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Newbies in need - Day 27

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    Newbies in need - Day 27

    Hi Everyone: Yesterday I had my brunch w/my teacher friends. I haven't done anything like that in a very long time. We had a lot of fun & promised not to lose touch (I won't let that happen). When I was drinking alone or recovering from it every day, I didn't have the will or self esteem to get together w/friends. We talked & talked about everything under the sun. My husband seemed to know how important this was to me. After work he did some shopping & got a haircut & got home just as everyone was leaving. He's such a sweetie. I think he knew I needed to do something independent w/girlfriends. I could not have done this wo/MWO & all of you. I'm just beginning day 18 & have never, ever gotten this far before. Thank you so very, very much. Mary
    Wisdom, Courage, Strength
    October 3, 2012

    Newbies in need - Day 27

    You really are an inspiration. I have struggled and struggled to stop drinking, but I guess I'm not "ready" because I just keep on going. The day before yesterday I did really well, but then "stuff happened" and I really blew it last night.
    Like yours, my husband is a real sweeti,e and so patient and loving. I hate abusing myself like I do and how it pains him. This morning when I left for work, he didn't say anything about last night -- but I could tell by the look in his face.
    I'm really going to try today not to drink. Just focus on today.


      Newbies in need - Day 27

      GREAT JOB!!!! you should be so proud of yourself....keep up the great is so strange how if you keep at it day by day all of a sudden you are DOING IT! and you are..... Buckle


        Newbies in need - Day 27

        Mary, Sante, Buckle, Starlight and all to come,

        Glad you had a wonderful day with the girls, Mary! You are doin' so well. :h

        Sante, baby steps, baby steps. Keep trying, you will get there.

        I did an AF day yesterday and going for another today. I am back up to 100 mg topa and hoping I can stay there. It does seem to help.

        btw, I know 5 glasses of wine doesn't sound like a lot to everyone from the day before, but remember I am a gastric bypass patient. 5 glasses of wine is more like 8 or 10 for someone whose stomach is the size of a small piece of fruit and not absorbing and preprocessing the alcohol. Liver works overtime. It is really important I get to full time AF!!

        Buckle. You have done so well since starting. How many days AF is this for you? Too many to count?? :goodjob:

        Well. Onward and upwards as they say!! Feeling pretty good today and will keep shooting for the stars!!

        Sending positive thoughts out to all today,
        AF April 9, 2016


          Newbies in need - Day 27

          Hi Everyone,

          Mary, I was just thinking about you this morning and wondering if you had your brunch yet. I was away for 5 days over last weekend. So glad it went well. It was brave of you to take that is something I would like to do but I am not very outgoing and would be a big step for me too. You are doing fantastic!! After my 31 days, I did have some drinks at dinner on our mini vacation so I am back to Day 3 AF again. It helps me to have a goal so I joined the 30 day thread. I was afraid of bad habits creeping back in...I don't feel I have dealt sufficiently with the causes of my drinking, which I feel you have tackled better !!

          DB2 and Buckle you are also doing so well !! I have missed Kitty...has anyone heard from her lately??

          Talk to you soon. Have a good Friday to you and all to come !!


            Newbies in need - Day 27

            Mary, I'm so thrilled to hear that you had fun putting on a get together brunch with your girlfriends. And how nice of hubby to politely let you have that gal pal time without you even having to ask him to find something to do by himself!! Good for you. And congratulations on Day 18 AF!! That is just awesome.

            **waving hi to Buckle**

            I think I've said hi to everyone else in the 30 day thread - but hi again!!

            Mary I think you have inspired me to figure out something to do with entertaining. Especially in these summer months, we have a nice big deck so outdoor things are fun. We used to have people over a lot just for casual BBQ's and stuff. That fell by the wayside somewhere on the path to nowhere. Maybe we'll start with something simple like my Mom and Dad for a cookout. yeah. That will be good!! Mary you are an inspiration today as you are every day!!!!

            Day 17 * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
            Sobriety Date = 5/22/08
            Nicotine Free Date = 2/27/07

            One day at a time.


              Newbies in need - Day 27

              Hi all,
              Day 5 for me. I really wondered for awhile this afternoon, it being Friday. I pretty much thought about beer all day and still am but will not go to store. Dreamed I was waking up with a hangover and when I woke up I thought I was, but then remembered I wasn't. We are eating grilled cheese for supp which is all we have, since I was afraid to go in the store after work. Just wanted to get home.
              Mary, that sounds like fun.I'd like to try something like that but not this soon.
              DG, I would like to quit caffiening. That is the next thing to go for me. I would really like to quit cussing so much but....1 thing at a time. Luck and love to all,,bird


                Newbies in need - Day 27

                Mary, am truly `over the moon` hearing how well you are continuing to do.

                You have amazed yourself............that tells me that I will do it too, when `my time` comes.

                Keep on going deserve this!!!!

                Much love,

                Starlight Impress


                  Newbies in need - Day 27

                  Hi everyone,
                  Mary, I'm so glad you are doing so well and that your brunch with the girls was a success.
                  Cindi, please take care of yourself..... that worries me girl,
                  Buckle, good to see you
                  Sante, I've done that so many times but now I'm doing it so seldom that hubby is so happy and doesn't worry now
                  Lilac, I sent Kitty a PM yesterday, I'm concerned about her, and Garden Girl too. I have not heard back from Kitty yet, I don't want to gossip but I am concerned.
                  Doggygirl, I will not give up the caffeine. I gave up the alcohol and the doc says limit carbs, i hardly cuss and don't smoke, don't exercise enough so I can give that up I OK I don't talk to anyone so I don't have anyone to gossip with, maybe that's why all the neighbors go inside when I come out......hmmmmmm
                  Bird, congrats on 5 days you are doing great.
                  Starlight glad to see you as always, keep us posted on Rachel too.

                  Have a good weekend everyone. :goodjob:
                  If I ruin my body where will I live? :ranger

