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Newbies in Need - 1st day of the month!

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    Newbies in Need - 1st day of the month!

    It is now very late and I'm going to bed. I have had my grandchildren today, so it's been
    lovely. No drink for 2 days.
    Love to all. Paula.


      Newbies in Need - 1st day of the month!

      Hey everyone! Sounds like ya'll are doing really good. I had to open my big mouth and say last night was not very hard, so I'm paying for that arrogance tonight, but I'm making it through. That damn beast is really tempting me, but I just have to shut him out.

      I went to the grocery store. I walked passed the wine aisle and glanced lovingly at my favorite bottle. The BITCH! She wants me back. But she is such a lier and abuser. I'm not going back. All her friends are the same. They just want to see you fall into their sea of misery. Why do we keep going back for more?

      So I bought ice cream instead.

      She is still trying to hypnotise me into going back for her, but thanks to this wonderful forum I think I can turn my back on her and her deceitful friends.

      haaa! so there you wench!

      bring on the ice cream scoop, I'm piggin' out!

      IAM.......... feeling rather chocolately tonight. and doggy gets to lick the bowl.


        Newbies in Need - 1st day of the month!


        Janice;172500 wrote: Well the first day of the month for a new goal!!!!! If there's anyone lurking out there, please do come and say hello on our thread, hopefully we can keep this going through August - I know I need it!!

        It was my lifeline in May when I achieved my 42AF days - all you guys kept me going - then events took place that I couldn't control and I started drinking again - though thats no excuse, I just wasn't strong enough. But, enough of that - keeping positive is the key and thats what we have to do. So, come and say hello, share your day and how you're getting on!!! It might not be Day 1 for you, it doesn't matter what stage you're at, just come and say hello.

        I have to keep it short as I need to ring the Drs. I think I've got a UTI - another thing thats shocked me into this. If I go, if my Doctors on duty, I'm going to have a talk to him about my drinking too. Anyway, have a good day, talk later.......Janicexxx
        :new: hi everyone i did not know how to jump on this, but now i know im finding it hard to start im feeling like crap had a drink last night like many but last night is the last straw for me, because my partners leaving my children have no respect for me, so this morning i rand aa for help i have a appointment with them next friday and a appointment with docs on monday next but i still feel crappy and lost.


          Newbies in Need - 1st day of the month!

          Hi iwanto and welcome,
          Am sorry you`re feeling so down. All I can say is that you`ve came to the right as much as you can here and see the difference that`ll make to`ll start to believe in yourself, and before you know it, you`ll be on your way out of the alcohol abyss.

          Wishing you luck and love,

          Starlight Impress


            Newbies in Need - 1st day of the month!

            Hi all mind if I jump onboard too? Im on day 2AF after a few aborted attempts in the last couple of weeks. A number of you seem to be in the Uk too like me.Last time I was on ths program proper (last Autumn) I opted to moderate - which worked for a while - although Im starting to realise that deep down I still needed to drink only less -( and I actually dont want to drink at all any more. I have had enough for the foreseeable future. My kids have had enough and so has my partner. ) And in any case the moderation gradually increased to unmoderation...So heres to a dry and sunny August.....Poppy


              Newbies in Need - 1st day of the month!

              Hi IWANTO!

              Good luck with your decision to stop drinking. This site have really helped me to be more accountable for my action. Being able to come here and read and post makes me feel like I am among friends. Friends that I can actually talk to and relate to and who can talk and relate to me and my issues. We are all in the same boat. But we all need support.

              You can do it! I am!

              IAM......... sending everyone loving thoughts.


                Newbies in Need - 1st day of the month!

                Good morning every one, day 4 for me, and feeling fine. I have my grandchildren today.
                Have promised to take them to see Bart Simpson at the cinema, so today should be good.
                Sending love and good wishes to all .Love Paula. xx


                  Newbies in Need - 1st day of the month!

                  I'll join in on this one. August 1 was a huge wake up call for me. I'm going to start with this month AF and see where that takes me. There's something subconscious about "never again" that seems to set one up for mental failure which can be a trigger in and of itself. So I'll start with this month with you all. Beano I understand your desire, I too would love to have an appropriate relationship with Alcohol so that it wasn't an issue one way or another. Unfortunately if I'm honest with myself there's a good 20 years of history that says that perhaps my chemistry just won't accept that.


                    Newbies in Need - 1st day of the month!

                    Good morning folks. Hope everyone found something to entertain them last night, something new!

                    Up early this morning to catch the bus.

                    Was a wonderful experience having to explain to an employee why I was suddenly on his route. :blush:

                    Oh well, just another little lesson. Should be busy today so that's a good thing.

                    Even though I feel really good about this decision it was quite interesting to listen to the mind freak out about it last night. Such an insidious little calling. This is going to be one heck of a journey.

                    Stay strong and enjoy your weekend!

