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Binge Drinking

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    Binge Drinking

    Drinking has cost me so much. A marriage and a child first. I have tried to stop several times. I've ben in 30 day treatment programs 3 times and was committed once. Yet i started drinking again last March. Three weeks ago I chose to drink rather than show up for work. I never called in and haven't worked since. I drank most of the week last week but have been sober since Thursday. I can't pay my bills and am aout to have to move back home with my mom to avoid homelessness. I live in Ohio now and the move is to Mississippi. I feel so guilty. This move is causing me to have to move away from a woman I love.

    Binge Drinking

    Hi reddyrnot!

    I too drank and didn't go to work and am still not working. Today is the first day I've had a bit of gumption on a Monday! Read some posts, get some inspiration and keep coming back, you'll at least have some people to talk to.

    I know the lonely, insecure place you are in, but you came here and you've tried before so you know you need help, you can be helped!

    Good Luck!
    Full is not nearly as heavy as empty, my love...
    Not nearly. -Fiona Apple-


      Binge Drinking

      Dear Reddy: Please come here every day. This has been a godsend to me. I've been sober for 20 full days. It's been at least 15 - 18 years since I've had anything approaching that kind of sobriety. I've had plenty of bottoms (that's a thread unto itself). But wo/any real disaster occurring, I decided I wanted to get sober as of July 10th. I took the "one day at a time" approach (especially in the beginning) & didn't reveal any kind of "count." I was so afraid of jinxing myself. If I can do it, you can do it too. Mary
      Wisdom, Courage, Strength
      October 3, 2012


        Binge Drinking

        HAng in there. We are all here to support. It is not easy, but IT WILL get better.

        keep checking in and use the chat room. There is most usually someone in there to talk with.

        Here we go again.

        AL FREE since Saturday the 14th of March 2009

