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One Week Abers..

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    One Week Abers..

    Don - Congratulations on your Day 1 decision. You can do it! We are all here for you!

    Make this a happy Sunday everyone! ) And, like I like to say --- one that you will remember!! (It doesn't have to be super special, but I had many a day - or night - that I didn't remember at all!! Can you say "embarrassing", "scary", "irresponsible"???????)


      One Week Abers..


      I'm going to try one week . It' just day one and I'm going to drink green tea, which I did yesterday. I think other juices would also help me and of course the supplements. One day at a time sounds ideal for me, and goal of one week will equal some special treat to work toward. Thanks for starting this post.


        One Week Abers..

        Thank you Pinky. I so much want to succeed... Don


          One Week Abers..

          Don, "wanting" it is half the battle. You will do this so long as this is what you really, truly want. Be strong and confident in yourself! (A friend of mine told me that and it helped...)

          :welcome: :goodjob:


            One Week Abers..

            Good luck to all of you that are just starting out. Aiming for a week is a great idea if a month sounds too daunting - reminds me of the 'how do you eat an elephant?' analogy!

            It is very scary at first, just thinking how you are going to get through day 1 & then 2. But you CAN do it.

            Well, done Buffy on day one.

            I'm rooting for you all.

            Best wishes



              One Week Abers..

              Hi Buffy, Chief and Pollyanna, I'm just checking in on Sun night. both Sat and Sun were AF for me. Hope you all had a good day. Don, when you get a craving, open the L-glutamine capsule and pour it under your tongue, then get on here until it passes. You'll be fine unless you have been drinking so heavily that you need medical help with detox.


                One Week Abers..

                Happy Monday morning to you all are all doing so great..........just keep on going.

                Today is Day 8 AF for me, and believe me.............if this defeatist weakling (LOL) can do it, you all can too!!!!!!

                Rooting for you all, my friends.

                All my love,

                Starlight Impress x


                  One Week Abers..

                  Goodmorning, I am sitting with my coffee and reading your posts. Hi Louise, Wanttostop, Chief(Don), and Pollyanna. I hope you are all doing well. I made it throught the night easily with the help of a Steven King novel. I can drink and watch tv, but I can't read a book while drinking and I can't put this book down. I did watch my 2 favorite shows last night, John from Cincinnati, and Entourage, but read in between and then about an hour before I went to sleep. Going on day 3, and thinking about it as just another day is alot easier for me than looking into the future as a 30 day project. I hope it is helping you all too. Thanks for all the encouragment from retteacher, amelia, pinklady, Iam, chaaku, and starlight. Good luck to you all. Buffy


                    One Week Abers..

                    Goodmorning! I'm drinking my coffee also. Doing well. I've done this before and this time is seeming much easier, probably because I wasn't out of control when I started, just had way too many dinners out with friends with wine while on vacation so this is a good way to get back to true mods. We'll see if we go out to eat or head back to the weekend. Last night went to a friend's house for dinner. I took my own non-alcoholic beer with me so I wouldn't be tempted by the wine and beer others were having. Buffy, great you have found something to do inside that you can't do while drinking. The ones I can think of, like housecleaning, aren't much fun! Hope everyone else is doing well and thanks for encouragement to those dropping by.


                      One Week Abers..

                      Good morning! I have been reading your board and am starting out today. I tried half-way in June to no avail. I am used to drinking a least a bottle of wine every night sometimes more. I never drink past dinner time but am usually pretty gone by then that I say more than I should, promise things to my children that I shouldn't, sleep awful at night and repeat the same cycle the next day. This really seems to have gotten worse for the last2 years . I have gained about 35 pounds and am miserable. I had some real health scares the last 7 months which I hope are now resolved. My goal is to go one day at a time and by my 45th birthday in October, I'd like to have more control over my desire to drink and have this weight go away(excess weight plus this burden of drinking too much!!) Look forward to reading more from you all.


                        One Week Abers..

                        Good morning everyone! Happy Day 8 AF for me!! (Congrats Starlight on the same milestone!)

                        I am feeling great, but I am going to Napa tomorrow, so who knows what will happen! I am bringing my computer, so look for me ok? Got to go back to work, but just wanted to say hi to everyone!


                          One Week Abers..

                          Hi Reader6, glad to have you with us. I am on day 3 and am feeling good. I like wine too, but don't want to feel bad all the time with a hangover. You will loose weight just the wine alone is about 600 calories a bottle, depending on which one you drink. Not to mention the lack of motivation you have the next day...yuck...I used to be a personal trainer, and am trying to get back on track too....starting out slow is the best way to go. Like the one day at a time no drinking, I am telling myself a small work out today....and we'll see about tomorrow, Tomorrow. It really doesn't have to be much to start with, just do something. Start out with a 15 min walk a day. Hope I can be of help. I am starting the same thing. I will then increase as I go along. bye for now


                            One Week Abers..

                            Hi Everyone: I just want you to know that I'm w/you all the way. The first week is absolutely the hardest. After that, the alcohol has left your body. The cravings come & go, but you can develop your own strategies to fight them. I'm on Day 28 & can hardly believe how my thinking & my behavior has changed. I'm not ashamed & guilt-ridden. I speak up for myself when I have to. I can focus on the moment, instead of obsessing about how, when, & where I'll drink. I just feel so grateful for my sobriety at this moment. I could not have done it wo/MWO, & this newbies forum is the greatest. Love you all, Mary
                            PS: Keep on keepin' on. Now that's an expression that really dates me.
                            Wisdom, Courage, Strength
                            October 3, 2012


                              One Week Abers..

                              Goodmorning, checking in this morning with no hangover. It was hard last night, I got tempted, but kept busy and the feeling went away, It is true....the 3rd day is the hardest. See you later, Buffy


                                One Week Abers..

                                Hi all one week absters!! Just wanted to congratulate everyone on your success - one day at a time. Once you get a week under your belt, you might be surprised how more days start adding up. I sure was!! WE CAN DO THIS!

                                Day 28 AF
                                Sobriety Date = 5/22/08
                                Nicotine Free Date = 2/27/07

                                One day at a time.

