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Newbies in need - Day 30

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    Newbies in need - Day 30

    Hi Everyone:

    I never thought I could say that I'm almost 3 solid weeks sober. I'm on day 21 today, & it's been years & years since my body has had this kind of rest from alcohol.

    Last night, my daughter & the g-sons came for dinner. She & I had a small wrinkle come up in our relationship after dinner. Later in the evening, I called her, & we cleared it up. Had I been drinking or drunk, that would not have happened. The issue would have stayed as unfinished business & fueled more drinking. These are the small things that I notice today that are changing.

    Tomorrow is the last day of July. I'm going to start this thread if no one else does. However, for August, I'm going to leave it to someone else to start. August 8th is my 30 days of sobriety. I've made it my goal to join the 30 day abs forum that day. Also, I'd like to put some time into the general forum getting to know the folks there. I'll still keep coming to newbies, but unless someone has a real problem, I won't start the "newbies in need" thread every single day. Is that OK? Let me know. I love you all, Mary
    Wisdom, Courage, Strength
    October 3, 2012

    Newbies in need - Day 30

    Hi Mary. Congratulations on your progress. You have been such an inspiration to me and I love the way you think everything through and really contemplate the changes in your life. Congratulations on handling the situation with your daughter calmly, and shortly after it happened. I can so relate to that sort of thing just fueling a drink fest not so many short days ago.

    Congratulations on 3 weeks AF!! LOL I can relate to having a goal to join the Monthly Mods thread, even though nobody there requires it. That was my "treat" to myself at some point - 7 days I think? or maybe 10. It seems like a life time ago in some ways. We've got a very high energy Booze Busters 30 Day Challenge thread going - you can jump in at any time and do how every many 30 day stretches you want to. Hope to see you there!! And of course that invitation goes out to everyone who is aspiring to achieve 30 days Alcohol Free for the first time or the 100th time!!

    Day 20 AF
    Sobriety Date = 5/22/08
    Nicotine Free Date = 2/27/07

    One day at a time.


      Newbies in need - Day 30

      I really enjoy reading your posts. Can you tell me how you found the resolve to stop drinking. I keep wanting to, but the darker side of me always wins out. I really envy the AF days you've put together and I want to be that way, too. Can you offer me any advice?


        Newbies in need - Day 30

        Sante: I joined MWO in April. I was incredibly up & down from April until early July. However, I never stopped coming to MWO & always told the truth (sometimes in detail). I didn't hit any kind of a bottom (that's another whole thread), but my son & his kids came & stayed for a week in early July. I designated the last day of his visit for the last day I would drink. I knew ahead of time that I couldn't mod...I'd tried many, many times before. The first 5 days were awful...I thought about drinking constantly. I took it one day at a time & didn't reveal any kind of a count. I didn't want to jinx myself. After a while, the cravings subsided (though the drinking demon is still there).

        I really think MWO has been the catalyst. As I've gotten farther along, I haven't wanted to report that I broke my streak. This is the only place that I've been 100% honest, & that's probably a big part of my sobriety. I certainly haven't arrived at complete recovery. Like everyone else, I'm a work-in-progress. We have a lot of social obligations coming up that involve drinking. I'm going to take each situation as it comes up. I'll have a plan & stick w/it.

        In my heart, I know that if I have 1 drink, I'll get right back on the roller-coaster. I feel so much better physically, emotionally, & spiritually that I cannot let that happen. Good luck!

        Love, Mary

        PS: I'm probably a good deal older than you are (62) & have been drinking (getting progressively worse) for a long, long time. I wouldn't want to see anyone get into the hole that I got myself into. If I can do it, you can too...I just know it.
        Wisdom, Courage, Strength
        October 3, 2012


          Newbies in need - Day 30

          Good Morning Mary, Sante, DG and everyone to follow.

          It looks like it's going to be a sunny day here instead of a rainy one. I'm a little tired of the gloomy weather and the garden has been much too soggy for working. That's therapy for me so I always miss it.

          Mary, I'm glad you are feeling so strong and that the changes are spilling over into positive tangible results in other areas of your life. Those things really cement the importance of not drinking in our minds. I understand your wanting to move over to the other forums. Please visit here though. We started about the same time. Some of those who started with us have gone away. I see Janice pop in occasionally, and Garden Girl also. I think Kitty will be back as soon as she has access to a computer, and Blue Sky, I hope so, I hope she is OK. Imagine how difficult this would be if we met all of these folks face to face!

          Sante, You will find that resolve if you really want to. I started out not really wanting to stop drinking but wanting to get my health back. I'm 49 and had been drinking for 20 years, heavily for 15. My health was bad. I wanted to moderate like RJ and some others here but found that I couldn't. Since coming here and following this program my weight is down, my blood pressure is down, my cholesterol is down, and my liver enzymes are almost back in normal range. I'm hoping that my blood test in October will have them back there. With all this has come a bonus. I remember conversations with my husband. I don't fall asleep watching movies. I'm resuming old hobbies again instead of drinking my evenings away in front of my computer playing video games. I'm cooking great meals and not being too tired to eat them. My body is healthier because I'm eating healthy food, taking supplements, and drinking water instead of robbing it of what it needs by drinking a big bottle of wine every night. I told someone yesterday when it comes to drinking, I tell myself "Get busy living, or get busy dying" everyday.

          I post on MM every now and then. I read and post if there is something to say. I love Scooby, she really helped me a lot when I first came, and invited me over. I just want to give back how ever I can.

          Have a great day everyone.:goodjob:
          If I ruin my body where will I live? :ranger


            Newbies in need - Day 30

            Thanks for sharing. I know what you mean about your health. Fortunately, I'm "healthy" but only because I have good genes. Besides, I know I would look and feel better if I were AF. I'm trying day...AF.


              Newbies in need - Day 30

              Good for you Sante,
              Let us know how you do.
              Are you taking any Kudzu or L-Glutemine? It helps!

              Good luck
              If I ruin my body where will I live? :ranger


                Newbies in need - Day 30

                I'm taking kudzu when I remember (it's at home right now which is unfortunate). I also take l-glut but I left it on our sailboat and I won't be able to retrieve it until the weekend. But I'm not going to let any of this get in the way. I'm gonna fight the Beast inside of me today!

                thanks for your posts. I really appreciate them. I agree totally about being 100% honest. I think this is one of the areas that trips me up most. There's a part of me that wants one little drink. And after I have that one, it wants another and another. The "trick" is not to give it to that part of me, and to recognize it when it starts its banter so the better part of me doesn't succumb.



                  Newbies in need - Day 30

                  Good Morning all,

                  It's day 5 for me, or is it? I had dinner at a friends last night and had one glass of wine. Had I not had my family with me I would have run to the store and brought home my good friend Alma Den. I would have done that whether I had that glass of wine or not by the way. Anyway it tasted good and I'm glad I didn't have the oportunity to run to the store.

                  I also know I can not moderate, but wish I could. I like to have a social glass once in a while. I'm a reacl closet drinker so a lot of people who don't know me well don't know.

                  Anyway today I feel pretty good. I finally got a good nights sleep. In a few more days I should be feeling even better.

                  The last few days have been rough. I really want to be healthy and get down to a normal weight so I can do things.

                  I, like you Mary, have been drinking a long long time. If you can do it so can it!!!

                  IAM............. going to make it!


                    Newbies in need - Day 30

                    Hi all. Day 1 for me. Have been gone on a camping trip and I told Joe that starting today I'm going AF again. I hope he joins me for it's much easier if he's not drinking but I'm doing it either way. Went 33 days before so I know I can do that again. Glad to be back in the doing and not just watching group


                      Newbies in need - Day 30

                      Hi all,
                      I might try the 30 days forum too. This is day 8 for me. I am having a hard time but feel so much all around and feel a bit lighter but am afraid to get on the scale. My legs that were hurting so much at night..that has completely disappeared. All that poison I was pouring down. Hope I can keep it up. love bird


                        Newbies in need - Day 30

                        Congratulations Mary on your 30 days AF... You seem to really have some new life tools when it came to your relationship with your family... Nicely done, and you've helped soo many with this thread in the last month... Hugs, ~Niblet~

                        ~ I hear a whinny on the wind~


                          Newbies in need - Day 30

                          Well done Mary - it's going to be day 1 af for me on Monday - just need to get the supps, Kudzu and frame of mind sorted. I know from your previous posts that you haven't had an easy ride, so I bet you're so proud of yourself.

                          I agree you've been so there and supportive for everyone else; you deserve to do well.

                          Hopefull in time I'll be proud of my achievements too


