn't here, I feel grumpy for a while, then move on. The HABIT is what needs changing -for me. I am on 25mg topa for 6 days now. Opened a bottle of chilled white out of habit last night, realized I didn't want it with dinner. Let it sit, wandered around it all evening, and finally had 2.5 glasses as I read a novel. BUT. It wasn't the whole bottle, and I thought about it. So, now I will stop and think yes or no before I open, before I buy, and say NO far more often than I say yes-to this aspect of my life. I will say YES more often to exercise, veggies, reading for fun, gardening, and spending time with people I love. Thanks again for the reminder.:h
                          Life itself is the proper binge. Julia Child


                            I Teach College Chemistry.....So?????

                            No Wonder You are a Teacher!

                            You have said it so well, and it all makes sense. I know I am going to learn and lot, and get a lot of help out of signing in, and just the kind I needed. Much appreciated! Now if someone can tell this nearly blind middle aged woman how to make the font size increase as I type this, that would be great! :thanks:
                            The furture lies before you like newly fallen snow - be careful how you tread it, for every step will show.


                              I Teach College Chemistry.....So?????

                              Hi Mags,

                              Your post is great! And very well written. However, saying "no" is sometimes hard, especially when you have a brain that justifies and rationalises everything. For example:
                              "I haven't had a drink for a few days, so it will be okay"
                              "It's only alcohol, i could be doing worse things to my body"
                              "It must be better than chocolate".

                              I won't go on. But i agree, small steps.

                              Now where's that computer chip for my brain?
                              One day at a time.. Sometimes it's one minute or one second at a time.. Most important thing is to look ahead and don't look back!

