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Back on the scene - Hellllllpppppp!

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    Back on the scene - Hellllllpppppp!

    Hi Guys,

    For all those who I've got to know on this site - sorry I haven't been in touch.

    I've had a bit of a rollercoaster 10 days and my marriage was virtually in tatters yesterday and my husband was about to walk.

    I finally admitted to him that drink was ruling my life and I had very little interest in much else. After alot of talking and soul searching I was glad I admitted the problem and we're going to give it another go. However, I'm now at a crossroads - do I contact the organisation that my GP gave me (not sure I want to do the "hi my name is bloggo and I'm an alcoholic" thing or give the NWO program a go. I know everyone is different but any advice, thoughts, whatever would be helpful.

    My 6 year old son got hit by a car last week and I ended up spending the night in the hospital with him. Fortunately he was fine and no damage done but it was a definite wake up call. I stopped taking the Kudzu; don't know why. I've been off work with a really bad cold this week which hasn't helped my mental state - I know I need to kick myself up the butt...

    Luc, Rachel, Cindi, Uli - you've always been there with me and you're making a go of things. I'd love to hear from you.

    Looking forward to some happier a/f times.

    Back on the scene - Hellllllpppppp!

    Hi Sweet Cheeks,
    I don't know you from when you were last here but I do see that you live in the UK.
    I have been making the most of the NHS alcohol and drug agency in my area.
    They run all sorts of free programmes like, Stress Management, Relapse Management, Abstinence Support etc. I am also seeing a phsycologist which I am finding very helpful and it is all absolutely free. They also do couple therapy as well, which may be useful to you and your hubby. You don't have to be referred by a doctor, but there is usually a waiting list (couple of weeks at least), but well worth the wait to gain some tools to help beat the drinking demon.
    PM me if you would like more details.
    It sounds like telling your hubby all is the best thing you could have done, now you will have to really work at it to get yourself to a better place as far as alcohol is concerned.
    Good on you and good luck.
    Take care x

    Sober since 30/06/10


      Back on the scene - Hellllllpppppp!

      take care

      Hi Sweet

      Whether you go to AA is up to you. there are so many meetings available and in my experience you meet some very nice professional people. It's not for me because I don't want to stand up as you said and I don't like labels. I don't like giving out my phone number to a million strangers right off the bat (they all asked and i felt rude to refuse, so I wound up with lots of calls when i was out with friends, checking to see if i was coming to a meeting etc!). If you do go, watch out for that.

      Also, there are other programs out there. i had a GP once who suggsted a women's sobriety program, govt sponsored. It was different from the AA model. I really think you should ask for all the options and do some searching. I mentioned this to another member, there is also something called SMART recovery, which offers face to face meetings.
      SMART Recovery?

      I think this site is great but there probably is value in meeting people face to face.

      good luck


        Back on the scene - Hellllllpppppp!

        Sweet Cheeks , I remember you took the time for me a couple of weeks ago when I was "rock bottom" and your words really made a difference to me. Thank you for that. Now, we've got to get you off that slippery slope. I don't know how long you've been with MWO or how much of the programme you've taken on, if any. My advice would be, if you haven't yet, read the book and read all the information on this site. Then decide what parts of the programme would be right for you. The first thing I did in May was to get onto the vitamins and supps and straight away I felt better. Definitely get back onto the kudzo. Keep posting, reading posts and try to feel positive that you are turning your life around. You can do it Sweet Cheeks. Janicexxx
        AF since 9 May 2012
        Quit trying to control something that is uncontrollable (Bear February 08)


          Back on the scene - Hellllllpppppp!

          Thanks for your support guys and your invaluable advice. It's great to know what the options are. I'm going to take a look at the MOW program first and definitely get back on the Kudzu again. Unfortunately I've been one of those people that uses any setback in life as an excuse to hit the bottle. I'm now more focused now I've come clean and will definitely keep posting to let you all know how I'm doing. At the end of the day, I've got the telephone number as a support should I need it. Once I've got over this cold I'm going to go back to the gym too and try to put my energy into something more positive.

          I'm glad I could offer some support Janice and hope that I will be able to offer more in the future. Being an HR Manager, I'm good at sorting out everyone else's lifes but not my own!!



            Back on the scene - Hellllllpppppp!

            (((Sweet Cheeks Hugs)))

            All of the resources mentioned so far in this thread sound like great things to check out. I don't think of MWO necessarily as an "or" program, but could be an "and" program to lots of different things.

            I am taking the full range of recommended supplements including L-glutamine, and also GABA which I like. I truly believe that the Kudzu and L-glut help reduce cravings, but I know that the overall nutritional component is helping me too - I see other healing going on in my body. Alcohol drains us of nutrients and health in so many ways. The book does a good job of explaining a lot of that. I also really like the hypnosis CD's. So I second Janice's suggestion to definitely give the book a read if you haven't, or maybe a refresh -read if you have it already.

            It sounds like you have taken a very positive step by being honest with your husband. Now you can truly start on the path to wellness.

            I didn't have any interest in labeling myself in front of a group either in the AA tradition....different strokes for different folks. Some of the groups like Women for Sobriety (I think I got that right - I've read about it but there is not currently a group real close to me) sound interesting.

            Best wishes - WE CAN DO THIS! You are worth it.

            Sobriety Date = 5/22/08
            Nicotine Free Date = 2/27/07

            One day at a time.


              Back on the scene - Hellllllpppppp!

              Thx Doggygirl - welcome the advice.

              I certainly need to stock up on supplies don't I. Sounds as if you're on the right track from your posts too.

              I agree that MWO is an "and" not an "or" but I'm determined to try anything to win the battle.



                Back on the scene - Hellllllpppppp!

                Hi sweet cheeks, sorry I didn't welcome you back sooner but as you've probably read i've not been in a good place myself ....

                but anyway ............ you can do this ........ Keep in touch and perhaps we can help each other ...

                Love & hugs, BB xx


                  Back on the scene - Hellllllpppppp!

                  Welcome back, Sweet Cheeks - I'm so glad your son is unharmed - what a scare!

                  I can't add any other options but I would say keep an open mind and try everything - find what works for you. If you are determined to beat this, then you WILL find a way and we're here to help any way we can. Hopefully coming clean to your husband and your new commitment will herald the start of a new life for you, and finding the happiness you and your family deserve.

                  You can do this, so get armed, make a plan and keep us posted. Good luck!!
                  :rays: Arial

                  Last first day - 15th April 2012
                  Days 1-7 DONE
                  Days 8-14 DONE
                  Days 15-21 DONE
                  30 days DONE
                  60 days
                  100 days


                    Back on the scene - Hellllllpppppp!

                    Welcome back Sweet Cheeks glad your son is ok. I can't suggest anything that hasn't
                    already been said. Like Ariel said try everything, stock up on supps (Holland & Barratt have
                    a half price sale on L glut this week). Best of luck Paula.


                      Back on the scene - Hellllllpppppp!

                      Welcome Back!

                      Sweet Cheeks,

                      I am so sorry to hear about the car accident. What a horrible incident to live through. On top of that to go throug the whole " do we want to stay together thing " and owning up to your husband about the drinking.

                      I am here for you. PM me any time. I will also PM you with my e-mail. Do not hesitate to use it. If I don't respond timely it is purely a time zone issue.

                      You can take care of yourself #1 and then the rest of the taking care of people will fall into place. Trust me on this. Been there, done that.

                      It sounds like a real rollercoaster ride for you right now. Take deep breaths and relax. :h

                      AF April 9, 2016


                        Back on the scene - Hellllllpppppp!

                        Hello Sweet Cheeks, I agree with you about the Kudzu.. It really wipes out all the cravings. Sometimes I get a "mind" craving and I just say "No" to it literally... Remembering waking up feeling the guilt, body crappy all day, head all fuzzy... No thank-you I'll take Kudzu and take back my day thank-you. Thanks for sharing and reinforcing this to us. Take Good Care !!!

                        ~ I hear a whinny on the wind~


                          Back on the scene - Hellllllpppppp!

                          Great to have you back Sweet Cheeks.

                          My doc also gave me a phone no. for an alcohol addiction service, but I decided that personally, I could get all the support I needed and more right here.

                          Have had false starts though..........kidded myself I could moderate.......LMAO!!!

                          Am now on 6th AF night and is becoming significantly more manageable..........could still murder a glass of wine, but am simply not buying any!!!!

                          Good luck,

                          Starlight Impress x


                            Back on the scene - Hellllllpppppp!

                            Nice to see you back SC.
                            I am so happy your son is alright, how very scary.

                            The Kudzu and LGlut combo has done wonders for me and helped me get my drinking under control. I wish you the very best success.
                            "Keep your eyes and heart focused on the end goal at all times, and never settle for less."


                              Back on the scene - Hellllllpppppp!

                              Sweet Cheeks, I am so sorry to hear about your son's accident. That must have been a horrible experience for both of you and it's not surprising really that you were tempted to turn to your 'comforter' (false though it is).

                              I found the kudzu helped too, though I'm not doing particularly brilliantly atm myself. A friend of mine has been referred to an 'alcohol service' by her GP which seems to go in more for a counselling approach rather than the AA approach. Maybe you could try that? Basically, I think whatever works for you is great, doesn't matter what it is.

                              Take lots of care of yourself - am hoping to be back on here more regularly (and soberly) in the near future.

                              Much love

