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night after drinking

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    night after drinking

    This is off topic but how do you reply with a personal message?


      night after drinking

      Gracie, you click on the little circle next to the person's name and PM will be an option.


        night after drinking

        Hi there. I have the same problem as you as far as getting depressed if I drink slowly or stop after one or two. I have depression issues as well and ordered the SAMe supplement today and hope it will help. I noticed that 'hard' alcohol like vodka and bourbon made the depression and mood swings worse and caused me to drink more and faster so I could achieve a happy buzz for longer. Unfortunately, this 'happy buzz' always escalated into getting downright bombed because I could no longer control myself. Just sticking to wine, champagne or beer helps with the depression and not getting too out of control but I'm battling with them now too. I don't get sloppy now but still overdo it to the point of feeling the anxiety, regret and not being able to lose the weight all those empty calories have packed on me -- which is about 80 lbs -- and I never had a weight problem in my 20's. All of that caught up to me in my 30's by continuing to do what you are doing now. Do you think you are maybe shy and drinking in social situations to overcompensate for it? That's what I did. I also drink to self medicate my depression. It's like I'm searching for a 'feeling' where I feel OK with myself and the world if only for a while -- regardless of knowing damn well that I will feel 100 times worse the next day. It's a trap. It's like being a rat in a cage. I know it's hard to quit when you're in your 20's. I sure as hell couldn't but I sure as hell wish I did. The longer you drink the harder it is to stop and the ill effects just snowball over time. I'm sad now thinking of myself at your age having so much in common with you and what not quitting at 25 has gotten me now at 35. I hope I'm not being too preachy. It's just that reading your post made me revisit my past -- and it's not pretty. I would hate for you to experience the same fate. I'm here if you want to talk. I just ordered the supplements and cds today and hope they'll curb the craving as well. Best of luck to you.
        You may encounter many defeats, but you must not be defeated. In fact, it may be necessary to encounter the defeats, so you can know who you are, what you can rise from, how you can still come out of it. Maya Angelou


          night after drinking

          hey glamourwitch, wow.. everything you said is so similar to me with the depression, trying to feel happy for at least that night of drinking right? and before you know it, u keep drinking to make ur mind happy and then your to bombed to control it and wke up going, shit i drank way to much.. sounds exactly the same. i tried almost everything for my depression. im hoping to talk to a therapist soon. sam-e worked but i had sleeping problems with it, 5-htp dudded out, all the other antidepresants had bad side effects except zoloft, which i came off of about a month ago because it stopped working. however, i was on 50mg and could have increased my dose... but i figured if i increase it, ill just not long after have it stop working and have to increase it again until them what? switch meds, and go through the nasty NASTY coming off of them withdrawel bullshit which i felt when i came off of it the past month. i was miserable, cried everyday, etc. The other odd thing is that i feel im able to control my drinking more being off the meds... i read articles on how people who are prone to alcoholism MAY become worse on ssri's. did you hear that as well? i didn research it to much, but it so far has been easier to drink slow and control it being off of the zoloft, so may not be a coincidence. lately ive been a mess. things in my life with my friends, things they have said about me, and other situations stay in my mind for weeks. i feel so sad. i worry constantly. suicidial at times, but i would never do that because of my knowldege and faith in def suffering from depression, but not so sure about going back on the zoloft and upping the dose because it seems to have helped my alcohol issues alot being off of it. not totally, but enough for me to not be sure what to do. has anyone else heard of this?
          so how often do you drink and how many when you do? just curious. i also am aware that alcohol issues come in stages, and i know im probably in like stage one or whatever, and that as i get older, it very well might get worse. it runs on both sides of the family. half of my problems recently have been because of alcohol that im upset about. for examle, at a shower for one of my friends i got kinda drunk about four months ago, and just acted in an immature drunk way at her shower, and now they're all talking about it. i mean, this kills me. i told her i woudlnt drink at her wedding, and i wont.. but i still REALLY hurts and sucks....

          another thing we havein common is the weight gain with alcohol. im not overweight, but have gained ten pounds and cannot lose it ONLY because of the drinking. i know how to eat right and i do, bt then drink that night and forget that weight loss the past three days! i drink about twice to three times a week now. id say about two of those nights are drunk nights. thats just an average. its different on different weeks.

