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Day 2 Achieved - Yipee!

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    Day 2 Achieved - Yipee!

    Hello Everyone,

    Feeling great that I achieved AF Day 2 and I was able to get myself to the gym for a 45 minute cardio workout....WAHOO!!! Thanks for all your support and I look forward to sharing my AF Day 3 with you all.

    So, how are we all doing? Please feel free to share your AF Day count, it has been really inspiring to me. A big :thanks:

    Big hugs,
    AF Since May 2nd 2012

    Day 2 Achieved - Yipee!


    After my big fall i'm back on day 2 too!

    -Don't mess with my TuTu! :H
    Full is not nearly as heavy as empty, my love...
    Not nearly. -Fiona Apple-


      Day 2 Achieved - Yipee!

      Like I said Janet, onwards and upwards, keep on counting!!


      Sober since 30/06/10


        Day 2 Achieved - Yipee!

        Fair dinkum mate, thats great!
        "From now on, walking is my beer and feeling good is my hangover" .....Homer Simpson


          Day 2 Achieved - Yipee!

          Congratulations planetjanet and Deilight on 2 Days AF!! That is awesome. Doesn't it feel good? If you are considering trying for 30 days, we have a 30 day challenge going in the Monthly Abstinence section. You can jump in at any time - we're not all on the same day. Lot's of us celebrate each day with our day counts - I know everyone doesn't care to do that but I do and several others do too. I find it motivating. I'm not suggesting not to post here - heck post everywhere! (i do ) Just wanted to make sure you know about it in case you or anyone reading this wants to check it out. Music Man and Buffy got us going and I'm so glad they did!!

          Day 17 AF Loud and Proud! * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *(my 17 gold stars)
          Sobriety Date = 5/22/08
          Nicotine Free Date = 2/27/07

          One day at a time.


            Day 2 Achieved - Yipee!

            Janet: Day 2 is great. One day at a time. Keep on coming to MWO. I'm just beginning day 18. I never thought I'd be able to say that. I came here in April & strumbled along until July 9th. Something clicked then. Mary
            Wisdom, Courage, Strength
            October 3, 2012


              Day 2 Achieved - Yipee!

              That's great!

              The first few are the hardest i reckon. Actually, they're all pretty hard, but the first few are the hardest psychologically because you are breaking a pattern you have most likely had for a long time.

              I'm on AF day 7. I had gone almost 40-45 days and had a blowout last weekend. Had a great time, but the hangover was atrocious. Anyhow, still feel pretty good as it was the 'drinking at home' cycle i had to break. I'm still facing the challenges, such as "go on... a little drink tonight won't hurt you" etc., but am managing to fight it like i did the last time.

              So, the take home message is it can be done. It just takes perseverence and patience and the bunch of challenges stay roughly the same, no matter what stage you're at.
              One day at a time.. Sometimes it's one minute or one second at a time.. Most important thing is to look ahead and don't look back!


                Day 2 Achieved - Yipee!


                I know all about the drinking at home (and alone) cycle. It is the one I have to really focus on and try to break. It's good to know that others, like you, have done it...and put aside those little voices in our heads that pester us that one little one won't hurt.

                Oh well, today is the first day AF (I hope) for me.



                  Day 2 Achieved - Yipee!

                  Hi again Sante!! Count me in as another person who went from "life of the party" to drinking at home alone in hiding. Not sure exactly how/when that happened, but it did.

                  Are you doing any other parts of the program like the supplements and/or hypnosis CD's and/or meds? I'm not doing meds but am doing the supps and hypnosis. I feel it's REALLY taking a WHOLE lot of the edge off for me. I'm not having to spend every waking second fighting urges - I can focus more energy on what I want to do with my life and my time now that I've stopped wasting so much of it. Anyway, just a thought if you are not already doing that. (make sure the download the book if you haven't)

                  Mary, CONGRATULATIONS on Day 18. I think I missed your wonderful food for thought yesterday, but am going to look for it today yet!!

                  Change, good for you back on the wagon and already to Day 7.

                  Day 17 AF * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
                  Sobriety Date = 5/22/08
                  Nicotine Free Date = 2/27/07

                  One day at a time.


                    Day 2 Achieved - Yipee!


                    I read the book awhile ago, do the supplements (including kudzu and l-glut), meditate (I literally wore out the CDs then got into meditation), and tried the topa but had to give it up because it made me so anxious I could hardly function. I also exercise regularly. I'm really trying but something just hasn't clicked yet for me. I figure it will one of these days (today?) as long as I keep trying.

                    My worse moments of weakness are when I'm alone and not at work and usually when I'm at home. I sometimes avoid home until I know my husband is there (he's a tremendous asset and support to me), but that isn't a foolproof strategy, either. It's really scary how much time I have alone and all the opportunities in my life for drinking. After all these years of drinking, I've probably made my life like that, just so I'd have plenty of time to drink.

                    Whatever...I just have to keep trying and hope that one of these days something clicks for me.



                      Day 2 Achieved - Yipee!

                      Yep, just keep trying. You have all the tools to take the edge off, now you just have to figure out the final plan. I too structured a very lonely life so I could drink it away. It's scary when I think about some of the decisions I made that were bad ones - in the interest of starting the daily drinking earlier. That list is very sad and very long. I believe in you!! I know you can do this when you are ready too. For now?? Just focus on getting through Day 1. You can handle anything for 1 day, right??? I know you will feel so good about yourself when you do it.

                      I'm rootin' for you Sante!!!

                      Sobriety Date = 5/22/08
                      Nicotine Free Date = 2/27/07

                      One day at a time.


                        Day 2 Achieved - Yipee!

                        Thanks Guys for all your support and a great big Congrats on everyone AF Day count, even if it's just one day. Yes, I feel great and my mind is so clear headed that I am really ALOT more focused on my job and can verbally speak to people. It's amazing how "wet in the brain" you can be from drinking so much. The weather in Los Angeles is so absolutely gorgeous and my boyfriend and I plan on going to the beach tomorrow, can't wait. Can't wait to go running, bicycling, eating healthy and catching up on my beauty sleep.

                        Hi Doggygirl - Wow, AF Day 18, that's great :goodjob: Yeah, I too was a at home drinker, probably because I figured that I could get away with drinking as much and being a sloppy drunk in private, that's until it started becoming "not so private". Thanks for asking about me the other day, sorry I didn't get back to you, but if didn't get to read my post dated 7/25/07), I was just embarraassed to have replied that I had drank that night, hope you understand, which I think you do. You are a sweetheart : )

                        Hi Change - I have gone long as 90 days and then went out on an emotional drinking binge and never seemed to break the cycle of AF for no more than 3 weeks, which is what I am aiming for in breaking that cycle of my drinking patterns and also to be in a setting where I don't need to drink if there is alcohol being served.

                        Anywho, congrats everyone and have an awesome weekend. Will keep you posted on my AF Day 3. Til then, stay strong, keep writing your posts and I am here for all of you guys, you are the greatest :h

                        Lots of hugs,
                        AF Since May 2nd 2012


                          Day 2 Achieved - Yipee!

                          Hey Janet, Great to hear that things are going well. The weekend you have planned sounds fab!! Oh beam me over to LA!! Hope you have a great couple of days.
                          Amelia Day 5 AF

                          Sober since 30/06/10


                            Day 2 Achieved - Yipee!

                            Doggygirl;170405 wrote:

                            I'm rootin' for you Sante!!!

                            I'm rooting for you too Sante!! Like Doggy girl says, do whatever you think you need to do to get through day 1! Then you will be on your way.
                            You can do it.

                            Sober since 30/06/10


                              Day 2 Achieved - Yipee!

                              Planetjanet - BEAM ME TO THE BEACH!! Oh that sounds heavenly. I'm pea green with envy my girl! You sound terrific and I am so happy for you. Can't wait to see your Day 3 Update. You and BF have fun in the sun OK?

                              Day 18 AF * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
                              Sobriety Date = 5/22/08
                              Nicotine Free Date = 2/27/07

                              One day at a time.

