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Newbies in need - Day 28

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    Newbies in need - Day 28

    Hi Everyone: For everyone who is trying to go AF or mod (especially AF), I'm still using the one day at a time approach. In the beginning, I didn't count at all (I am now - just beginning day 19). I was so afraid of slipping. I just concentrated on the day I was on. As I got through each challenging situation (disappointment, argument, celebration, etc...specifically situations in which I drank), I gave myself credit for that accomplishment. I'm finding that the cravings & thoughts are decreasing w/each passing day.

    Last night, we went out to dinner w/friends & had a booth right by the bar. My brain definitely registered the bottles lined up, & the folks drinking. I didn't, however, feel really tempted. The thought was there, but MWO is so powerful! I didn't want to report that i had broken my streak.

    Good luck everyone. I love you all! Mary
    Wisdom, Courage, Strength
    October 3, 2012

    Newbies in need - Day 28

    Hi Mary! Wow what another terrific experience you now have under your belt. Bar in sight, no drinkies for Mary. That's terrific right up there with your 19 days AF.

    I'm facing down my tough day of the week today - Saturday dog training day. The gang will all be here soon. I will not drink - I already decided that. I just hope I can relax and have fun - and not have too many arguments over a "fix" with the BoozeBeast today. You all are my life line so I'll come touch the life line several times I'm sure, to help get me through.

    Day 18 AF * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
    Sobriety Date = 5/22/08
    Nicotine Free Date = 2/27/07

    One day at a time.


      Newbies in need - Day 28

      Dear, dear DG: Concentrate on those poochies & how "in the moment" they are. They're not thinking about anything but pleasing someone (or themselves). You'll be fine. Keep coming here: we need you as much as you need us. Love, Mary
      Wisdom, Courage, Strength
      October 3, 2012


        Newbies in need - Day 28

        Hello Everyone,
        Mary and DG I hope you have a strong and AF day today. You are both on a good roll.
        Please check Kitty's post in General "going going gone" from yesterday keep her in your thoughts and prayers. I'm concerned about that girl.

        Today is a typical Saturday shopping and cooking day for me. I need to garden a bit as well. I miss the wine drinking while I cook but I'm pretty much over that now. Hubby and I will probably catch the new Harry Potter movie this weekend. Sounds pretty uneventful.

        Have a great day, I'll check in later.

        If I ruin my body where will I live? :ranger


          Newbies in need - Day 28

          Hi all,
          I am really struggling today, it being Saturday. Its very hot . Theres not much to do but clean and read and go crazy thinking about beer. The hours are passing slowly by. C'mon bedtime. bird


            Newbies in need - Day 28


            Saturday night is always more of a test isn't it!!!!

            I stayed home last night, AF. so it was 3 days AF then one night with 5 drinks (too much and it felt like it) then last night AF and I hope to moderate tonight...

            Will check in later.


              Newbies in need - Day 28

              Day 26 for me. I just got home from a 50th B-day party. While there, my husband ordered himself a beer from the bar and a club soda for me. I took a sip of the club soda and immediately handed it back to my husband. I said, "Taste this, there's vodka in it, get rid of it, just get me a club soda". My husband sipped it and said, "Reenie, so sorry, I could swear I ordered just a club soda." I ofcourse 100% believe him and know his intentions to order me a club are true. He could have mis-ordered, or the bartender could have misunderstood. Anyway, I was shaking a little for about 5 minutes and questioned myself whether or not I should indulged in the vodka & club as know one would have known about it other them me. I'm glad I had the sense to give the drink back to my husband knowing that one drink would have lead me down the dark path I've been working so hard on not ever going down again. Hence, I'm proud of myself and so is my husband.
              September 23, 2011


                Newbies in need - Day 28

                Hello Everyone,

                Congrats on your AF Day count. Tonite (11:30pm) will be my AF Day 3 and luckily I haven't had a thoughts of wanting to drink, however, from time to time I am get these flashbacks of the pathological behavior I did when drinking and I get a feeling of shame but I really try to just tell my mind that it's the past.

                My day was fulled with running errands, riding my bike to the gym, lying out at the beach and listening to my hypno CD. I am now home and awaiting my boyfriend to show and we will have a nice dinner, a movie, chocolate ice cream w/peaches and then bedtime. He too, has drinking issues but I have made it clear to him that there will be no drinking and that I plan to achieve 30 Day AF, he supports me. I really wish he would join me and feel that if we were living in the same city (he lives in San Diego, I live in Los Angeles - 2 hours) it would help, oh well that's another story that I will not bore you with at least not today :H

                I did read Kitty's post and even though I don't know her, my heart goes out to her, to all of you, please let me know how she is doing and I will also reply to her thread.

                Hi DG - Good luck on tonights gathering. Congrats on your AF Day 18. Bird - hang in there Reenie - good for you for giving back that drink, wow it must felt strange to sip after being AF for a while.

                Big hugs,
                Janet :h
                AF Since May 2nd 2012

