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End of Day 3

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    End of Day 3

    Hi all,
    I've managed, thanks to having company 3 AF days. I do not want to fall back into the old habits once they leave as I always have before. They should be here two more days at least. That will give me 5 AF days. Enough to dry out. Hopefully my Naltrexone will be here by then.

    I had strong cravings today and tonight had restless leg so I just took a couple calcium-mag, a couple potassium, a kudzu, a couple liver supplements and my vit-c drink. I am hoping the cal-mag helps with the restless leg.

    Any encouragement would be appreciated.


    IAM AF 4 NOW

    End of Day 3

    :goodjob: on your AF Day 4!

    It's really good that you have company around you and my advice is that when they leave, figure out a way to keep yourself busy. I am on AF Day 4 too and the only way I can resist any thought of wanting to drink is to be as physically active as possible. Each person is different, you will find what works for you. Keep posting your messages and know that we are all here to support you. If your friends know about your situation, they could help you in not breaking down, however, if they don't know, I understand too.

    Best of luck to you and I look forward to hearing about your progress.


    Big hugs,
    AF Since May 2nd 2012


      End of Day 3

      good job Iam (and good advice planet)! I would add that eating (good food, of course) is also a way to avoid drinking. Get yourself a bunch of cherries or strawberries or something and feed them into your mouth whenever you feel the urge. cal-mag is definitely good for the RL (which i have) and i was told by my doctor to take a big huge amount of it-- way more than they say on the package.
      Your time is limited, so don't waste it living someone else's life... And most important, have the courage to follow your heart and intuition. They somehow already know what you truly want to become. Everything else is secondary.

      Steve Jobs, Stanford Commencement Adress, 2005


        End of Day 3

        Well done Iam, keep up the good work. Its great that you managed to side step the cravings!!!

        Sober since 30/06/10


          End of Day 3

          Thanks guys,

          Yes keeping busy I know will help. I have plenty to do around there. Once I get my art studio set up I can engulf my self in creativity.

          Last night was really tough. I had the RLS all night despite the calcium. Plus my mind and body just could not relax. I have never had such physical detox symptoms before. I don't want to go through it again. One other thing that really helps is Evening Primrose Oil.

          thanks for all your encouragement. I'll keep you posted later tonght. I am hopeful that I will get a better nights sleep tonight.

          We are having dinner at a friends tonight and she mentioned she has a bottle of wine in the fridge. I think I will decline. No point in torturing myself with a taste. LOL!

          So today is day 4.............. yay!

          Iam worth it!


            End of Day 3

            Iam: Good for you. The one thing that keeps me AF is coming here & posting every day...particularly the "newbie in need" thread. I just don't want to have to say that I've slipped. Even on Day 20, I still get cravings, but they are not as frequent. I don't have RLS, but I have always (even sober) been a poor sleeper (one of the reasons I started drinking in the first place). I find that if I don't sleep well for a day or 2 or 3, I eventually get so tired that I do get something near 8 hours.

            Do what works for you & keep reading posts of what works for others. Mary
            Wisdom, Courage, Strength
            October 3, 2012


              End of Day 3

              Hello Iam,
              I guess we have not met. Welcome.

              My mom takes prescription meds for her restless leg problems. Is that an option for you?

              Have you gotten any L-Glutemine? It also helps with the cravings big time. You are doing very well though. Make sure you drink plenty of water to flush those toxins out of your body. I had sleep issues at first when I went AF but after a few days they went away. Now I sleep very well and the good thing is I don't have the weired crazy dreams I had when I used to pass out from drinking too much.

              If you feel like it come join our Newbies thread. We post to it daily to keep up with other newbies on our progress and just encourage each other.

              If I ruin my body where will I live? :ranger


                End of Day 3

                Hello Everyone,

                Sunday day afternoon and I am about to head out to the gym and then a LONG walk to the beach. I read the post for IAM and I am absolutely in awe and I am rushed for time to write more but will later. Just a big thank you and I hope everyone is doing well.

                Tonight will be AF Day 5 and I ever so confident that I will not have any problem getting there, HOWEVER I am on full alert, got to treat this "issue" like a terrorist, you never know when it will plan it's next attack.....hey that's a pretty good analogy

                Have a great day or evening? Stay strong and remember WE CAN DO IT!!

                LOTS OF HUGS,
                AF Since May 2nd 2012


                  End of Day 3

                  Hey Rottrod,
                  The RLS I'm sure is related to withdrawl. It also could be I've been on my feet alot the past few days and I've had some annoying siatica in that leg as well. I used to get RLS when I took OTC cold meds. I never don't use them anymore. I think the RLS is mostly caused by other meds and they made a new one to cover the symptoms and that one probably causes more symptoms and so on and so on.

                  Anyway, I'm doing pretty good today on not enough sleep.

                  I will join the newbies thread, that's for the invite.

                  Iam............ going to do this!!!

                  Thanks All


                    End of Day 3

                    right on IAM! and Janet! hmmmm. the liquid terrorist....ok, I can see that.

                    the sleep will return to normal after the 4th or 5th day in my experience. Yes evening primrose oil and L-glut are do need to take a lot of both of them but they are harmless fortunately. keep up the great work!
                    nosce te ipsum
                    (Know Thyself)


                      End of Day 3

                      Well done Iam - keep it up! Congratulations!
                      :rolleyesmonkey: Tahlula :rolleyesmonkey:
                      Trim the tree to let in the sunshine...


                        End of Day 3

                        Hi IAM. Just wanted to say congratulations!! The sleep problems will get better with time. For me it took about 2.5 weeks to get where I finally feel rested the last few nights. Like you, I don't want to go throught he early WD issues again! It's Day 5 now, right? Congratulations and best wishes to you for a stellar day!

                        Day 20 AF
                        Sobriety Date = 5/22/08
                        Nicotine Free Date = 2/27/07

                        One day at a time.

