2 weeks out of an isolated, Colombian drug/alcohol rehab center and was tring to find a group of English speaking, recovering alcoholics, to relate with. Just lucked into this website today and want to wish you all the best of luck in your endevours.
This is not an easy monkey to get off your backs and I am thankfull to my family for making me see sense and getting help from a clinic specializing in this. 2 weeks intensive care after my third siezure in 6 months, was another convincing factor. Drips, sedatives the lot. I had convinced myself that I was invincible and could be a moderate drinker...
Not a chance. Bottle of rum/vodka/whatever a day, and then go cold turkey for 2 days to go back to work; shaking so badly that I couln't even fill out the immigration forms for the countries I have to visit and asking fellow passengers to fill them out due to my Parkinson's Disease. All alcoholics lie in their teeth to protect there addiction and often to hide from the stigma that comes with this disease.
Siezures from abstenence( i.e you have not drunk anything for a period of time) are no fun and unlike falling into a stupor after a night on the town, these make you shake uncotrollably, froth at the mouth and bite/choke on your tongue. You regain consiousness with no recall of the minutes/hours you've been gone, often to the worried look of all around you if you are lucky enough to have a siezure in public. Imagine driving a car...no, it's too much to think about.
Hang in there yu'all, you are not alone. There are so many of my friends who need help but haven't seen themselves progressively alienating themselves. I'll get to them when I am confident enough in myself, first.
Will post my story elsewhere,