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I Teach College Chemistry.....So?????

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    I Teach College Chemistry.....So?????

    Change;165509 wrote: Hi Mags,

    Your post is great! And very well written. However, saying "no" is sometimes hard, especially when you have a brain that justifies and rationalises everything. For example:
    "I haven't had a drink for a few days, so it will be okay"
    "It's only alcohol, i could be doing worse things to my body"
    "It must be better than chocolate".

    I won't go on. But i agree, small steps.

    Now where's that computer chip for my brain?
    If saying no was easy............
    Sobriety Date = 5/22/08
    Nicotine Free Date = 2/27/07

    One day at a time.


      I Teach College Chemistry.....So?????

      Believe me. I know that no is the hardest word in the English language to say. I didn't mean to imply that saying no is easy - it can be excruciatingly hard. But it must be said - over and over and over again. One no at a time. Hopefully it will get easier with practice.

      As a matter of fact, that is a wish more than reality. Sometimes it's not that hard, and sometimes it's harder than ever. For all of us no matter if we have been AF for one day or one year. We just have to keep trying. Sometimes we will say yes and then regret it. We have to accept that. None of us are perfect and there will be setbacks. Hopefully we can minimize the yes times and maximize the no times.

      Good luck to all of us.

      :h :h
      Rest in Peace, Bear. We miss you.


        I Teach College Chemistry.....So?????

        Mags;165552 wrote: Believe me. I know that no is the hardest word in the English language to say. I didn't mean to imply that saying no is easy - it can be excruciatingly hard. But it must be said - over and over and over again. One no at a time. Hopefully it will get easier with practice.

        As a matter of fact, that is a wish more than reality. Sometimes it's not that hard, and sometimes it's harder than ever. For all of us no matter if we have been AF for one day or one year. We just have to keep trying. Sometimes we will say yes and then regret it. We have to accept that. None of us are perfect and there will be setbacks. Hopefully we can minimize the yes times and maximize the no times.

        Good luck to all of us.

        :h :h
        It still amazes how so many techniques used to quit smoking apply here. The way I think of the reality of the "no" thing is....... The solution is simple - just say "no" every time the thought occurs. The execution may not always be easy. BUT...when I finally realized that the solution really is that simple (as opposed to something complicated that I could not even fathom or know where to begin) - focus on execution could begin.

        I can't speak for anyone else certainly. But I know I've wasted a lot of time with both smoking and drinking hiding behind the "complexity of it all" rather than just finding a good way to start saying no. **now I'm running fast before someone comes along and spanks me for saying that*****

        Day 8 and feeling great. (another stolen phrase but I really like it!!!)********
        Sobriety Date = 5/22/08
        Nicotine Free Date = 2/27/07

        One day at a time.


          I Teach College Chemistry.....So?????

          Day 8 feeling great. FANTASTIC DG!! Really proud of you.
          Well done. Congratulations. So pleased for you.
          Just say 'NO'. Great principal. Will try to give it a try!!


            I Teach College Chemistry.....So?????

            Now I'm afraid you will confuse my toes with Nancy Reagan (some of you may be too young to get the joke).
            Rest in Peace, Bear. We miss you.


              I Teach College Chemistry.....So?????

              Thank you MAgs & MD BIker....both really thought provoking posts..which I am saving & going to reread & reflect when have more time


                I Teach College Chemistry.....So?????

                Mags, I think you are simply amazing.

                I have printed this and will carry it with me because I like to be a black and white person for myself (not my kids of course)

                Thank you
                "Keep your eyes and heart focused on the end goal at all times, and never settle for less."


                  I Teach College Chemistry.....So?????

                  What a great post. I tend to get overwhelmed with big decisions sometimes so I am tackling my drinking in steps. I have been drinking moderately (except for one slip up in late June) and even have af days during the week. I am in the process of trying to become a more moderate, moderate. I do much better if I break things down in simple steps. There is nothing better than when I wake up in the a.m. knowing I spent the previous evening af.
                  AF since 2/22/2012

