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Found this place by reading about drunken astronauts !

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    Found this place by reading about drunken astronauts !

    You've come to the right place.....most of us are spaced out anyway ! Lot's of support here. Post & Read ! IAD
    ?Be who you are and say what you feel because
    those who mind don't matter and those who matter don't mind.?
    Dr. Seuss


      Found this place by reading about drunken astronauts !

      IAD !

      Pour out the soup!

      You're a sweetheart. :hiya:

      magic xx :schmokin:
      ~Are you looking for the Holy One?
      I am in the next seat.
      My shoulder is against yours. ~Kabir


        Found this place by reading about drunken astronauts !

        How on earth did you manage to get all those stars on your thread??? ...........could it ever so possibly have been something to do with `the real deal` pic??.............and honestly!!!!!..............did you really have to mention "the wife"!!!!!!

        Only joking.........get well, my friend.

        Much love,

        Starlight Impress


          Found this place by reading about drunken astronauts !

          How come nobody told me Bashley had his own photo on, instead of an avatar -
          wow, I'll be posting over here for a while methinks !!!!

          Welcome Bashley, good to hear of af days
          I feel as though it's all happening to someone right next to me.
          I'm close, I can feel it, I can hear it, but it isn't really me.

          Marilyn Monroe


            Found this place by reading about drunken astronauts !

            Hi Bashley

            I don't mean to be rude, but are you pulling our legs?

            This photo isn't your garden variety. It looks staged. You look like a model.

            So maybe I am skeptical,but if it isn't you it isn't too late to tell all us honest MWO women.

            But let us down gently...



              Found this place by reading about drunken astronauts !

              Bashley, congrads on being here and your successes...really though I wanted to hear about drunk astronauts....darn. do they say "pura vida" there or is that just a "tico" thing?
              nosce te ipsum
              (Know Thyself)


                Found this place by reading about drunken astronauts !

                Have definitely rumbled you now`s a pic of Indiana Jones!!!! LOL

                Starlight Impress


                  Found this place by reading about drunken astronauts !

                  Hi, spreading my wings into other threads - hope that's ok. Bashley, or Crocodile Dundee? You handsome man! I just wanted to let others know that it's day 2 AF tomorrow, and I have just ordered my All One powder. Planning to pick up the rest this week. Feeling hopeful. Goodnight.
                  Our greatest glory is not in never falling but in rising every time we fall.


                    Found this place by reading about drunken astronauts !

                    Bashley;170673 wrote: No worries ROTTROD and thanks.
                    Most of my friends in need are Spanish speakers. Any Latinos out there?
                    Hello and welcome to MWO. I am glad that you found this place it's a great place to learn, purge or just laugh.
                    I was born in Colombia and lived in San Andres until I was a teenager.
                    Now I live in NYC, and want to go back.
                    so one latina here
                    Good luck and keep in touch
                    You can't turn a pickle into a cucumber


                      Found this place by reading about drunken astronauts !

                      Que hubo TRIXIETRACK !

                      No se si tu hablas espa?ol todovia, pero en todas formas saludos de Colombia! San Andres es lindo y Providencia es mi predilecto.
                      Que hizo sus padres en San Andres o son nativos de alla?
                      Estas ganando la pelea contra su mico en la espalda, cuenta nos porque su "mood" es como confundido.
                      Creo que hay mas gente en MWO que necesitan ajuda en espa?ol - el problema es para hacer contacto. Soy costumbrada de grupos en castalliano y sus poder han ajudado me bastante en estos dias duros.
                      Que pena con mi escrito pero solo aprende la idioma de charlas con los demas y en Venezuela donde nacie. Maracucho chimbo!! Je! Je!
                      Cuida te oijes.

                      More2life, magic,nancy,determinator,Lily Rose, Starlight Impress

                      Hope all is well with you and yours.
                      FYI the pic change comes from a series taken by a professional friend of mine at a get together in Suesca, outside Bogota.

                      Went to the company doctor today to get him to sign me back into work. Turns out that because I left the " Campo Alegre" resident treatment center after 30 days instead of the recommended 90 days I won't get a diploma (seriously!) and the Monserat clinic and Psyciatric department is locked in to this 90 or nothing deal. Bloody hell they even offer packages when you go in!
                      I'm a little pissed off to put it mildly. The whole thing is oriented around well to do families who have mixed up kids and can afford the exhorbidant daily rates. I was the only intern there that was actually paying for it all myself and had to tell the docs to get me off the Xanax etc so that I could face the problem without being a zombie.
                      Suffice to say that I'm home alone right now; there's booze in the fridge but I'll be damned if they are going to break my will by me slipping off my own blasted wagon. It's a matter of pride now and it's for all of us here, who have taken the step to try and get their lives under control.



                        Found this place by reading about drunken astronauts !

                        Welcome Bashley,

                        Good for you in having the guts and confidence in showing your picture :goodjob: and :welcome: to this site, it's a great place to seek support. Look forward to reading more about you and best of luck on your recovery. I also have to say that I was very impressed by your honesty and wanting to make a positive change

                        Big hugs,
                        AF Since May 2nd 2012


                          Found this place by reading about drunken astronauts !


                          Look at that smiling face and think of what it will look like in 10 years if you don't quit drinking now. Remember the seizures, the hospital, the hangovers......

                          Ah, don't let the bastards get to you.

                          43 days now? You must feel great! Are you going back to work?

                          I got my diploma, a 30 day program, and an expensive one it was. Rather than my name, it simply says MOM.
                          I could scan it and send if you like, I share.

                          Keep on going, tomorrow is day 45.

                          magic xxx :schmokin:
                          ~Are you looking for the Holy One?
                          I am in the next seat.
                          My shoulder is against yours. ~Kabir


                            Found this place by reading about drunken astronauts !

                            Thanks a lot Janet. Good to hear from you.

                            What's to hide? I'm an alcoholic and that's what this site is all about. It's the stigma with others outside this circle that is hard to take sometimes; especially with friends, fellow workers or family who are very much on the borderline with drugs/drink/control or whatever cranks their handle. Never did have much time for hipocracy, dogma or pious tut-tutting. Life's too short for all that.

                            Take care and keep in touch.


                              Found this place by reading about drunken astronauts !

                              Cheers Magic,

                              That would be very nice- thank you.
                              I've obviously lost count of the days. Had the siezure on June 4, so; including intensive care and Happy Camping( really that's what Campo Alegre means!) August 4th will be 2 months. Whoopie !!!!
                              Going to bed now and the wine remains untouched in the fridge. I get the maid to taste any wine I use for cooking, so if I post for a new girl it will mean that she has either drunk the cellar dry or is on a slab at the morgue having tasted one with a fatal bouquet.!! :H

                              Night,night, :baaah: :baaah:

                              Bash :flower:


                                Found this place by reading about drunken astronauts !

                                Hi! Any more information(optional of course) on your siezures. How did they come about. Had you stopped drinking,any after effects, memory loss etc?

