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night after drinking
night after drinking
hey guys.. well i thought maybe i was doing better but went out last night with a couple of my friends and my guy friend buys everything. i remember being drunk and knowing i was trying to control it, but i tried to slow down, and guess what happens? i notice my mood goes WAY down. like very depressed. im like what the heck? this is why i keep on continuing to drink once i start. i dont know if you guys take notice of this, or if you guys react like this with alcohol. i am somewhat sad as it is always, but when i drink i feel happier, if i slow down for ten minutes and not drink, i IMmedediately feel Very sad. more sad than before i started... do u guys notice this? or is it just me? anyway, my friends who arent around me to much when i drink ( other than my bf who hates this problem) egged me on to keep drinking bc i was complaining of how when i try to control it i get sad, so i just said "f it" and downed them. i dont remember the ride home ( no, wasnt driving!) but i remember being at my house drunk. i hate blackouts especially. i remember up until like the last beer i had pretty much. i remember and am very conscious about it now when im drunk, however, like i said.. its like gloom and doom if i stop suddenly, or drink slow.. anyways, so thats about it. its so embarassing it really is. talk to ya guys later.Tags: None
night after drinking
Oops - when I first noticed your post I did not make the connection that this is Colleen from a couple days ago. Will catch up on your other thread, then come back with something that is hopefully less stupid!!
DGSobriety Date = 5/22/08
Nicotine Free Date = 2/27/07
One day at a time.
night after drinking
Hi Colleen. Since you visited a couple of days ago, have you taken any steps such as downloading the My Way Out Book and really looking at yourself in the mirror over your situation? Not trying to put you on the spot - just trying to understand where you are at in your planning. And I DO believe very firmly that nothing is going to change unless you make a PLAN to change it, and then be serious about implementing a good plan - even though you might make mistakes sometimes.
It was hard for me initially to face down the BoozeBeast, and really look myself in the mirror and be HONEST. I don't know what your truth is...maybe you can successfully moderate your drinking or maybe you can't. But you won't know until you make a good plan and seriously work on executing a good plan.
I'm probably stepping out of line here with my concerns. In your post a couple of days ago you mentioned serious injuries you've sustained as a result of decisions made about transportation after drinking. I worry that's a sign, even if my place is NOT to worry over this......
I hope if you haven't downloaded the book yet that you will.
Day 10 AF and if I can do it for 10 days in a row, it can be done - that is for sure. * * * * * * * * * *Sobriety Date = 5/22/08
Nicotine Free Date = 2/27/07
One day at a time.
night after drinking
me145, i have been in your situation and can relate. i have felt that way so many times. just don't want to be sad, so one more drink, right? listen to doggygirl. she's been there too. have you seen a doctor about this? sounds like you have depression issues and you are self-medicating (like most of us here).
(Doggygirl, you are GOOD. I think I'm gonna stop giving any advice because you do it so much better.)Your time is limited, so don't waste it living someone else's life... And most important, have the courage to follow your heart and intuition. They somehow already know what you truly want to become. Everything else is secondary.
Steve Jobs, Stanford Commencement Adress, 2005
night after drinking
hey guys.. doggy girl very good advice. and i understand what you mean by a plan. no i do not have one. i guess in the past ive tried to have one, which is just go out and stop when u get too drunk, however, that NEVER EVER WORKS for me.. i am a true girl with alcohol problems. i will not deny it to my friends, or family. i see a huge difference in me and a few of my girlfreinds, who go out and dont crave drinking more after two or three. and i cant understand it. my thinking is , "how is that if people like drinking, they just dont want to keep going if it makes u feel better?" So your advice to make a plan is a good reminder for me.
i cant do the, " so col just drink till u get comfortably drunk and then stop so u dont black out", i just always end up blacking out with that "plan". ive been flagged by about three bartenders in the past few months. to be honest, lately ive been better, except for last night...i clearly remember having a few, slowing down.. but feeling sad then. thinking ugh this sux! if i drink fast, i end up getting to drunk, and if i drink slow and control it, (which latetely ive figured out that i can, and have been) i feel sadder than before. HOwever, the drinking slow and controlling it leaves me with a pretty overwhelming sadness in my mood, and boredom..... so last night after not being drunk "badly" in awhile ( just highly buzzed the past month for the most part) i was like "ya know im just gonna let myself go and get drunk" what happens is so weird, because u know whats up one minute and then the next i cant remember.... my friends said i was just putting my head down in the car in the backseat. so basically, im going to make a plan for myself. im going to say no drinking more than twice a week, and when i drink i MUST not let myself go and just keep a buzz going by drinking slowly. if i drink slowly everything is fine.... i know it sounds like a plan that people here probably lauph at because its unlikely i will keep to it.. however, im gonna try it.. and im sure ill mess up, but at least i constantly try. its either that or aa girls, and idont think ive hit rock bottom enough for aa yet. i just couldnt stick to it, especially being 25 and young still. maybe when im older, married with kids.. who knows. i will let you know how it goes... and just accept that i cant drink to feel happy.. i just have to realize it while im drinking i might just feel worse but to bad!
so, what are your plans?
my 40 year old man friend stops drinking for so a month, then starts again then stops again, knowing its just for a month. he doesn t plan on giving it up, i think he just wants to know he has control over it... he is bad.. he drives drunk whenever he drinks. errr.
night after drinking
Hi one more time before I toddle off to make dinner.
It sounds like you really want to try to moderate your drinking in a way that will allow you to drink a couple of times a week and in a reasonable quantity. I would suggest as part of your plan that you define what that quanitity is. (two drinks? three drinks? - not sure how "reasonable" you would consider more than 3 to be.......)
Have you downloaded the book yet to read about the My Way Out program? Yes it is possible to quit drinking based on sheer willpower alone I suppose. And I'm sure many people have mustered up the sheer willpower to moderate. But there are phyical things going on in your body that are contributing to your problem. If you haven't already read the book please do yourself a huge favor and do so. (if you said you have read the book and I missed that somehow, please forgive me for being a downright nag!!)
The My Way Out program has 4 different components that are intended to help address the physical issues that are real. I hope you will at least check it out.
Best wishes to you!!
Now on Day 11 AF * * * * * * * * * * *Sobriety Date = 5/22/08
Nicotine Free Date = 2/27/07
One day at a time.
night after drinking
Hi me145,
The idea of alcohol being a mood enhancer/happy drug is just an illusion.
I have always felt that having a few drinks lifts my mood, but that feeling never lasts.
"What makes for happiness" is different for everyone, but truly, alcohol doesn`t help us find it.
I am closer to being happy since I realized that happiness isn`t to be found at the bottom of a wine bottle................
I wish you well,
Starlight Impress
night after drinking
Hi Me145,
I tried moderating for years and years - kept trying to think of different ways to do it - made agreements with myself, spent hours negotiating and after about 20 years finally gave up and this site gave me the motivation and inspiration to go completely AF for a while - and believe me, it was the most peaceful time of my life! - It was wonderful to quieten the voices, to stop the negotiations and stop the mornings of regret - it was wonderful to just rest from it all. It's not all been plain sailing but just having that respite for a while was so worth it! The book recommends 30 days no alcohol to start, just to give your body and mind time to adjust - and then make decisions as to how to pocede from there...
Good luck with your decisions and efforts - keep determined, keep your goals in sight and you'll find a way of getting there...:rays: Arial
Last first day - 15th April 2012
Days 1-7 DONE
Days 8-14 DONE
Days 15-21 DONE
30 days DONE
60 days
100 days
night after drinking
hey guys. i went out last night with the bf here in jersey. i did control my drinking. it wasnt that hard. for some reason i wasnt enjoying it.. maybe because of the overindulging on thursday two days earlier. so i drank slow. thats all i really have to do in order for it to be in control, and take no shots of course. so like i said, ive been learning to control it. ive been training myself and knowing that if i drink slow, i will not get the same euphoric effect that i get when i drink faster and take shots, but thats the only way i wont get out of hand drunk. however, i know ill mess up again soon. so im still thinking of maybe stopping for awhile like you guys. i hear alot about this book now in the past posts.. im DEFINITELY downloading it when i get back to my house . im in jerz right now. my bf is interested in stopping too with me. he knows how to stop when hes to drunk unlike me, ( which is why when i control it i must stay at a buzz or else if iget to drunk i will keep going) however he drinks everyday alot. so we might try it together.. thanks for everything guys. so tell me. after two weeks or more is it easier? say u go out to dinner and u want a glass of wine. is it hard? ok! cant wait to download this book. also another question, do u guys take any medications? do they work? are they just for no withdrawel symptoms when u guys want to stop drinking or do they actually help u not crave alcohol or stop when get too drunk, etc..???
another question, i have depression defnitely. i need to see a doc again, the zolof twasnt really working because of the alcohol and becausei was on it for years... it stopped... now-do u guys feel less depressed when u dont drink ?
night after drinking
I feel depressed initially, but after a bit, say 10 days, that starts to go away. I always feel like I'm missing something at first, but then I start to notice all of the other things that I am accomplishing and enjoying.
Alcohol itself is a depressant and it takes time to get out of your system. It doesn't happen overnight.
Alcohol is a powerful drug. Self talk is powerful also. When I tell myself that life will be boring or I will be sad if I stop drinking, then I will be. If I tell myself that I need to give my body time to get used to the new me and life is worth living without booze, then it will be. We are what we repeat.
Why don't you try telling yourself, I am happy drinking slowly - this gives me the best of both worlds? Keep repeating it until you believe it. That has always helped me. Worth a try . . .
night after drinking
Hi Colleen. Congratulations on moderating. At the same time I am very glad to hear you have decided to download the book. If nothing else, you will be much better informed about your options now and in the future. All part of a good plan!!
Even though it's only been 12 days alcohol free for me, and I still think about drinking some of the time, I'm happy to be free of the ball and chain. My freedom from booze being way too high of a priority is worth whatever it takes to get it.
Best wishes - let us know what you think of the book once you have a chance to read it!
Day 12 AFSobriety Date = 5/22/08
Nicotine Free Date = 2/27/07
One day at a time.
night after drinking
Hi All & Me145,
After reading the posts you are very young and wise to make changes sooner rather than later ... ironically I did not start "problem drinking" until my mid-thirties I am now 38 I was so busy working full time and finishing my graduate degree that I did not have the time...
Barb's quote "we are what we repeat" is so practical (I'm adding it to my toolkit)
Anti-depressants and alcohol do not mix... it was when I was put on prozac for PMS that triggered me to drink more-- if you do some reading on ant-depressants there are some very negative side effects... a good reason to moderate. I also find that my hormones play a key role ... at times I am in complete control but a few days a month I am "at risk"
Key books for me: 7 weeks to sobriety & Potatoes NOT Prozac both address nutrition & the role of sugar in problem drinkers/alcoholics.
Keep reading and enjpy your 20s!!!!! They fly by! For now, Liz
night after drinking
something you need to find out...
... I bought the book at the bookstore. Many of the good people in this community are working hard to make choices for themselves and their loved ones. I hope you are able to do the same -- based on what is best for you. Best of luck! Liz
night after drinking
question for ya'll
so, how often did you guys drink before, or now, whatever... for example, id say on average i was drinking two to three times a week but two of those times would get nasty drunk.... thats just an average. sometimes i drink four times a week and might not get nasty drunk or might get nasty drunk. it all depends.. so what about you guys?