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question for everyone

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    question for everyone

    I am on Zoloft, Zoloft increases your appetite for alcohol and also gets you plastered so mush quicker. I thne top it off with Olanzepine for good measure. I dont like Zoloft and your probably better off without it. If you MUST take antis/ panic disorder, look into Efexor. Also, even when not drinking I wake in the morning shaking like a leaf...
    Good job!:goodjob:


      question for everyone


      Once all the anti-depressant was out of me I suddenly became a normal drinker. It is still werid to have beer 5 and dump it out because I just don't want it...but love it


        question for everyone

        very interesting
        Control the Mind


          question for everyone

          I seemed for me I could drink MORE when I started prozac. Not that I wanted more that I COULD drink more. Withl ess of a hang over.
          I thought alcohol = depressant and antidepressant counteracted alcohol. Made sense to me.
          Gabby :flower:


            question for everyone

            ADs were my NIGHTMARE!! Effexor especially turned me into a lunatic all-out drunk! Am now off of all of them, still dealing with the drinking, but am 100% (99%) better than last year at this time. On top of the increase in drinking I also had EVERY single other bad side effect; I couldn't think straight, started losing my hair, gained TONS of weight, my skin was pasty - God, you name it! September will be a year since I took myself off of them (Psych nurse practitioner wouldn't even CONSIDER it), and am feeling soooo much better. Still working on the drinking, but I think I'll succeed eventually.


              question for everyone

              I agree sheshe, ADs made me psycho. now i just have one problem and that's much easier, tho not easy by a long shot!
              Your time is limited, so don't waste it living someone else's life... And most important, have the courage to follow your heart and intuition. They somehow already know what you truly want to become. Everything else is secondary.

              Steve Jobs, Stanford Commencement Adress, 2005

