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Newbies in Need - 1st day of the month!

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    Newbies in Need - 1st day of the month!

    I got up this morning with the same usual thoughts.. I'm an idiot and I should not have drank so much last night, as usual. Then I noticed that it was August 1st which made me think of logging on to see if there would be a August AF thread..sure enough, here it is..

    So, on that note, I'm willing to give it my all and join in on this thread. I have not had one single AF day in two it's going to be a challenge to say the least.. but I am fed up with feeling like crap..and I am just at the point where none of my close are fitting comfortably anymore..time to trim that beer gut down.
    Do or Do Not, There is No Try - Yoda


      Newbies in Need - 1st day of the month!

      Riker, come and join us!!!! The more the merrier! We can do this by supporting each other and taking it as they say, a day at a time. Don't drink today Riker, worry about tomorrow, tomorrow. Janicexx
      AF since 9 May 2012
      Quit trying to control something that is uncontrollable (Bear February 08)


        Newbies in Need - 1st day of the month!

        Good Day all!

        I'm on day 7 today. The old beast tried to get me to go to the store last night. You know the usual excuses. We need toilet paper..... uh......... Don't you want some ice cream? You deserveit after not having a drink for 6 days...... uh..... yay the folks are gone, lets have a drink!!!!!! and so on.... Thanks god I resisted.

        I watched a little TV, took a hot shower and hauled a couple more boxes upstairs, then went to bed. I slept pretty good and slept in until after 8:00. I felt up feeling refreshed and good about myself and my decision not to drink. It was easier than I thought.

        Thanks to all of you here for encouraging me. I hope I can be of encouragement to others in return.

        IAM........... feelin' groovey!


          Newbies in Need - 1st day of the month!

          Hello there! Mind if I jump in? I am on Day 3 right now, and I know I will need lots of support over the month of August also.

          Paula and Roxanne --- I am totally frightened now. I went to my GP a week ago Monday and I was honest with him. I have my bloodwork this weekend and a follow-up on August 17. OMG, what have I done?

          I'd love to join you all to make it the best August it can be!



            Newbies in Need - 1st day of the month!

            Iam you have a pappillion? Me too he's brown and black and white! Anyway I made day 1 AF yesterday so day 2 for me. Exciting to see all these new people and oldies but goodies trying again. Should be easy for me today, I work then go to the Crisis Line until 8 pm so ot that many hours to fill. Talk w/u all at lunchtime!


              Newbies in Need - 1st day of the month!

              Good morning/afternoon everyone.

              The heat is back here in Texas and the rain had moved on for well a few hours I guess. The garden is thriving along with the garden bugs. ick I didn't used to be so squemish but the bugs here are bigger and uglier than the ones we had in Oklahoma.

              Uli, It is so nice to see you posting again. You know you do not have to be ashamed here. This place is full of understanding arms and ears. Even the long timers stumble now and then and they will be the first ones to tell you to put it behind you and move on the very next day. My husband in his 50's is having to learn to deal with reacting to things emotionally. He is using the cleansing hypnotic cd, and then on the cd where the moderator is having him make visualizations and suggestions to himself he is substituting statements about emotional things. We are thinking it may help him. He doesn't have any drinking issues. It can't hurt anything.

              Roxanne, I was thinking about you yesterday. We never really knew each other but I always read your posts and knew you had some real issues to deal with and so I was concerned about how you are doing. Please don't be a stranger, there are lots of folks here who care about you.

              Garden Girl, I'm glad you are posting but sorry that you are feeling so badly. Please do get the book and read it. Make a plan. Take the supplements and get your body healthy again. You will be amazed at how much better you will feel. Set very short term goals. Maybe only 24 hours. Don't start counting days yet. It only makes you compare yourself to others and you don't need to be doing that. I don't count at all. I can't tell you when my last drink was in days and I can't tell you when my last dessert was or my last cheeseburger either. I just know that there is no wine in my house and I'm not buying any. Am I suggesting you do what I do? No, you have to find what's best for you, but I think counting days can be discouraging for some folks, and give others a false sense of security that's all.
              To others it is an anchor that keeps them on track and that fits them because it's their personality type. Please hang in here with us girl, rain or shine, you will put it together if you keep working at it.

              Janice thanks for starting this morning. It's good to have you back and your journal sounds like a great idea. I have ADD so badly that I'd start it and never finish it let alone follow it. The ADD and the Topa Dopa combination really make me seem like uhhh not the brightest crayon in the box. If I forget to take my list to the grocery store there is no telling what we will have for dinner! LOL

              Paula, good to see you here. I like to hang here most of the days to be reminded of why I am here in the first place. You had a slip but you are gonna be OK.

              Pinklady I too got a shock with my bloodwork in April....that's one reason why I'm so motivated to go AF. It has improved a lot in 3 months. I hope 3 more will get it right.

              Sorry if I've missed anyone this is getting too long. :h

              Have a great day everyone.
              If I ruin my body where will I live? :ranger


                Newbies in Need - 1st day of the month!

                Hello to all my newbie friends and I look forward to getting to know anyone here whom I haven`t `met` as yet.

                All I can say is that this journey really is full of peaks and troughs..........hope I`ve seen the last of the troughs, as I`ve finally accepted that moderation is wayyyyyyyyyy too difficult for me. Have accepted this fact, and believe that through time, I will eventually enjoy my life without the wine........think it takes time for a seasoned drinker to adapt, and I`m finally willing to put my all into abstaining.

                Day 3 AF for me.............I was a hysterical wreck the first night, but coped better last night, and am confident that I can get through this, my 3rd night.

                August is as good a time as any to start...........have also started a healthy eating plan, so look forward to being a svelte sylph/femme fatale in time for Christmas.LOL

                We can do this girls and boys..........WE CAN IF WE THINK WE CAN !!!!!

                All my love,

                Starlight Impress


                  Newbies in Need - 1st day of the month!

                  gosh, this thread has galloped along!

                  pink lady, didnt mean to scare you, let the doctor know when its no longer a problem so there is a conclusion. that will help, but the powers that be do think 'once a drunk always a drunk' which is why it is still such a stigma.

                  hottrod, the issues i have wont go away thats hoping anyway lol, thanks for thinking of me.

                  like GG, starlight, and janice etc, i have felt on the edge of this looking in, not knowing where to put myself. i tend not to be on when most of the conversation is going on so miss the spontenaity(sp) at the beginning so dont /cant join in. i feel i have nothing to add.

                  BUT i was 3rd post in, i think, so dont feel like i'm pushing in on someones conversation, blimey what a useless post. but it helps me to post so i wont delete it.



                    Newbies in Need - 1st day of the month!

                    I know the issue with your husband's illness is ever present and something you deal with on very many levels. that's why I think of you often I guess. I wasn't implying that it will go away just that perhaps you find ways to cope that are new and different and positive.
                    So if I seemed shallow in what I was saying I did not mean to be.

                    If I ruin my body where will I live? :ranger


                      Newbies in Need - 1st day of the month!

                      oh my, i didnt think you implying anything of the sort hottrod! i took it as you meant it, that you were thinking of me. that is lovely to know, believe me.
                      if i had taken offence where none can be seen, well, i'd be in a sorry state now. I'm not over sensitive at all....
                      I AM NOT I TELL YOU.

                      though i do wish it would go away



                        Newbies in Need - 1st day of the month!

                        Well I hope everyone's day is going well and "to plan". Garden Girl how's it going - did you get past teatime okay?? Thats the time isn't it and now at last we've got some lovely weather here in England, well that patio is so tempting.....well not quite the same with a cup of tea but...what can you do? I keep my fingers crossed for you.

                        Anyway a great start to the new thread!! There are a lot of us at the same stage, i.e. at the beginning!!!! Looking forward to our journey!! Janicexx
                        AF since 9 May 2012
                        Quit trying to control something that is uncontrollable (Bear February 08)


                          Newbies in Need - 1st day of the month!

                          HI everyone, yes Janice got through today fine, I have to admit though I never drink two days in a row its the 2nd and third day as I start to feel ok again that the demon tells me I could just have one. This time though I am not listening to it. Did a 7mile bike ride round the lanes and two hard hills I usually try to do this everyday. I have really kept busy today had eight children at one point in the garden and still kept my cool. Enjoyed the cup of tea on my patio and felt good about today. I think this thread has been fantastic today and just what everyone needs, I hope everyone has had a good day and have found this thread helpful, thankyou to everyone who has contributed today.


                            Newbies in Need - 1st day of the month!

                            Hi to all you lovely folk!
                            I am just checking in to see how you are all doing.Well done.Everyone seems to have made progress, even if you haven't you are still here,and thats a good start.
                            It will be brief from me as i am shattered.Lifes a treadmill sometimes!I am coming to the end of day 3 for me again.Went to my first AA meeting today...boy i must be serious.It was interesting.I didn't say much and really couldn't believe it was me sat in that circle.I will do what ever it takes.
                            Keep up the good work,and look forward to tomorrow xx


                              Newbies in Need - 1st day of the month!

                              Hi everyone, I thought I would join this thread since it seems so lively!

                              I am on day 4 AF right now. I am actually looking forward to the month of August as a very clear goal for myself. I am going after this problem with a hardcore attitude, and it's gonna take a hell of a lot to break me. I have already faced many temptations, but I'm winning the battles so far! To go the month of August without a drink would be a huge accomplishment for me. After that, I would really like to try to live a life that could include moderate drinking; although I'm not sure I'm capable of that. But the support of the people on these boards has already been a great help (one person in particular), as
                              I am not on any meds or supplements, no CD's, no nuthin' other than my own resolve.
                              If I can make my goal of an AF August, I will have proven to myself that I can indeed do it.
                              Hopefully I can then allow myself 1 or 2 cold beers and learn to leave it at that. But if I end up blowing it and getting totally wasted like always... then I'll just pick myself up from the bootstraps, admit to myself that I can't drink moderately, and start over at day 1 with the objective of quitting entirely. Here's hopin'!
                              When push comes to shove, you taste what you're made of.
                              You might bend till you break, 'cuz it's all you can take.
                              On your knees, you look up, decide you've had enough.

                              You get mad, you get strong, wipe your hands, shake it off...

                              Then You Stand.


                                Newbies in Need - 1st day of the month!

                                Hey all....I want to work in a school too. I have been trying to get a job at my kids school for 2 years. I think they see welder 25 years on my resume and pass me up. I am going to be a mentor this year though. Thats one thing that is helping me to stay sober. I don't want to be going up there hungover. School starts Tuesday. I have 10 days in.It has been very difficult. Everyday after work I think I am going to stop and get some beer but just keep going. Part of it too is I'm just so damn hot I want a shower worse than a beer. Luck and love to all. Bird

