Hi Beano and welcome.....dont panic just read on here and get support from others.
People on here have done amazingly well in stopping or cutting right down BUT you have to do some personal work on what your own goal is and get walking on the journey into change.
small steps at first add up to big strides...so for today set a goal and tell your wife what it is(once you have said it out loud it might make you feel you at least have to try and achieve it)
lots of people have turned to looking at their diets, fitness levels, state of their relationships, their faith and beliefs etc.
For me i try and keep positive and review my goals each am(after a little prayer time)..i dont always achieve my goal but i have stopped denying the problem.
what is lovely is reading the experiences of people who have shared so honestly about their struggles, failures, strategies to cope and better still the amazing achievements.
wishing tou the very best for today...good luck with your plans to make some changes..rock on ..you can do it with support!!
Every now and again I go off tthis site for a while but then i use support from other sources ..friends and spiritual guidance..as i know i cant go it alone.
what helped me was giving up the booze for 46 days over lent..it was scary but refreshing to have clear thinking and feel so well physcially too.....I hate hangovers!1
take care...cassy