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New here. please help

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    New here. please help

    Hello all, I am new here looking despriately for help with my alcohol problem. Once I allow myself to start, I keep drinking compulsively. I dn't know why I do it. I don't really buy the disease concept. I obcess about drinking and the high I get and then I do it. No reason. I have tried AA twice and came out worse. My drinking has cause me a few problems, but not too many. I am a successful person. I just wish I could drink moderately like everyone else, and not obcessive with it. I am thinking of trying topamax, but I have an eye problem, glacoma. I am looking for any suggestions. Please help!

    New here. please help

    Hi Doxy and welcome.
    Don`t know about the topamax, although am sure I`ve read of it not being suitable for some. Others will be along to tell you..........and there are other people on campral and naltrexone.

    Just do some research here, wait on more replies and set yourself a plan........we all have the power to do this within ourselves........I haven`t had a drink for 6 days.......see!!!

    Wishing you luck and love,

    Starlight Impress x


      New here. please help

      Hi doxymom,
      I'm also new new and wanted to add a few lines. Sometimes people don't rely quickly. I think they will evidentily. I'm thinking about trying topamax, but don't where to ge it online in US. I'm going on prozac and have ordered other supp's online that's recommened for our group. I might see if counseling helps me too.



        New here. please help

        Hi Doxy: I was able to give up drinking for 25 days after many, many years of it. I did it one day at a time & coming here to MWO daily. After the first week, it does get easier. Mary
        PS: I don't take Topamax or any of the supps. I just take my regular vitamins, & that & my determination seems to work today.
        Wisdom, Courage, Strength
        October 3, 2012


          New here. please help

          yeh, whatever works, works. try everything and keep in touch here with all the great people with great advice.
          Your time is limited, so don't waste it living someone else's life... And most important, have the courage to follow your heart and intuition. They somehow already know what you truly want to become. Everything else is secondary.

          Steve Jobs, Stanford Commencement Adress, 2005


            New here. please help

            Hi Doxy and :welcome: . You might want to try the Kudzu & L-glut, I really think they help a lot. I get my L-glut @ the drug store, it's just an amino acid. You can pour it under your tongue if you have strong cravings. I keep some with me, and take extra if I'm going out.
            Have you read RJ's book yet? You can download it from this site.
            The only thing worth stealing is a kiss...:flower: zwink:


              New here. please help

              Doxymom;174058 wrote: Hello all, I am new here looking despriately for help with my alcohol problem. Once I allow myself to start, I keep drinking compulsively. I dn't know why I do it. I don't really buy the disease concept. I obcess about drinking and the high I get and then I do it. No reason. I have tried AA twice and came out worse. My drinking has cause me a few problems, but not too many. I am a successful person. I just wish I could drink moderately like everyone else, and not obcessive with it. I am thinking of trying topamax, but I have an eye problem, glacoma. I am looking for any suggestions. Please help!
              having glaucoma or eye problems is not a good mix with topamax.
              You can't turn a pickle into a cucumber


                New here. please help

                Doxymom --- I was just like you a month ago. I spent weeks reading this board and then bought the book. (You can also download it which is faster.) I still wasn't ready. But, when I reached out to people here and got one-on-one advice from a very special person, I made up my mind. I ordered the vitamins (I agree that the Kudzu and L-Glut are probably the most important, but I didn't want to take the chance). So, I ordered from this website to make sure the strengths and quality was the same. I ordered the CDs too, but was very skeptical. I have to say that it was the best spent money and IT REALLY WORKS!! It is actually EASY!! I listened and took the pills for 3 days before I began and I didn't even want a drink the first night. It has been pretty clear sailing since then. I am on Day 6 today!!! I know I couldn't have done it without this program and the support. Keep reading and good luck! We are here for you!


                  New here. please help

                  Hi Doxy!! Welcome. :welcome:

                  You are definately at the right place. Yep, sound exactly the same as me,.....yet I have managed various lengths of AF spells and educated myself immensly. Not to mention immersing myself into this website and the people on it.
                  Come here as often as you can and you WILL benefit.

                  Sober since 30/06/10


                    New here. please help

                    Hi Doxymom,

                    I just read your post. We are the same in the area of AA attempts, a certain kind of discontent with it, but wanting to wrestle with alcohol to stop despite that. I wound up here this past Thursday because of that formula. That obsessing over the drink and related high, not to mention the excited high over just thinking about the thing (laugh) can be a real hook of sorts.

                    I've found a comforting sense of support here. I am going to cut myself short because I only have sisteen days after years of trying to widely varying various degrees of success.

                    However, a doctor who I trust told be years ago that professionally enhanced nutrition and light exercise can also be of benefit. What I've heard of this site's "prescription" indicates that being suggested here too.

                    Hope you are feeling well or feel well soon!



                      New here. please help


                      Hi DoxyMom,

                      :welcome: We are all here for you and just know that you are not ALONE!!! :goodjob: for posting your message. You will definitely get alot of support here....

                      Janet :h
                      AF Day 12 as of 11:30pm tonight
                      AF Since May 2nd 2012


                        New here. please help

                        Hi, I've been away awhile. I've got the vits, etc. to get started. So, I am going to reach one hour at a time for thirty days. Thanks for all the great advice. And you will be seeing more of me. I plan to come here whenever I am tempted to drink.


                          New here. please help

                          Good for you in making a start Doxymom.

                          Wishing you love and strength.

                          Starlight Impress x


                            New here. please help

                            :welcome: Doxymom, We're glad you are here. Do you have the MWO book? I'm on Day 7 and I'm here to tell you it works. All you have to do is want it and be willing to work hard. The first 3-5 days are the hardest but if I can do it, you can do it. Keep posting and reading and the great people here will help you get through it. This site has changed the lives of alot of people. Again, Welcome.. Don

