For all those who I've got to know on this site - sorry I haven't been in touch.
I've had a bit of a rollercoaster 10 days and my marriage was virtually in tatters yesterday and my husband was about to walk.
I finally admitted to him that drink was ruling my life and I had very little interest in much else. After alot of talking and soul searching I was glad I admitted the problem and we're going to give it another go. However, I'm now at a crossroads - do I contact the organisation that my GP gave me (not sure I want to do the "hi my name is bloggo and I'm an alcoholic" thing or give the NWO

My 6 year old son got hit by a car last week and I ended up spending the night in the hospital with him. Fortunately he was fine and no damage done but it was a definite wake up call. I stopped taking the Kudzu; don't know why. I've been off work with a really bad cold this week which hasn't helped my mental state - I know I need to kick myself up the butt...
Luc, Rachel, Cindi, Uli - you've always been there with me and you're making a go of things. I'd love to hear from you.
Looking forward to some happier a/f times.