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My First AF Weekend

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    My First AF Weekend

    AF day three. Easy as hell so far. But then again, though I have struggled with drinking for most of my adult life, I have successfully confined my overindulgence to the weekends. Now, here I am on the threshhold of my first AF weekend.

    Any positive energy that might be directed my way would be most appreciated!

    Have a good one, guys.

    My First AF Weekend

    Hi Legal- You can do it!!!!! I log on and re-read posts if I am having a weak moment. I take plenty of kudzu and L-glut. I swear for me a positive mindset can work wonders. I am raising a glass of water to an af weekend for you (and me too) : )
    AF since 2/22/2012


      My First AF Weekend

      Oh Legal, I know what you mean!!! I think it'll help if you can stay away from alcohol altogether - that might not be easy if you are around others that drink. My husband only drinks weekends but he loves to start about 4.30/5pm but he's quite content with his 3 glasses max a night - sickening eh? I know I found the weekends hard before especially these "early Af days" - I just spent a lot of time on here, the cds definitely helped and I think just plenty of distractions. As i said on the newbies thread, just think about how good you will feel on Monday morning - stay focused and positive about why you're doing this - it makes a big difference. Lets have a Monday morning check-in on newbies, see how everyone did!!! Best wishes, and good luck, Janicexxx
      AF since 9 May 2012
      Quit trying to control something that is uncontrollable (Bear February 08)


        My First AF Weekend

        LegalEagle -

        It is my first AF weekend also. Unlike you, though, drinking was an everyday thing for the last year and a half, so to me, it shouldn't be that much different. Actually, as I just wrote that, I remembered that in the last couple of months, I have actually started drinking in the early afternoon to combat boredom, or even one at noon to fight a hangover! Just shows how much I like to surpress the reality of my problem and its progression!!!!

        Anyway, I am now 5 Days AF and my plan is to stay busy. I am going to make sure I take my vitamins, do the CD, exercise (aka walk the dog) and log on here! I am trying to focus on being productive since that is something I can't say when I start drinking at 2pm!!!

        Let's do this together! Feel free to PM or post whenever you need support. I will be close by my computer for sure! Let's make it the best weekend in a long time, and we will be sooooooooo proud on Monday morning!

        :goodjob: :l


          My First AF Weekend

          Thanks, guys! Yeah, that starting at dinner time think is pretty alien to me. I was like clockwork: 2:00 on Saturday, and 9:00 or so on Sunday morning. It's funny how you compartmentalize your drinking to accomodate changes in your situation. Before I had kids, and when I was still partying at night, I would typically not drink during the day.

          Of course in those days, I didn't stop until 4:00 in the morning!


            My First AF Weekend

            Positive energy headed your way Legal Eagle! And to PinkLady and everyone looking for a terrific, GOOD LIFE THAT WE DESERVE sort of AF weekend!! WE CAN DO THIS. We ARE doing this as Pinkie likes to say. And AF, you are so right about reading a LONG thread when needed. Janice, your motivation is incredible - thank you!!

            Here's to one of many terrific AF weekends.

            Day 24 AF ************************

            PS. Why did you guys wait 'til noon to pour a drink when it's always noon somewhere? At least that's how it got for me at the end. 9AM would have been more respectable than many of my sad sack days......glad that is behind me - hope to keep it behind me!
            Sobriety Date = 5/22/08
            Nicotine Free Date = 2/27/07

            One day at a time.


              My First AF Weekend

              This is my first weekend AF as well. I am on call at work this weekend, so that will make it a little easier for me, but I have drank when on call before.Next weekend, when I am off, now that is gonna be the real test! My typical weekend off would consist of drinking at least a 12 pack on friday night, and - get this - I would actually make a conscience decision
              to stop drinking early enough on friday night so I wouldn't be too hungover to drink again saturday! So then saturday would roll around, and I'd drink a few bottles of water to rehydrate, have a little breakfast, and usually open my first beer between 10AM and noon.
              Then pretty much just drink untl I passed out. Then sunday? Lay on the couch in the fetal position and try not to die. Pathetic. And yet I know I will be seriously tempted to do it again! (And when football season rolls around - God help me.)

              But enough of me.

              Legaleagle, it seems to me that the best thing we can do it to just stay busy and do whatever we have to do to take ourselves out of our normal routine.Just remove yourself from the situation that creates the temptation. I mean, if we're sober, at least we can get in the car and go do something! As for myself, if I just sit home next weekend with nothing to distract me, I know I could be in big trouble. So, go to the movies. Go for a walk. Go bowling. Go do ANYTHING that you couldn't do before when you were home drunk! Remember, good habits are as hard to break as bad ones. Start building a new routine for yourself, a positive one.

              (Oh, and NOT having any alcohol in the house is a good idea too, of course!)
              When push comes to shove, you taste what you're made of.
              You might bend till you break, 'cuz it's all you can take.
              On your knees, you look up, decide you've had enough.

              You get mad, you get strong, wipe your hands, shake it off...

              Then You Stand.


                My First AF Weekend

                I hear you Beano, especially the football part. I LIVE for college and NFL football. I truly cannot imagine a football Saturday without a fridge full of beer. I am already trying to come up with things to do this fall.

                I got a really novel idea last night: how about actually going to games, and taking my kids! We have plenty of colleges in striking distance, and that is the plan for the fall.

                I also hear you about quitting early on Friday night. I usually abstained Friday night completely, just so I could feel good and thirsty for a good go on Saturday.


                  My First AF Weekend

                  Sending all of you who are about to embark on your first AF weekend a lot of well wishes. I am sending you lots of strength and lots of boozeless fun! The first few weekends are the biggest challenge and can test you big time - but they are doable! Get outside and enjoy the fresh air. Go for a drive now that you are sober. Just have a lot of fun and know you are going to be better off and so proud of yourselves for not drinking!! Good luck to you all!! xoxo


                    My First AF Weekend

                    Hi LegalEagle et al

                    I am on day 5 AF and this is my first weekend looming. The scary bit for me is that work prevents me from drinking (I normally start at noon on a weekend day and can drink three bottles of wine before I black out). I started on the topa last Friday and have just increased to 50 mgs. My strategy for this weekend is to take extra Kudzu and L-Glut whenever I need it - listen to the CDs and read posts on here - as well as keeping a positive mental attitude!

                    I wish you all well.

                    K-M :h


                      My First AF Weekend

                      Day 6 and First wknd AF

                      Hi Legal

                      FIrst weekend for me too. For the first time I'm feeling much stronger. I think I've just had enough of self loathing and shame of it all. I'm on day 6 tonight and I was a little tempted earlier after work. I recognise that it's habit, I'm accustomed to cracking open that bottle of wine on a Friday night as a sort of celebration! I'm hedonistic and impulsive and like novelty and I think alcohol was my excitement when stuck in the house with four children under 10 (don't get me wrong, I adore them totally, but social life is nil and every day can resemble 'groundhog day' sometimes......).

                      Anyway, Good luck to you, I have found this forum to be my prop, I'm not taking the topa but my asking my husband to abstain has helped a lot too.

                      I have a lot to do this weekend, but should I feel the urge, I'm going to go for a run and try to overcome it! I WILL fight it!!!!! :boxer: LR x
                      Our greatest glory is not in never falling but in rising every time we fall.


                        My First AF Weekend

                        {{{heady vibes}}} Or whatever else it is that everyone needs to get through! It is so very strange that with all of the possibilities in life for activity that it is so hard to part with one in particular.


                          My First AF Weekend

                          Weekends are the most difficult times for me, so I know how you all feel. I won't drink this weekend as I'm working, I've been sober for almost 6 months, but lapsed on monday.
                          I feel like I'm back to square one, even though it was just one day.
                          Sending good vibes. Welcome Benjamin.
                          Love Paula.


                            My First AF Weekend

                            Hi Paula

                            When you say you lapsed, did you really over-do it ? Does this mean that you will start the cycle of drinking again or can you see it as a 'slip' and continue along the path of sobriety?
                            I only ask - as the guilt of getting drunk one night, and the feeling of failure might be the main motivation to drink again? If we weren't so hard on ourselves and accepted the occasional slip. we might move on in more positive frame of mind? I might be talking crap, but I don't want you to feel you need to start all over again - 6 months represents a huge level of commitment!!!!

                            LR x
                            Our greatest glory is not in never falling but in rising every time we fall.


                              My First AF Weekend

                              Hi Legal et al! - Just sending positive vibes and good luck to all of you for this first weekend - as has already been said - keeping busy, plan what to do over those 'drinking hours' (for me 6pm every night - I could set my watch to it!), changing the routine and avoid the temptation places and situations, listen to the CDs, make a list of all the things you want to do with your time now you have some being sober! (I couldn't believe how much time I had wasted when I added it all together!), - start doing some of them! Think of a reward- special bubbles/oils for a long, relaxing bath, a visit to the spa, a gift to applaud your achievements now you also have a little extra money! ....

                              Most of all, look forward to enjoying it - and aaaaall of it- no nursing hangovers, no curled up on sofas, no regrets, no half the day trying to piece together what you did the night before and cringing with embarassment when you find out, no apologising....You've taken control - so kick butt and take this next big step on your journey!

                              Warmest wishes to all :l x
                              :rays: Arial

                              Last first day - 15th April 2012
                              Days 1-7 DONE
                              Days 8-14 DONE
                              Days 15-21 DONE
                              30 days DONE
                              60 days
                              100 days

