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So Easy

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    So Easy

    Hello fellow Earthlings,
    I thought I would give this a try as I have tried everything {well almost} , to shake the grip Jose' has on me.Oh I can go a day or 2 maybe even 5 if I'm lucky. But it's always back to the same ol deal. A 2 day binge here and a 2 day binge there. I love rollercoasters but I hate this one.Its like I get out a gun and play russian roulette with my life every time I drink. Yet why? Thats a stupid game.And I don't consider myself stupid.Weak..........I guess that is it. I feel like I have gone from hero to zero. I have a lovely life,and have so much to be thankful for.Yet my drinking makes me feel like I am just throwing it all away,physically and mentally.I have been drinking socially for about 35 years with the last few years gaining the weight and lack of energy.Just not for me.But I need help.
    I thought I would see if some interaction with others in the same kind of sailboat as me, would help get me thru those inevitable happy hours that have just wore me out time after time.I read some of your stories and its like scenes from my own life.
    So I will see if I have found the yellow brick road.And I don't mean the Jose Cuervo Gold road. Loli Loli
    Obviously I'm not a cave woman as it isn't easy.

    So Easy


    Hello H20,

    You are in the right place. Many who come here follow the same path and find their way out.

    Some choose to figure out how to moderate and others choose to figure out how to abstain completely.

    Whatever path you choose, we welcome you and wish you the best.

    Read the stories, read the book and best of luck!!

    AF April 9, 2016


      So Easy

      Hey H2O - who are you calling an earthling!?????

      Welcome :welcome: - you know - I have been here 6 months or so and have made SO much progress with the help of all these amazing people on here - and I'm sure you will too.

      Come here often - read and post as much as you can - and be sure that someone will always be here to talk to 24/7.

      you CAN do this.

      I used to be partial to Jose as well - but I am DEFINITELY better off without his company!!

      Good Luck - and remember - we are all in the same boat - we understand!

      Take care

      "Though there are many paths at the foot of the mountain - all those who reach the top see the same moon - as any fule kno"


        So Easy have found a great place here with great support...stick around and read all you can! :welcome: buckle


          So Easy

          Welcome H2O. Glad your here.
          Gabby :flower:


            So Easy

            yeh. whoever Jose is, sounds like you gotta get rid of him. this is a good place to start.

            You are welcome to a great site-- lots of info and great people.

            Get the book, do the stuff. It works (more or less) for most of us. We're all on a journey at different points, but all going the same way, I think.
            Your time is limited, so don't waste it living someone else's life... And most important, have the courage to follow your heart and intuition. They somehow already know what you truly want to become. Everything else is secondary.

            Steve Jobs, Stanford Commencement Adress, 2005


              So Easy

              Welcome H2O Rush. You have found a good place. I encourage you to download the My Way Out book. This program and web site have given me a window to the GOOD life I want in my future. Hope to get to know you better!!

              Day 16 AF (alcohol free)
              Sobriety Date = 5/22/08
              Nicotine Free Date = 2/27/07

              One day at a time.


                So Easy

                Thanx Youse Guys

                Hello to You,
                Thanx for the fond greetings. They say admitting truths to yourself and reaching out to others can really help with problems bigger than ourselves. I bet I get thru today fine. I just don't know about tomorrow. That would be the greatest if little heartfelt words of encouragement etched on a computer screen could give me the strength I need to fight the monster in my head.
                Hope you all have a righteous day or night being here now.............SURFS UP


                  So Easy

                  hi H20! Welcome!...Bet you're a surfer...doh! Hope you check in again for more encouragement!!!



                    So Easy

                    :Hi H2O,
                    Glad to have you with us.
                    This is a great place.
                    Lots of frienldy help and support.


                      So Easy

                      Glad you're here!

                      :welcome: H2O!

                      Glad to have you with us and glad you're looking for a change of friends! - No matter how long you've had your previous relationship, it's obviously time to move on and we're right here with you - so keep checking in - especially when tempted - it not only takes up drinking time, it inspires and motivates too! All sorts of drinkers here with one thing in common - the desire for a sober future and a freedom from excessive alcohol use - Read some of the long term abstainers and moderators for inspiration as well as those of us who are just starting out, or somewhere in between. We've all had to take that first step which is the most important, so again, a warm :welcome: and good luck with the first steps to your new future.
                      :rays: Arial

                      Last first day - 15th April 2012
                      Days 1-7 DONE
                      Days 8-14 DONE
                      Days 15-21 DONE
                      30 days DONE
                      60 days
                      100 days


                        So Easy

                        Welcome H20, just live in the moment don't think about tomorrow. You will get lots
                        of support if you stick around.
                        Today is the tomorrow we worried about yesterday !
                        Best wishes Paula.


                          So Easy

                          :welcome: H20

                          This is a great place for support and trust me we all know what you are going through, we have the same story but different day. That's why we are here to change it to different story, new day

                          Big hugs,
                          AF Since May 2nd 2012


                            So Easy

                            Hi h20 and welcome. Check back tomorrow ok?
                            This does take some work and some time - very much worth it.


                              So Easy

                              Welcome, H20 Rush - This is a good place to be. No one judges, they just support and try to help.
                              The furture lies before you like newly fallen snow - be careful how you tread it, for every step will show.

