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Wondering about Topomax

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    Wondering about Topomax

    Hello everyone, was doing search on Topomax and found "My Way Out".
    Interesting community, perhaps the support and charing could help me. Desperatly trying to get off booze, lifelong problem. Currently caregiver for spouse with MS. Lots to deal with
    and feel quite alone, low self-esteem, and alchololic symptoms. Very involved with our community but feel I could do more if the fog of booze would be lifted. Physically a mess, liver and the like. Family Doctor sympathetic and suggested Topa might help.
    :new: Looking foward to chatting and info.


    Wondering about Topomax

    I am not the one to help, as I have no experience with topa, but this is a great place to find out about it and lots of other things. Look at the meds forum for more details.
    Your time is limited, so don't waste it living someone else's life... And most important, have the courage to follow your heart and intuition. They somehow already know what you truly want to become. Everything else is secondary.

    Steve Jobs, Stanford Commencement Adress, 2005


      Wondering about Topomax

      The topa has been life changing for me...I had battled forever..was at least a 2 bottle of wine drinker a day for I have been AF ( alcohol free ) for almost 60 days....I would not ever of believed it was possible if I had not done it...I owe it to this program and this place. The topa has helped tremendously but I also really was ready to change...Let me know what questions you may have.. i would be happy to help any way i can...please read the book and rad all the posts here you can ...there is so much useful info.....everyone here is wonderful....i cant say enough about it...welcome welcome...:welcome: Buckle


        Wondering about Topomax

        Hi Charly
        The Topa worked for me. I embraced the whole MWO program from the start and found it to be a life saver. I had to order it online as my doc would not prescribe it for me. I've been almost AF for 60 days. "Almost" meaning that I've had a couple of glasses of wine on a couple of occasions and 2 Margaritas on one occasion but that is about it. My health has improved so much as I too have been drinking for 20 years.

        Check out the Topomax Survey thread in the meds section. It's pretty active.

        good luck
        If I ruin my body where will I live? :ranger


          Wondering about Topomax

          Sorry, have no experience of topa charly.

          Just wanted to welcome you and wish you love and luck,

          Starlight Impress


            Wondering about Topomax

            I havent taken topa either charly but thanks to this place and the people who post here I have managed 6 days alcohol free and thats something, I was drinking for over twenty years! Keep reading the posts and good luck. You can do it, joesgal, xx


              Wondering about Topomax

              Hi Charly

              Sorry to hear about your sad situation. Being a carer to a loved one with a chronic condition is a terrible strain. I hope that your local community are supportive.

              I too (as has rottrod) have embraced the whole programme and would suggest that you do too (if you can). Start with the book and read about RJ's story and how she devised the programme. The supps really help in addressing the craving and redressing the nutritional inbalances the years of alcohol abuse and poor nutrition have inflicted on you body. The CD's re-programme your brain.

              I am at the end of my third week - successfully moderated for two and a half and have been AF for four days. I feel really good and am confident about the future.

              You are in a fortunate position in that you doctor is offering to prescribe topa for you. In my experience, this is unusual, mine certainly wouldn't - I ordered it on-line.

              I wish you the best of luck.

              Please let us know how you get on.

              K-M :h


                Wondering about Topomax

                Wondering about Topomax

                Thank you all for replying, encouraging welcome. Now trying to get familiar to MWO.



                  Wondering about Topomax

                  Thank you all for replying, encouraging welcome. Now trying to get familiar to MWO.



                    Wondering about Topomax


                    Just wanted to jump in quickly and say welcome, too!!

                    This is a great group and lots of support. You will find lots of caring and loving people on this site.

                    AF April 9, 2016


                      Wondering about Topomax

                      new here too

                      Hi everyone, I am new here too. I am trying to practice moderation. I have tried lots of other programs, but nothing has worked. I tried AA twice, and came out worse both times. I can't take Topamax because of an eye problem. I started taking an antidepressant last week, and it seems to help.


                        Wondering about Topomax


                        again, thanks for the welcome, though i assume all respondibility for my alcholic behavior, admitting to my partner about my desease, was the worst thing i could have ever done.
                        understanding her MS and situation, exposing my weakness, and lack of communition as given her ammunission to turn the tide around. i wish i could explain better perhaps in time. i might be a drunk of sorts but my behaviour and support in our community is hounorable. i take pride in my compassion...



                          Wondering about Topomax

                          sad, tried to share with partner. would love to explain...



                            Wondering about Topomax

                            Hey Charly,
                            I hope and pray that your spouse doesn't feel threatened in anyway with your contact with fello MWO members... I'm willing to bet that she would be a much happier person to see you find the help and salvation for this monkey that is on your back. Please include her in this adventure so hopefully she will be able to support you as you support her... I could be jumping the gun here on my assumptions and if I am, I would truely like to take all this back with a willing spirit. I wish you and yours well...

                            ~ I hear a whinny on the wind~


                              Wondering about Topomax

                              dear niblet
                              i try to choose my words with reason and compassion. moment by moment.
                              trying to do dialog in a sober sense, sure do appreciate concern. still feeling new to MWO.
                              dont want to cry the blues too much.

