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My Experience with Kudzu, so far

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    My Experience with Kudzu, so far

    A couple of people have asked some Kudzu questions. I'm a newbie starting out, and am trying just the Kudzu so far (as opposed to doing the entire plan, etc.) ... I admit I didn't get it from this site (a mistake on my part, as I looked for it but couldn't find it - thought the pic was a tea bag. No really ... LOL).

    Anyway. Ordered some from eBay from a reputable dealer. It came quickly and during a week where my husband was away and where I was working full days (8-5:00). I was actually afraid to try it, but did the next day/evening (Thursday).

    I was amazed, as I got through with only a couple of drinks. Three in total, if I remember correctly, and this was over a period of hours and hours. Normally, I'd put away several more.

    I'm not sure "why" though ... which is what I'm trying to get my head around. It's not like I didn't like the drinks. And it's not like I felt sick, or drunk. I guess I just felt relaxed and satisfied ... ? ... if that makes any sense.

    Now, the second day (Friday) was a little different. I did not take any, and I felt sick (and had bathroom issues). I knew it couldn't be a hangover, as I didn't have enough booze to do that to me. Could it have been some sort of cleansing thing trying to happen? My husband was to come home that night and I asked my in-laws to get him, as I wasn't up to driving.

    **** I may have had the flu ... my co-worker had it during the week, so it may have been a coincidence along with my beginning the Kudzu.)

    The following day (Saturday), I still didn't feel right, but wasn't too bad. Just a yucky feeling in my belly. I decided not to take any Kudzu and just see how the evening went. Not bad. I tried hard not to overdo and I think I did OK.

    Sunday, I was feeling better and took some in the a.m. and again in the afternoon, and then in the evening. It didn't seem to have as strong an effect as it did Thursday evening, but I could feel that I didn't really "want" the drink ... although I still had a few out of habit.

    Monday (yesterday), I forgot to take the morning dose, but took afternoon and evening ones. I only worked untill noon'ish (back to regular schedule) .... I did NOT crave a drink in the afternoon at all and decided to go shopping! ... That was fun, and something new for me. I did have a few drinks in the evening, as usual (as did hubby - two beers for him. I drink rum and diet coke) .... but I know for sure it was purely habit this time. I definitely wasn't craving them.... As a matter of fact, it didn't really matter to me what was in the cup in my hand.

    I have come to a cautious conclusion (early on as it is) that perhaps .. maybe ... just maybe ... my problem is not a pysically dependent one ... but more a psychological one ... as in a habit that has formed and needs to be broken.

    I'd chewed my fingernails since childhood (I'm 42). Last year, I stopped. It just happened. I don't know why. Strange. Before it stopped, I'd tried so many times, so many ways, and I couldn't do it. I couldn't figure out why I needed to chew, and I couldn't figure out how to stop. One day, it just happened.

    Now, I know drinking is not the same thing. But I do know that a habit can be broken (even if I can't explain how), and I'm using that as some of my inspiration and motivation to keep on with this fight.

    Anyway ..... long story short ..... the Kudzu does seem to have some effect, even though I can't really explain it. I think it might be different for each of us, depending upon what "type" of addict we are ... depending upon why we drink ... lots of unknowns. For me, I think the Kudzu somehow buffs the "need" away. I found I was drinking (MUCH lesser amounts), but I was just following my set habit with those drinks, rather than filling a need. What a different feeling that is. I probably could have just had lemonade instead. Might try that tonight.

    Step one, perhaps. Habits (especially those that are 25+ years old) are not easy to get around!!

    Not sure if that helps anyone. I'm still very new, but I'd definitely say it was worth the $$, and I would recommend giving it a go. It's pretty cool!

    AF for two years. Slight relapse. Working on it at the moment.

    My Experience with Kudzu, so far

    I tried Kudzu for a very short time and couldn't tell a difference. I am going AF again after an upcoming camping trip. Starting monday. I'm gonna start again on my Campral, try the Kudzu and I am just called and am going to pick up the lithium orotate. Heck, if nothing else all the pills will leave me less room for the booze :H


      My Experience with Kudzu, so far

      Heehee, Hart. Hope you have a great trip, and good luck with everything!

      AF for two years. Slight relapse. Working on it at the moment.


        My Experience with Kudzu, so far

        Interesting observations Cat. Thanks for sharing. And congratulations - it's sounds like you are doing really really well and achieving your goals!!! That is AWESOME!!!!

        hart, I hope the new prescription works well!! Glad the doc ordered it up. Hopefully you didn't encounter the raging NP B!tch from the firey pit again.

        Sobriety Date = 5/22/08
        Nicotine Free Date = 2/27/07

        One day at a time.


          My Experience with Kudzu, so far

          Thanks Doggy, and congrats to you on your continuing days AF!

          AF for two years. Slight relapse. Working on it at the moment.


            My Experience with Kudzu, so far

            Actually I called and they insisted I leave a message to her about the lithium orotate. But I played hookey today and didn't go in. So don't know if she called back or not. I know I will not SEE her again.


              My Experience with Kudzu, so far

              hart;168782 wrote: Actually I called and they insisted I leave a message to her about the lithium orotate. But I played hookey today and didn't go in. So don't know if she called back or not. I know I will not SEE her again.
              You should bring your cat and your leash just in case you run into her accidentally....

              Sobriety Date = 5/22/08
              Nicotine Free Date = 2/27/07

              One day at a time.


                My Experience with Kudzu, so far

                I luv u Doggy...LOL:H

