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My First AF Weekend

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    My First AF Weekend

    Hi Legal Eagle,

    Good luck not drinking this weekend! When I am fighting the urge to drink, I get angry and have a huge sense of boredom I definitely get where you're coming from. Just think of how good you are going to feel after your AF weekend. And as others have said, keep busy, fill your time with something that you don't associate with drinking. I cleaned for hours today (a rarity, believe me), but it kept me busy, passed time, and it felt good to have a shiny house after I was done. No drinking tonight. Whenever the thought crossed my mind as the day was winding down, I reminded myself over and over again about how awful I felt this morning after polishing off a bottle of wine last night. Again, good luck. You can do this!



      My First AF Weekend

      :new: Hi there - this is my first time on this site - I must admit it's the first time I've admitted to having a drinking problem (huge gulp) there, I've said it!! I've been drinking every day for 25 years -only stopping when pregnant with my 2 children, sick, in hospital or that hung over that thinking about a drink is blah. I've only recently found out that my Mum was a very serious drinker but has since given up (so there is hope for me!)

      I am a red wine drinker and don't start until 4.30 in the afternoon - but I'm finding that a bottle disappears really quickly nowadays and on occasion a second bottle is on the go. What scares the crap out of me is forgetting the night before and losing precious time with my 2 grandkids. Shouldn't happen and if I'm half the women I think I am it won't happen any more.

      I must admit that I'm not trying for abstinence just moderation. I gave up smoking 17 years ago when pregnant with my daughter - went from 75 a day to 0 and have never started back up so I know I can do it.

      I'm looking forward to having an AF weekend next weekend - our weekend is nearly over in Australia. Wish me luck - hope to speak to some of you soon.

      Thanks Sue


        My First AF Weekend



        You are in a good place to start. Boy, your story sounds an awful lot like mine and many others here.

        I got a little, okay a lot, farther along than you did before I tried to stop, so you are a jump ahead of me. :goodjob:

        I would definitely read RJ's book if you can download it. It is full of good information and you can buy the supplements locally. Drinking does rob the body of nutrients needed and the supplementation does help.

        I am sure others will jump in and welcome you, too.

        Good luck with your journey and your AF weekend!!

        Post any time you have questions or need friends to help.

        AF April 9, 2016


          My First AF Weekend

          Leagle: I found weekends very difficult but as of this weekend, I'm completing my 4th. I can hardly believe it. Drinking was my Sunday activity. Now, I'm finding other things to do: walk the dog, see the grandkids, shop, recreate, etc. I've done these activities drunk, but they are much more enjoyable sober. Good luck, Mary
          Wisdom, Courage, Strength
          October 3, 2012


            My First AF Weekend

            Hey Gang.

            I made it through yesterday. By dinnertime, I was in a routine, and out my boredom/angry mode.

            Going AF today as well. First AF Sunday in probably three years. Feels pretty good.

            Treated myself to a new suit today for incentive and reinforcement!

            Best of luck, guys.


              My First AF Weekend

              Hello Legal et al

              I sincerely hope that all who were trying to had a successful AF weekend - delighted to report that I did(the first for many years).

              Just dived on here quickly during lunch.

              Catch up with you later

              Best wishes


