It doesn't matter at what stage you join us, just come and say hello and tell us how your day is going. It will keep you going when times get hard, when that little voice starts to nag you while you're doing the tea, or when you're in on your own reaching for that glass, just log on - it really does help, I know it did me last time.
Yesterday, our first day, got a great response proving there's a lot of people out there who need to make some changes this month. I don't know about you, there's definitely a psychological thing with me about starting a new month - its given me a new enthusiasm that the last few weeks I thought I would never see again.
We had many old friends and new visit us yesterday but I would just like to welcome Iwanto who caught the end of yesterdays thread. You have definitely come to the right place Iwantto - you've taken the first step, now learn all you can about the programme - download the book or you can get it from amazon, read all the information on this wonderful site, read old posts and new, get yourself on the vitamins/supplements, and the hypno cds, and then decide whether the medication side of the programme is for you. You can pick and choose from the programme and taylor it to your needs. But most of all, keep coming on here!!!
Well, day 3 for me and I've just been for my swim. Its another lovely sunny day in England so I think I will enjoy my garden today. I think it would be good for the "first visitor" each morning to start the thread off - you'll get bored with me after a couple of days!!! Thanks for getting me started again everyone and out of that long dark tunnel.
Have a successful day everyone!
Much love Janicexxx