It's my first time here so I thought a new thread would be my best way to get started.
At this point I am just hoping for new friends to talk to for support.
My story probably isn't much different from many others here. I have hit rock bottom and don't feel I can recover without help. Yesterday, I had the most vicious hangover imaginable. I couldn't move. I couldn't eat. My head was pounding, but my stomach was so upset that I couldn't keep down aspirin. So, I spent the day in total misery, unable to relax or sleep. I remember thinking to myself "this is the worst hangover I have ever had". Then, I remember thinking "I said that a week ago too!". The scary part is, I think I was right. They are getting worse every time, because I am drinking harder and harder.
My family is worried about me and upset that I have not taken any steps to slow down, much less stop. And I worry that, since the hangovers and consumption do seem to be escalating, I might be flirting with disaster here, like acute alcohol poisoning. One of these times, my wife is going to have to call 9-1-1 to save my sorry butt. So I can't live like this anymore.
I've been drinking beer pretty heavily for a few years now. Close to 10 I'd say. But it has escalated greatly over the past 2 or 3 years, and Saturday night was possibly the most I have ever drank in one day. I opened that first, 'ice cold, delicious beer' about 12:30 Saturday afternoon, and finally stopped drinking about 3:30 A.M. Sunday morning, only stopping for dinner around 6:00 Saturday night. I ate a pretty big meal, which sobered my up somewhat for a while, but I went right back to the beer afterward. Altogether, I had drank 26 beers when I finally stopped to go to sleep. I woke up about 3 hours later feeling like I was on death's door.
I own my own business, and have a great many responsibilities both personally and professionally. I can't continue to let alcohol jeopardize my future or my family's security.
But I know that by mid week, I'll be hitting it again if I don't have some help and support to stop me.
I'd like to think that I can get to a point of moderation, but that might not be realistic. Once I have had 2 or 3 beers, all I want is MORE. If I could learn to control my drinking, it would be nice to still enjoy an occasional one or two. But if not, I need to find the strength to quit entirely. Maybe I am just afraid of the stigma of "the recovering alcoholic". But, it is what it is.
Anyway, that's my story. I could sure use a little support right about now!

Sorry this was so long! Thanks for listening...